First Timer's Impressions - GG Moto Trials SF


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
My FIRST Trials event, what a great time I had! Ever since 1Ringo1 posted that pic in his member gallery climbing up that face of granite I've been wanting to see this stuff in action.  A few of my woods riding friends have trials bikes, and Nicole Bradford and Kerrie Brokaw, my instructors at the Oregon Off-road school, are certainly accomplished Trials riders, but I've never seen this stuff in action.  Patman brought his trials bike to Dirtweek and I got to watch a few folks play around on it.  That was fun, but actually seeing the first, inaugural indoor mototrials in the US....that was a show!

It seemed that most of the DRN Nor Cal spode group was there, so I got to see my buds.  First up was the demonstrations held prior to the Main Event.  I was hanging with Karna and her Dad, John.  John is a 27 year Trials veteran and seems to know EVERYONE in the business.  As it turned out, he knew many of the Trials community in attendance, and I got to meet many of them myself. 

I signed up to try out a Trials bike myself, as it looked like too much fun to pass up.  I got to ride a Gas Gas 280 "something model" and it was loads of fun.  I did not go into the demo area with the people that actually navigated obstacles, I was content to perform SLOW - CONTROLLED - CIRCLES (That was for you, Nicole!) in the staging area. I'm glad I tried it out! Now I want one too!

Next up was the autograph session!  I met all of the riders in the event.  They appeared to all be from Canada, USA, and Spain.  I asked them all to sign "To Natalie" on their posters.  The Spanish guy had a hard time with my name, so the Canadian guy next to him spelled it for him.  Still came out "Natalei" :confused: They were all great people and it was an honor to meet them!

I haven't been to the Cow Palace in San Franciso in a long time, so I was reliving quite a few memories of the Grand National Rodeo's I used to attend back in the day.  The place used to get PACKED!  And I'd spend just as much time out in the perimeter socializing as I did in the main event.  The crowd for the Trials event was somewhat smaller.  I'd say about 1/3 of the house was full.  Still, it allowed for me to find and talk to just about everybody I actually knew in attendance (except for Jonala!:ugg: )

Karna's Dad came through again (The man is CONNECTED, I tell ya! ;) ).  Someone he knew let us go all the way down to the actuall trials floor to check out the obstacles.  All kinds of wild stuff, ranging from steep, slick waterfalls, to swinging bridges, to teeter-totter contraptions that make the rider feel like he's shooting strait for the stadium ceiling before the contraption teeters downward from a steep drop to the floor.  Seemed like freaky stuff to me!  I could not wait to see the riders actually negotiate this stuff.

Before the actual show, the "Event Girls" did their parade around the Trials area floor, waving and smiling.  Apparently, they were going to keep score.  Good thing they only had to count to 5.  Karna and I looked at each other, as the girls in paint-on leather pants walked by, and asked the all important question...."But, can they ride dirtbikes????"  We agree that they could not, laughed hautily, and felt better already.  On with the show!

We had front row seats, and the riding was amazing.  How the Trials Riders navigated, negotiated, and conquered some of that stuff was incredible.  I learned quite a bit about the scoring in observed trials and also a few terms like "minder".  As the slow rider in our Nor Cal Spodes Group, I determine that I have many "minders".

The highlight of the evening was the tie breaker between Jeff Aaron and Aaron Bell, both US team mates and Gas Gas riders.  This was incredibly edge-of-your seat stuff.  All the riders had shown bouts with fatigue as the evening wore on, but the professionalism and true grit of these atheletes was shining and it sure did provide one heckuva finish to a great evening.  Jeff Aaron won the event after THREE tie-breaking sections and won by his faster time alone since neither rider picked up any points during this contingency.  WHAT A SHOW!

 :yeehaw: :yeehaw:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Here's a pic of David Chavez from Spain, negotiating the stairs.



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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Wilson Craig of Canada, at the Autograph table.



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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Some Vintage Bike shots at the Trials Show


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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
More Vintage Bikes....


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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002


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Aug 25, 2000
Wish I was there, sounds like it was a success. Some of those vintage machines just look too pretty to "chuck off a rock" ;)

...and Natalei (hehe)'s "Ryan" Bell ;)


Sep 20, 2000
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
Before the actual show, the "Event Girls" did their parade around the Trials area floor, waving and smiling.  Apparently, they were going to keep score.  Good thing they only had to count to 5.  Karna and I looked at each other, as the girls in paint-on leather pants walked by, and asked the all important question...."But, can they ride dirtbikes????":yeehaw: :yeehaw:

Not to sound like a sexist male, who won? :) :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Very cool Nat! You do know that my Monty was there if you wanted to take a spin right? Look for it again at DW2K3 as well as the Fun Trial event. You know all the basic trial techniques can be applied on your KTM. Just to add a little interest to the slow controlled circles exercise try slow, controlled consistant figure 8's it really helps in learing transition. Ray Peters does it with only his throttle hand on the bars and the left behind his back. I thought it looked too easy....WRONG! So  I am still trying to get it nailed as it really forces you to learn to turn with your legs. Sure wish I could have been there to watch the event it sounds like it was a super time!


Aug 29, 2001
Thanks very much for the ride reports and pictures. I'm glad the event was such a great success. Our club is looking into organising some demos and possibly an indoor event soon, so any information is really appreciated. The only thing for sure is that I won't be riding in any of it :) :) (Those stairs look damn painful to fall down, and I think I'll limit myself to crashing on natural terrain in the near future :yeehaw: )

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