
Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Ok folks, it's been a while since we had a ride in Gorman so it's been decided that it's about time we get together and do this. I know it's short notice but here is the plan.........

Meet at the staging area to the right of the main entrance at 9am but do not unload. Once we are all there or at 9:20, which ever is sooner, we we will drive into the park to a different staging area that the Eel has in mind. From there we will gear up and head out for one loop of about 50 miles through the mountain trails. One loop and we are done. I don't think we are going to do anything to tough so anyone is welcome to join us.

So far we have The Eel, Kelsorat and myself going so who else is in????????

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
thumbs said:
One loop and we are done. I don't think we are going to do anything to tough so anyone is welcome to join us.

Actually, some of this loop will be pretty tough. Fair warning ... it's between 50 and 60 miles.

Also, if anyone has anything left when we are done I might be up for a short 2nd loop. Just throwing it out there ... I'll probably be shattered after 1 loop, but who knows ...


Oct 31, 2001
I would think at 60 miles you better have a desert tank. One of these days Im going to breakdown and get one.

Sounds like a fun ride guys but Im taking my teenage son out to Stoddard tommorrow. Have fun and lets hear about the ride, especially if you guys do Snowy.


Apr 6, 2002
Arrrgh, your killen me smalls.

I dont think I can get the hall pass.

So far on the calander:
Wicked bird 11-20
Hopful trip to Jawbone T-giving day weekend (Im sure Kiwi will be there)
Checkpoints 12-4
Santas last stand 12-11


Apr 6, 2002
I havent seen any post either, just making assumption. Should we plan regardless?


Jan 30, 2000
Spanksgiving is on in the usual spot with the usual people - just no post about it.


Apr 6, 2002
KiwiBird said:
Spanksgiving is on in the usual spot with the usual people - just no post about it.

Cool Kiwi, Ill be there Friday with leftovers. Ill trade smoked turkey sammiches for Oregon hombrew IPA. :)

Knuckleheads, how was Gorman? Forrest open?


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
2strok4fun said:
Knuckleheads, how was Gorman? Forrest open?
One busted up foot, one broken needle clip, one bike left on the trail, two guys had to ride 2up for about 10 miles. Eric and Scott didn't get out of the woods until 7pm.

Eddie and I called it quits after he hurt his foot. Erich & Scott haves the details on the drama after we left.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
once a knucklehead, always a knucklehead ... report shortly !


Apr 6, 2002
Hmm, busted up foot. Looks like you made it to snowey.

Hope all is well, waiting for report. (I have some spare needle clips if somone needs for wicked bird)

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
2strok4fun said:
Hmm, busted up foot. Looks like you made it to snowey.

I wish we had made it to Snowy ... that would have been better than riding double for nearly 10 miles on Gold Hill Trail and Long Dave Valley Trail ! We basically rode double back to King's campground all the way from Piru Creek ... it was dark when we hit pavement.

I'm going over to Scott's to buy some needle clips tonite ... I'll pick up some extras.

Full report still to come .. it was actually a pretty fun day.
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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
P.S. Eddie Luckey's got the bum foot ... his foot lost to a majorly stout and well embedded log on East Frazier Trail.


Oct 31, 2001
What is with you guys and these death rides? :yikes: At first look I thought maybe you guys did the Snowy death trail as well, but saw that you guys played chicken with the cut off tree trunks instead. Eddie is probably starting to get a complex about riding with you guys. So lets hear it Eddie, how bad is the foot?
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
The foot hurt real bad for the first week, I did a good job keeping it iced and the swelling is mostly gone, the black and blue fading nicely. None of the bones are pointing the wrong way (as far as I can tell) so I decided to call off the Dr. visit and x-rays. I have some pics but they don't do it justice. A very nice gal gave me some great stuff to put on it but I can't tell you what it is since all the labeling is in Russian lol.

I got VERY lucky in that I was wearing my brand new, never worn before Tech 8's instead of my old flimsy ones. I don't know if I'll be able to ride this coming weekend for spanksgiving or not but I plan to be out there for a couple days either way.

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