
Feb 1, 2001
OK, coming off an 02 YZ250, I know it was going to take some time getting used to the 125. After the usual break in stuff, I took it for a ride the other day....The bike is bone stock, all I did was raise the clip one position on the needle. ( I have the 1469g on order, along with a few jets)


Can I saw WOW!!! Granted, it's not a 250, but man this thing is a rocket! I am so happy with the motor. The only thing I noticed is that it doesn't pull like my brother's 02 at the top. I'm planning on getting the Procircuit pipe/silencer to help bout this. I am so impressed with this motor....


I've never ridden a bike that easy to turn...I didn't even get a complete lap in before I was already accustomed to the way it turned. To be honest, I was a little afraid that I was going to be one of those people that just can't get a KTM to turn. But oh man does this thing rail berms...You can scream this thing all the way around the turn and never have a worry...


Call me a little wierd, but it didn't seem as harsh as I thought it was going to be. I did feel the smaller stuff more, but it didn't beat me up, and I never really got pumped up. Going through the braking bumps and whoops, it tracked dead straight...I didn't once have it get away from me. I'm probably still going to get it revalved (I'm thinking MXTECH) But we'll see....


What is it about KTM? Both my brother and I have both improved litteraly over night with these bikes. But I can't put a finger on why...Anyone got a clue as to why these things are so easy to ride?

Hard seat...I hear so many complaints about it...But I love it. It's so much easier to move around on the seat. I had a tall Guts seat foam on my YZ and it was like a darn pillow. As soon as you sit down, it swallowed you up...

Hydraulic Clutch...Pure Heaven. It's so nice knowing there's no cable to lube, adjust, etc. It was nice and soft...Consistent too...


Are there really any??? The only ones I see are so petty, it's almost not worth mentioning....

Turning the darn thing when you are trying to load it on the trailer, etc is impossible. The handlebars might as well be fixed straight...It's amazing that this this is so easy to turn while riding...I dialed the stops in as far as they would go without the forks hitting the radiators, but it didn't help much....

That rattle is going to drive me nuts...I read on hear that its the chain guide...I'm going to try and stick a piece of foam underneath it this afternoon to see if that is the rattle I hear...

All in all, it was the best move I've made so far....Only time will tell to see if I will become a true diehard KTM fan. But from the looks of it, I'm going to be one of their biggest fans...


Oct 19, 2000
You left a few things out. How are the brakes? Too touchy or just right and easy to controll? The ergo's do they suite a tall rider ok is it better for shorter riders? Did you ever feel those steering stops on the track? If you had a choice on a revalve which end would you do first?    thanks! Steve


Feb 1, 2001

The brakes seemed soft at first, but they seem to be settling in after my second ride today...I still think the Yamaha had stronger brakes, but time will tell. Hopefully they're still seating themselves...

The ergos feel great...I'm 6'3, and the bike felt small at first, but as soon as I took my first lap, I never noticed a difference. I still plan on putting a tall seat on, but I'm really in no jurry to do it.

The steering stops are not a problem at all on the track...The thing turns on a dime. It is honestly the easiest bike I've ever had as far as turning goes...

If I had to only do one end, I would have to go with the shock. I noticed today that on some acceleration bumps, it really kicked me pretty good. One time it kicked me right off to the side of the seat...But I kep on the pipe and it tracked pretty straight....I think the key is to keep the suspension under load...I think that I can probably fine tune it somewhat, but I think the ultimate fix will be a revalve.

Anyone who loves 125's would absolutely love this bike...I'm a true believer!!

This thing is bone stock, and it will hold it's own as is...I can't wait to start doing some mods!!!


Oct 18, 2001
I have a mod 03 125sx that I just did. I went w/ tighter squish, port mods, expoxy, pv mod and correct position, updated jetting, pipe, silencer, reeds, there is not a faster 125 around here, period. My e-mail is if you want o list of what I have done. Watch out for your clutch slave cylinder, it leaks after the inside o-ring. The resv @ the clutch lever will lose fluid, you suck air, blow your clutch. This can happen in one day, check the resv before every ride. You can re-fill it w/ 2.5 fork oil if you can't find the mineral oil, it will give you plusher feel at the lever, and won't kill seals. Loctite everything, sprockets, rotors, pipe, etc,,,,,esp the shifter and kicker, use red stuff. Also make sure you bleed the collant system, there are releif points at the head, and right rad. Your bike will overheat, go w/ 60% distilled water, 35% engine ice, and 5% redline water wetter, it will run cooler for sure. I have done about a million things, they all improved this bike, it is w/o a doubt the fastest, funnest, most diff, and inspiring 125 I have ever riden, it flat out hauls @$$ bigtime. The weakest link is the susp, but I have ridden them all, it is not as bad as the mags said. The front is undersprung for most, I went w/ .42kg, it rides higher in the stroke. The rear need to see about 120mm of sag to "drop the rear and raise the front". If this bike said YZ on the side of it, everyone would have one. My next move if I want to push it, is to get the EG 144 kit to race it against the 450's in the Vet. Post back- btw, welcome to


Feb 1, 2001
I've gone over the bolts both times I've taken her out, everything was nice and snugg. I'll definately take that advice and start going over some things with loctite....

I agree 100% about the YZ thing....But hey, I'd hate to see my competition riding this bike!!! Let them keep riding blue & red. This KTM is the best kept secret....I'm pretty curious as to how the 04 is going to be....Now, I'm not bashing them at all since I just came off the YZ. I was pretty bummed to see it go, but every time I ride the KTM, I am grinning ear to ear. Everyone could probably hear me hooting and hollaring as I'm going by!!!

I was really worried that I was going to turn into a KTM hater, but oh am I a fan!!!


Jun 14, 2002
Yeah, I've got an 03 125er also, and i love it!!! I havnt done any mods yet, and am looking for some small things to mess with on it for more power. Definatly loctite everything, i lost 4 sets of loctited bolts from the end of my silencer. I ended up welding the spinning flange nuts to dtop them from spinning, loctited, and bought cap screws, and saftey wired. not a problem since. Im running the stock jetting, whats your climate, and what are u running? I also use onlt 94 oct pump gas.........

Rip It up!!!!!!


Feb 1, 2001

I am at sea level, decent humidity, 70's - 80's right now. Summers get to be in the 90's at times.

Right now my jetting is stock, except I moved the clip up one position. It cleaned it up some, but it still is pretty fat at the bottom to mid. Top seems pretty crisp so far.

I'm going to try the 1469g needle as suggested by a ton of guys on the 03 125....

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