KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Hats off to all of the LMC members for a great day yesterday!

The weather was great. A bit chilly at the start, but it warmed up nicely after that. About the only negative conditions wise was the dusty.

We had a great time. My youngest son Mark and Comrade Mikhail rode with me helping to keep time for them. On the first loop, we zeroed every check, dropping 17 seconds on the one tie breaker check.

Second loop started out great, then went downhill. We zeroed the first check. Tthat check crew (Don Marsh and I think TCTrailer rider were there...not sure who else...) deserves the award for most entertaining Check Crew - nice hats! Anyhow, about 1 mile after that check we were all cruising along pretty nice - I got out ahead of the boys, then slowed down to let them catch back up...nothing coming...a handful of riders on later minutes come through...a few more others.... So I start riding back to find the boys (picking my way along the edges..dont like back tracking in these situations!). A short ways back, there was Mark sprawled out on the ground.

Evidently Mark's throttle stuck as he got into 3rd gear, just as the trail kinked a bit to the left...he went straight into a few trees - hit pretty hard. After a few minutes to see if he was OK, we sent Mikhail on his way, now 5 or 6 minutes behind. I stayed with Mark to assess the damage. His right wrist was hurting pretty bad (hmmm trying to copy my get off from last fall perhaps?) as well as his right leg. I got him more comfy then looked over the bike....one bark buster rather much knocked loose....and this is the odd one - the part of the gas tank that sticks upwards with the threads on it..sheared right off at the base! I asked Mark if he got that...uh...you know where...but nope that area was OK.

After a while Mark seemed to be up to trying to ride out - so I started to figure out how to plug up that gapping hole in the top of the tank. A bit of creative work with some zip lock baggies and duck tape took care of that (see the pic below).

Meanwhile, Mikhail did a great job making up time. He dropped I think...4 points at the next check, 3 after that...ended up buring the check coming out of the reset. He ended up (I think?) 7th place in the 201+, 16 yrs and older class. A pretty decent recovery after being so far behind. Great job for a first timer!

Eventually, Mark and I got on the trail after a sweep rider came by. After talking it over with the sweeper, we decided to simply back track the 4 miles towards the start. If Marks hand hurt to bad, we figured we could stop at a two track and I could go back to get the truck. He was a real tropper, and managed to ride all the way back.

I dont think anything is broken - just a nice sprain in his wrist. Leg seems fine now...but took solid whack on a tree. Good boots certainly helped prevent more injury there!

In spite of the crash time, and messed up gas tank - still a fun time. Mark is planning on being back in the saddle in time for the next FES event in June.

So...any suggestions on how to repair that tank? Would JB weld or other such product hold there? Or, just replace it with a new one? (I suspect that would be best..but I am cheap and want to fix it!)

Some pics attached

The 3 of us at the start, then two of the kids early on in each loop.

The next two pics are of that gas cap - amazing what a bit of duct tape can do for you! In the second one you can see how it is sheared off - it appears like it is still partially attached but it isnt - its just sitting there totall severed off.


  • Mark and Mikhail corner.JPG
    Mark and Mikhail corner.JPG
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  • Team Chaos at the start.JPG
    Team Chaos at the start.JPG
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  • Mark and Mikhail corner 2.JPG
    Mark and Mikhail corner 2.JPG
    49.6 KB · Views: 216

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Creative Gas Caps

Repair suggestions? or :uh: ?


  • creative gas caps.JPG
    creative gas caps.JPG
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  • repairable cap.JPG
    repairable cap.JPG
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Aug 30, 2003
Hey Mike, do a search on the KDX only forum. A lot of guys have had the same problem with the green tanks. Last I knew Kawi. was replacing them. Jim


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Mike, I hope Mark is OK! That's a weird break on the tank!

