Dec 2, 2003
Man what a day. Could a person ask for a better day to spend in the woods with friends....I dont think so. :cool:

As I was driving towards Evart I was chasing a big storm cloud into town. The ground showing that this cloud was bringing rain. And right behind the cloud was Bright blue skies. Yep I was folowing a rain storm right to my trail. Its almost as if someone looked down at us and smiled today.

Arived at the trail head and there was TcTrailrider and another guy that I cant remember his name. But I rde with him last year at the fall Boon run. Next to show up was Cmore. Followed by Trevor on a KTM450sx. Last to show up was Godzuki and my friend Kurt.

We geared up and headed in, quickly finding our runing order. Cmore and I imediately wondered what got into Godzuki as he was runing at the front of the pack with Trevor. I asked Godzuki how he did at keeping Trevor behind him and he said "good untill my arms pumped up". To wich I naturaly replied "so then what did you do after the 1st 100 yards? :laugh: "

The woops out there are pretty big this spring. There are some really nice stretches in there but he woops are massivly deep. They sure keep you on your toes. Trevor, Godzuki and the Ktm200 fella were pretty much gone leaving the rest of us to dice it up. About 6 miles out we catch the front 3 at a rest stop were Trev anounces that he has a flat front tire and is heading back to fix it. He would try to hook up with us latter "as I sit there thinking if anyone can do that he can" :think:

I had to tell my tale of near disaster as something in the trail snapped my bars full lock and pointed my at a tree at terminal velocity. Just when it was lights out for the YZman my bars snapped straight and I skimed by gently clipping the tree with my handguard. Mental note remember to send Scotts steering damper's a thank you note tomorrow.

We take off again and I fall in behind Godzuki and try my hardest to push him. He would get away in the wooped out straights and I would real him back in the tight twisty's. We both finially had to stop as our hands were going numb and we were both breathing pretty hard. Godzuki has stepped up his game this year I can see. All this time laid off from work, hanging out at the gym is obviousely paying off.

At this point we made it around the top of the loop and were on the downward stretch. I came around a corner and it was suddenly as if I went back in time.........

There was a big water hole maybe 20ft across with many lines thru all nasty. Brian, already movin along pretty well, wheelied into it. According to him the front wheel came down about 1/2 way thru and cross rutted. This is about when I came around the corner, just in time to see the bike stick like glue and Brian fly thru the air. In a flash he was lying on his back making mud angels. The DRZ fella and me snuck thru beside him. I stopped to make sure he could get the bike running, it was laying on its side in the mud after all. As he is trying to get it started Sndmn's son blasts thru once again covering Brian in a wall of mud. Too funny.

I quickly snap back to the the present and watch as godzuki drops into a significantly dryer mud hole and moters thru with ease as did I right behind him.

Continueing on I had soon found myself having another flash back.........

I was folowing Brian close behind when he had another brain fart. The trail split around a stump. Instead of going around it he center punched it. The bike stopped dead and stood straight up on the front wheel. I slammed on the binders and barley missed running him over. I was laughing my butt off even before I came to a stop.

I couldn't help but smile as I rode around the tree stump wishing I had brought a camera with me to share the moment with Brian.

We passed the memorial cross were a fellow dirtbiker passed away doing what he loved, riding in the woods with good friends.

Shortly latter we came up on the "rooty stairstep" and suprise suprise people have been riding it again. Its no longer blocked off. Cmore looks at me I look at him and we both smile and charge up it clearing it with ease. I am really starting to like this auto clutch a lot. It was much harder last time I tried it on my YZ400 I am sure of it :think:

And on we continued. We stoped and took a breather. Shortly after Godzuki came back to see what was up. Then who should come along but Trevor. He had went back to the truck, fixed his tire and blitzed back thru the trail and cought us. Of corse by this point his tire was flat again. But even with that handycap I still couldn't keep him in sight. I think he would just twist the loud handle harder to keep the front tire off the ground.

And so we continued back to the staging area. What a great day to ride. And what a great bunch of guys to share it with. A little small talk in the parking lot had Trevor talking about some older enduro rider that shows up at almost every race on an old Penton. TCT and I look at each other and both reply "oh you mean Ted" Tct and I retold some of our favorite youngsters exploits leaving Trevor just shaking his head smiling.

