
Dec 31, 1969
Even though I ride MX Tracks, some public, some private, there is a real concern (as we all know) about sound levels of performance pipes available for modern 4-Strokes. Even stock pipes are too loud IMO and more importantly, too loud in the opinion of those that will try to get our parks and tracks shut down. You’ll soon see more and more facilities doing sound checks. Count on it.

I realize how loud my thumper is and honestly, have started feeling a little guilty about it. Knowing full well it's a big problem these days and not doing anything about it bothers me. So....

I gave FMF a call and asked for the pipe combo that would give me nice gains, or at least no loss, at a reasonable sound level... preferably, quieter than stock, YZF 250.

Enter the "Q". I'm sure you've all heard about this muffler by now, but may be concerned about giving-up power for less noise. Bolted it up yesterday along with the FMF Power Bomb header. I'm not going to write a review yet, I need more time on the bike on more than one track, but do want to report that I love this combination! Honestly, it sounds similar to a stock XR, maybe a little louder, but not by much. Typically, you can hear the 4-Strokes echo off the surrounding woods… not so with the Q. Rich and I stood track-side listening as the 250F and a KX125 were turning laps, honestly, there were instances when the 2 Stroke sound carried farther. That’s a first!

Power is different than the BBR combo I just pulled off. There is a tiny loss RIGHT off the bottom and mean RIGHT off the bottom, but that's made-up for in a nice, snappy lower mid/mid that is no doubt stronger than any pipe-header combo I've had on the bike. I can't tell you if/when the pipe will sign-off... I need to get on a more wide-open track. I can say that where I ride in the RPM's the majority of the time (substantially below the rev limiter), I really like the power.

It’s about time the manufacturers start putting in some extra R&D to produce pipes that not only change power characteristics (yes, I suppose some actually add power), but pipes that don’t blow-out ear drums. The Europeans are WAY ahead of us on this issue and they are happy with the power of their bikes. There’s no reason we can’t have our cake and eat it too. It looks like FMF is on the right track.

More to come later, with impressions from other YZF owners.


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Oct 19, 2000
Okie, I think thats a great direction youre going in! When i had my 250f I tried a few pipes and noise was always a issue for me. The first pipe I tried was a DSP. It made good power, i'm sure like your BBR, but my friends were always complaining about the noise. So the smile on my face turned to a frown real quick when I was asked to pull the exhaust or leave the private track I was riding on. :( Next was the Dr. D exhaust which was much quieter than the DSP but still louder than stock. It was barely acceptable for noise, but it did run better than the DSP. I hope the FMF Q works out, will you be compareing it to the stock exhaust? That seems to make the most sense. I look forward to your ride report.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I've never noticed how obnoxious these things were until I started sitting behind them in the race staging lane. I run stock silencers on my bikes and I can't even hear mine running over all of the four stroke noise. I agree, something needs to be done not only about the four strokes but all of these loud aftermarket/shorty pipes. Hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to start taking the earplugs to the race.


I see on their site they mention that it is "internally spark arrested". I emailed the tech dept. to see if it is USFS approved. Do you know, Okie? (and where are those SealSavers? LOL)


Jun 4, 2001
Good goin' Okiewan. Those loud 4-strokes seem to be the "in thing" and I'm really concerned that we are going to loose more riding areas. Fighting the over zealous greenies is bad enough, but the noise gets the general public upset and they will shut us down. Most of the enduros here require a Forestry approved sparkie so that's important also. Thanks-I, too, will be looking for your full report.


Jul 21, 1999
I totally agree that noise is a huge issue and has really exploded in the new 4 strokes. I really blame Yamaha for this louder=faster mentality since the stock YZ and the (as everyone does) the uncorked WR are just breath takingly loud. The first time I rode a YZ400, I was literally shocked by how loud it was.

Folks that otherwise turn a blind eye to us dirtbikers may well be turned into anti's over this noise issue so we need to do the right thing and either leave the exhaust alone on bikes that are already quiet (KTM EXC/MXC, XR, etc) or do as you did, Okie, and put something quieter on.


Mod Ban
Jul 18, 2002
the 4 stroke racing bikes are defintly loud!! last time i was at my local track i heard a crf450 with a racing pipe, and man that thing was load you could hear from the other side of the track!! it was easily loader then my piped 2 stroke 125!!!


Jan 10, 2002
The problem with the noise of these bikes is a releavent arguement. But here comes the but-if you don't repack you silencer you can be even more abnoxiusly loud. Lack of maintenance on these things is going to be an important issue also. I have the PC T-4 exhaust and I could tell that the packing needed to be changed by the noise level and power loss. When I went to go change it there was only 1/2 of the packing in the silencer. BTW: these thing suck to take appart. You have to cut the spring holder just to slide it apart and you have to take the metal logo off to disassemble.(No designed to repack)

To make a long story short, I am still stupid loud on the track and no longer abnoxious loud. I will be testing different exhausts to see if there is a quieter alternative as I will be left with no choice b/c of new laws for the out doors. I can't wait until they make electric bikes and then there will be the static problem or something else to rain on the parade.

