
Remember that guy from The Gong Show? Well, he had a son. And his son, who is not quite the dancer his father was, has another talent: Hosting. I just wanted to give a great big thanks once again to Gene for opening his house like he does every year for all of us vagrants during the Dallas SX. He and his entire family are the best. Letting us interupt their routines, letting their floor be littered with sleeping bags and air mattresses and overnight bags. Packing his garage full of bikes (although not so much this year), and feeding us like kings! Maggie's charizo and eggs is the BEST! :cool:

Anyway, a big thanks, my friend. And it was great to see all of the other crew once again, too. It's been too long for some of you.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000


Apr 14, 2002
Agreed. That's twice this year.

Gene, the Golden Eagle Enduro is the weekend of June 23rd and 24th.

Mark it on your calender.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Gene & Family: Thanks for the Texas style hospitality over the weekend! This was my first SX with the DRN crew. I'm all ready planning for next year, hopefully we won't have the rain and bikes will be in tow.

It was good to see some old friends, met new ones and see some of you that I've not seen since DW 03.

Until next time. Hard on the brakes or hard on the gas! :ride:



N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
Nice to meet you Sawblade. We'll have to talk you into a ride through the trees one of these days.


May 8, 2001
sorry it has taken me so long to find this.....

thanks for the thank yous. yall are family and we do our best to make ya feel that way.

by the way, yall that didnt bring bikes missed a great ride at muenster. it wasnt muddy at all. just ask evenslower, his riding clothes were spotless. dwreck played factory rider for the day eventhough the bike an clothes didnt quite fit. hope yall liked bills woods. john, we will have to do it next time sorry about the bike. turns out the cr lost fluid on the shock(have the seal just have to do it). if i can get someone to go, chadwick is on my list.
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