Man the last year or so I have noticed a trend happening with my riding that is disturbing. I am fine as long as I am on the bike and riding. But as soon as I get home and sit down, I look at the clock and find that several hours have passed in he blink of an eye. And I have been drooling. Man I cant stay awake after a ride to save my life. I knew I was in trouble driving home as I had to keep shaking my head to clear the sleep outta my eyes. Oh well its the price I pay for having so much fun in the woods. :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN - I knew you werent going to take that GREAT weather lying around watching TV!! Sounds like you guys had a RIOT up there!!
So, hows that Auto Clutch do comoing back down those steps?? Does it still give you motor braking or do you have to brake your way down??
IS Evart opened up more then it use to be?? How about the top of the loop where they Logged - still twisty or is it wide open now??
Any way, GREAT to hear you hardcore guys took full advantage of another super Michigan trail day!!


Sep 22, 2004
man that was fun i love that trail woo hoo. yea after trevor went back to the truck the guy on the 200 took over for lead and we followed his dust trail for awhile we had just about caught him and i could hear yzman closing in on me in those tight sections and i was sure i was going to hear that hornof his any second so i pull over to let him go and he stops next to me and we took a break right there, everybody showed up but the guy on the 200 was nowhere to be seen, we didnt even see him back in the parking lot he was loaded up and gone before we got there. yea we took off from that stop and i could hear yzman here and there every time i would hit a tight section(me and my texas longhorn handle bars had to go slower and yes i do plan on cutting those down this week) he would be right back on me, well i had went through a couple of those and nobody so i stop at the top of this large hill pull off my helmet tool puche gloves walk over and water the woods, i then realize i dont hear any motors anywhere. i waited probably 5-10 minutes and i hear the faint sound of a bike comming, so i quick run over to the yz throwing the helmet on and chest protector and what not, im sitting on the yz ive got the kick starter primed and ready with the decompression already done all i have to do is kick it, and i see a headlight come down the other hill, hey wait a minute that bike is orange, well tct is on a ktm exc i could be his, so it gets closer i fire the yz wait a minute thats not him. about that time another orange bike comes down the hill so i shut the yz off pull the helmet off again and wait till they are out of ear shot, and still nothing, so i think to myself man i wonder if somebody got hurt or something or wrecked and they are fixing it, so i decid well ive got to go back but i had better do it realy slow cause they might start comming head on at me hauling but, so i plod along for about 10 minutes and come to a intersection and there they all are eating tct's jerky hehehe everybody saying hey you might damage the motor by revving it that high(as i was idleing back to them hehe) i said and here i thought somebody was hurt or broke down. your all here eating jerky. yea today i felt good (all except the instant arm pump i got all of a sudden not sure what caused that cause the past couple of rides i didnt get it at all) even with the arm pump and hand cramps, im guessing from those monster deep whoops, complete with a nice rock littering(was realy happy i had a skid plate today to i heard several rocks ding of that today) yep the gym is helping ive noticed that over several rides my endurance seem much better than before and i havent gotten the after ride legg cramps i used to get. but im still over weight by 20 pounds so more cardio and lifting.

yea even with trevors flat front i could barley manage to keep in the end of his dust, man he is fast. i have no idea how he went that fast with a flat front.

all in all a realy fun day but so far tomahawk is still my favorite. ohh and you said curt would fall asleep hehe i kept him up the whole ride back to his house hehehe i could see his eyes wanted to just fall shut, but id keep talking and we bs'ed the whole way back. hehe


Dec 2, 2003
woodsy said:
So, hows that Auto Clutch do comoing back down those steps?? Does it still give you motor braking or do you have to brake your way down??
IS Evart opened up more then it use to be?? How about the top of the loop where they Logged - still twisty or is it wide open now??
Any way, GREAT to hear you hardcore guys took full advantage of another super Michigan trail day!!

Wadda ya mean compresion braking. I just gas it on the top root and jump to the bottom :laugh:

Yea the quads have opened up much of the trail. But there is still some nice tight stuff in there. That logged out area is starting to get some personality again.


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 27, 2001
Just wondering, but did the guy with the 200 have a blue Dodge Ram?


Apr 25, 2004
TCTrailrider said:
Nice write up Don. It was a great day. Fun riding with you guys, A little dusty but much better than I had guessed. :cool:

It was nice chatting with you after YOUR ride (since my ride started after you guys were well on your way around the loop) . I had no idea that the bunch standing around as I pulled in after MY ride were about half of the "DRN" crew that I often read comments from on these threads. Darn, I would have liked to put faces with names and to think I had the chance to do so and didn't realize it.

The same thing happened at Horseshoe last weekend when I happened to be there as well (but not realizing that there was an organized trail ride (of sorts). I did meet Woodsy there as he walked over to figure out who we were.

Maybe next time.


Sep 22, 2004
so that was you katoom125 on the new yz 250, yea well at least we know who you are now hehe. i was wearing the scott goggles mechanic shirt (grey with orange lettering) if you can remember that or not. yep thats a nice 250 you got there. well it was nice meeting you even without meeting you kinda hehe.

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