I would think your first inclination is correct - replace the tank. Between gasoline and polypropylene, which is hard to get stuff to stick well to anyway - a repair job on that spot would be iffey at best. Just think if Mark we railing some whoops and the patch-job broke free! :yikes:


Mi. Trail Riders
May 2, 2005
Thanks for taking me KTM Mike, I had a blast out there with you guys. Too bad Mark had to stop early because of that incident, I hope everything works out for him.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Jim - I just did a search...looks like it indeed has happened to others. In fact, Fred T mentioned the exact same thing. Sounds like the only luck with repairs has been plastic welding. No clue where I would find someone to do that locally. I will do some checking. Sounds like the ones Kawi replaced though were pretty limited, and to original owners.

Mark - my Mark is doing just fine. We are gonna take him in to the Doc tomorrow just to be safe - but i really doubt it is anything major (gee have you ever heard someone else say that same thing with a similar seeming injury....hmmm?)

Mikhail - you are quite welcome! And thanks a bunch for staying with Mark until you knew all was OK. You did a super job given that you lost 6 minutes or so then! Maybe next time we can zero an entire event! That would be cool! Get that noise on your bike addressed, and we will do it again on June 10th (or what ever that date was for the next FES race..)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Mike – GLAD TO HERE YOUR SON IS OK!!! Sounds like you guys had a blast up there!! I sent you an e-mail concerning that tank. Please let me know soon!!!
Gotta get that tank bac together and go right back after it.
Tell you son that Woody.....Just Woodsy said to heal quick and get right back on..
Special times for sure !
Woodsy :ride:

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Another fine event. Thanks Mike & LMC for all of you hard work. :cool:
Had alot of fun running our checks even though we had a small problem at the start. Next time I know I will not forget the CLOCKS! but we got them in the nick of time. :bang:

Check out the Fish Head Check. :nener:
spotted the eagle on the way to our check eating turkey road kill. I got within 100 feet and he flew off to the tree.

http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y215/DONMARSH/arbor day 06/


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
I was very pleased with this event. We had 128 participants - more than last year and we did not have an adult/district race on Sunday. The weather was good...we could have used some rain. I really appreciate the volunteers who helped out...many DRNers..Don, FredT, TCT, Tom Dixon.
I am not ready to start thinking about round # 3 yet, but I hope we get the same support with all of the duties necessary to putting on an event.
Round # 3 - June 10th in Kalkaska!

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
I glad to hear of such a great turn out! (F&S) How’s the new format 12/18mph loops working out? Is it making the older kids work harder for the wins? (KTM Mike) Good to hear that your son ok! That tank look like it should be replaced "duh" Try just KDX those fellow’s always have spare parts, or maybe flea bay? Fredette always has spares. The purple ones are always very cheap. Good luck.


Jan 20, 2002
Congrats, Guys....

I Brought A First Timer And He Had A Blast... His Dad Says He Hasn't Stopped Talking About What A Great Time He Had...

Now He Needs To Find Someone Who Knows Something About Rules And Time Keeping...



Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Oh, I think you have forgotten more about the rules and time keeping than most people.
Just remember...reset means to REST!!!


Aug 12, 2003
we too had a blast.got to run with z-8 and his kid just like the first pine cone.ktm mike i was the guy pitted to the south of you (hurley wi).my foot is broken in two places not from the race though.a special thanks to the people pitted to the south of us.the ibuprofen and sandwich were very helpful.thanks again to everyone.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
kdx633 said:
we too had a blast.got to run with z-8 and his kid just like the first pine cone.ktm mike i was the guy pitted to the south of you (hurley wi).my foot is broken in two places not from the race though.a special thanks to the people pitted to the south of us.the ibuprofen and sandwich were very helpful.thanks again to everyone.

Small world huh? It sure looked like that foot was hurting you! I take it you decided to go see a doc then! Wish we would of known you were in need of food and ibuprofen. We had tons - could of fed your whole crew and then some! Plus a full bottle of ibuprofen. Maybe next time!


Sep 1, 2003
fatherandson said:
Oh, I think you have forgotten more about the rules and time keeping than most people.
Just remember...reset means to REST!!!
Right. He's even forgottten how to file a protest.

On the up and up side though, it was a fine and fun time. Some learning, dust, laughs and good people on another fine day. Thank you Mike and LMC.

Young Ted & DAVIE

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