Peace and quiet to all.


Dec 31, 1969
I have the PC T-4 exhaust and I could tell that the packing needed to be changed by the noise level and power loss.
The PC T-4 and the WB R-4 are virtually the same thing (both made by PC) and are EXCESSIVLY loud right out of the box. All the stuffing you can cram in either of those mufflers wont help.

How this argument can be "relevant" I haven’t a clue. Yes, a sonic-boom is louder than a YZF in a relative way... I guess? The fact is, there are very few pipe/mufflers out there that have a performance vs. noise ratio worth the dollars to buy them or worse yet, worth bugging everyone around you.

The days of "man, the thing sounds bad ass!" are coming to end. All the companies rushed to market with the first thing they could knock-out to fit the YZF (and now all the 4's that have/will follow) to make some $. Now they need to spend a little time to actually engineer something.


Aug 11, 2001
I totally agree Okie. I raced a borrowed 250F with a Dubach exhaust. First thing I did at the track b-4 practice was to install the stock muffler. I HATE the 157dB noise level of the thumpers, closed course or not.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
I am glad to see a post on this. Okie and I have discussed this and I may indeed have a meter soon. If nothing else but get guys that ride my area to at least THINK about this issue, before I get that proverbal knock on the door.

They are going the direction of banning or "phasing" out the two stroke, I have issues with that as it is, but ya know, if the thumper don't get quiet fast there will likely be the horror storys that we have to watch places close......for me and my family that would be devasting!@


hopefully the pipe folks will do a good job and quiet it down!


Dec 11, 2000
My 91 XR250R is pretty loud and I always wanted a loud bike that sounded great and thats what I got, My dad got on it one day and took off and I could still hear my bike about a mile down the trail, If it means getting rid of loud pipes for the sake of our riding places I will do it, I would not want to sacrifice performance but I would if I had to, To bad they don't make the FMF Q for my bike,well they do but for 96 and up, Matt


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I just reviewed several big name pipes and one company, CRD sent me their Absolute Power II for the 426. Full report to come but... it perforemed good on the track, good on the dyno and was 94dB at 3000 rpm Vs the stocker that was 103dB at the same RPM. I ran them back to back with the same meter, that is a HUGE difference.


I've never heard of CRD. That is a huge diff. Slip-on or full system?
Pictures? Price? (I know, I know: Wait for the write-up!)


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
103 to 94 is very substanial difference no question to that! From what i understand each db is a big amount. When we did all this at congress it was explained that like my 500 the sound isn't the exhaust but the intake that makes so much difference.



Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by Okiewan
Hey! Start your own quiet pipe thread ya leech! :p
Leech huh... don't you still need the official DRN Tested Sound Meter? You'd think I'd called FMF or something. (inside haha) :p

I will throw a picture up tonight. The reviews should be up soon.


Jan 10, 2002
Every increase of 3db, audible sound doubles.

(This the part where I start screaming and crying)...What about those damn Harleys and choppers crusing around with god awful straight pipes.

This is the biggest question: If a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound? :think:

My point is if you are going to limit the noise levels of offroad bikes, why not do it across the board. You don't see any CHPs(elkie help me on this one) or police with dB gauges writing these other guys up? :|

Saying this I will look into taming my beast with some other pipe.

Does anyone know what they use to test you bike?(Type, manufacter)


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by endosports
(This the part where I start screaming and crying)...What about those damn Harleys and choppers crusing around with god awful straight pipes.

This is the biggest question: If a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound? :think:

I still say that even if you are out in the middle of nowhere, you should have a suitable muffler on your bike. The time is near where you won't be able to go anywhere without somebody hearing you (is here already in many states).

I guess the Harley guys don't have to worry about their riding area getting closed...it gets bigger every day. I am with you though to a point. My gripe is why worry about the emissions of two stroke dirt bikes when you have tons of pollutants being spewn into the air twice a day at rush hour in these big cities with cars travelling stop and go at 5mph for an hour plus because people want to live in the burbs. I say hike the gas tax 100%, mandate each vehicle get 30+ mpg, do something about these filthy trucks and buses, hit the commuters with a huge commuter tax, and eliminate city property taxes to encourage people to buy near work. I'd bet we wouldn't have smog problems then.

But no, the answer is to harass the recreational off roaders under the guise of saving the environement because we don't have the influence of the suburban road hogs and if they keep us out then it looks like they are doing something.

EDIT: that freakin sponsor link thingy is about as annoying as MOJO.
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