
Dec 3, 2001
Well we made it home in one piece! After 18 hours with 3 guys in a regular cab Ford its a suprise that we didn't kill each other. (did I mention the am only radio and 5 speed?) Anyway we had a great time in Reno. We left early on Wed the 12 hoping to make it to Reno in about 17 hours. Our hope were crushed when my Ford decided to fry a valve just outside of Omak Wa. So we left our trailer in Omak and drove back to Canada to see if we could borrow another truck from someone. All we could come up with was a service truck with a million miles and no options. So we went with it, beggers can't be chosers. After driving for about 10 hours, we relized we better pull over before we fell asleep and ran the truck off the road. We got up the next morning, and after fighting a bad headwind made it into Reno. After a struggle to find some good Canadian beer and water for our trailer we finally made it to moonrocks. We arrived to a New Zealand accent saying "you must be the three crazy Canucks" and thats when we met Kiwi. After setting up camp we sat down for some drinks with Kiwi and Tree. What a couple of great guys! We woke up on friday morning and after breakfast we went for a ride with csl,cj rider,farmer john,and their freind on the drz 400. A fabulous ride with a bunch of awesome people. We got back and had luch and some daquries and went on a very fast paced ride with Strick and company.Our bikes rarely see the top 2 gears but they sure did that day. After another night in the desert we woke up on Sat determined to find some firewood. (there is wood in the desert if you look hard enough for it) We had breakfast and our group split up becuse two of us seemed to be more ill from the night before. Scott and I decided to go on the intermediate ride to warm up. Our group leader Bob on the KTM 450 put us through our paces and we had an excellent ride. The only dissapointment on the ride was when the guy on the yzf got hurt and later when the girl hurt her knee. Other than that, the ride was killer especially the sand washes. We arrived back in camp and talked FC22 into mixing up some drinks. We went on another ride that afternoon enjoying the scenery and just riding. Saturday night we stayed up with Kiwi toasting the Queen and telling stories. After Kiwi went to bed we ended up in a patio hauler having refreshments with a Reno local and his wife,Dean and Tammy. After Dean kicked us out sometime after 2 am we decided to get some sleep for the last ride of the weekend. We were all feeling kind of rough on Sunday but decided to ride anyway. With Dean as our guide we went on what seemed to be a very long ride. We got to see great veiws of Reno and Pyramid lake along with some great sand washes and hillclimbs. We had to cut the ride short because one of our guys got a flat. After geting back to camp and mixing a supply of drinks for Kiwi and others we had to say our goodbyes and leave. We made up 2 hours on our time coming home and hope to better that when we come next year. I would like to say it was a pleasure meeting all the riders and others like Kiwi,Tree,Csl, CJ rider (you are fast!) big lou, FC22, Dean and too many others to list. I hope you all enjoyed the blender as much as we did and we will be bringing it back next year along with a bunch more Canadians. I also would like to throw out the idea of reciprocating your hospitality and hosting a ride up here in Canada. We are less than an hour from the border at Oroville WA and have some of the best riding you could imagine very close to us. If there is interest perhaps we could set up a ride when everyone can make it. Just let me know if you are interested and we can set something up. Thank you all again for the great riding and freinds we have made south of the border.


Jan 4, 2003
Kokanee, just curious if you're part of the kokanee bush riders? If you are you might remember me. My friend (fatty_k) and I went for a ride at Bear Creek with the kokanee bush riders. We were on a gas gas 300 and kdx 220 at the time.


Mar 1, 2001
Hey Kolanee, thanks for joining us you guys are a crack up. Next time we hookup I'm not even gonna bring my bike, I'll sit around your camp just for the entertainment! See at Jawbone for Thank N Spank.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
A Canadian ride sounds great! I had a blast meeting and riding with you guys. Your drink mixer is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I want one! How much are you selling blueprints for? You're not all that far from me, so as soon as the snow clears, let us know and us Spokane-ites might head North.


Aug 13, 1999
A Canadian Spode-fest, now that sounds fun!

From the lack of snow around here, we may all need to head further north before the season's over!

What months look like they will be good up there? Like when the snow's pretty well gone but before it's too dry and dusty.

Whats the riding like? Similar to the Colville area, I'm assuming.

Is there kid riding areas?
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CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Ya'll are awesome ambassadors of your country; I only hope we do as well when we come to Canada for a spodefest!!! (Might have to ship the bikes, though. I just checked mileage and it's a LONG way from Woodland Park to BC. How about a Washington State spodefest? That looks to be about 20 hours. Doable, doable.)


Dec 3, 2001
end of may to end of july, or after august is the best time to ride around here. We have some very advanced rides high up in the mountains, that you can ride throughout the summer, but they require you to carry gas to make it back to the truck. The main riding area is Bear Creek which is just outside Kelowna. There is excellent camping(no services) at the staging area, or it is a 30 minute drive to Kelowna. There is plenty of riding for the kids and all riders of any skill level. CJ Rider we are only another couple hours from Washington State, its woth the drive, trust me!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm thinking we can do BOTH and whoever can make it to either, you're more than welcome to join!

How about the father's day weekend for the WA state one, since there are already usually festivities that weekend?


Jul 3, 2001
Kokanee, do you plan on taking them on the trail the you took me and my buddy (past the cabin, over the bridge...)? If so, you should tell them to bring an extra pair of clean underware! I'd be up for a DRN get-together up here.


Jan 4, 2003
Yeah, that was a great trail. I hope you guys know of more good trails like that around bear creek. Everytime we go up there we can't find much albiet we only look around the pits.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
hmmmm, my aunt and uncle live like 12 miles from the border here in Idaho. sounds like i might have to pay them a visit sometime this summer!

Hey, do you guys only have trees up there? no desert or anything?

Oh ya, I'm already digging up parts for my own blender and of course its going to have to be better, maybe dual bike power? :laugh:


Dec 3, 2001
Hey dave just make sure both of those bikes are pointed the same way! Sounds like a good idea though, drinks in 5 seconds instead of 10. We actually have many different kinds of terrain here even some desert. (not at all like Reno) We like to ride very technical trails with lots of trees,rock, and logs for obsticales. Hey Kyle if you're just riding around the pits at Bear Creek, you are missing out on literaly hundreds of kilometers of awesome trails. You know how to get ahold of Gord, call him up and we can set up a ride and show you some more good trails.


Oct 3, 1999
Your 250's will only be 155cc's in Canada. Be prepared!

I've never ridden in Kelowna but heard great things about the riding there. I may have even met a couple of you Kokanee riders, remember the Sasquatch party in 2000? I don't. :laugh:


Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by Kokanee
We actually have many different kinds of terrain here even some desert. (not at all like Reno) We like to ride very technical trails with lots of trees,rock, and logs for obsticales.

Sounds like home sweet home!!! Maybe you guys can find a place to build some whoops for Dave186?

Firecracker, you are correct, the 3rd Annual Father's Day festivities are already in planning stage same battime, same batplace most likely but no stinking mosquitos this year.

Do you guys have mosquitos up there? :think:

Hmmmm what about the 4th of July? The campgrounds here are insane that weekend, maybe Canada is the place to be for that weekend?


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by Kokanee
We like to ride very technical trails with lots of trees,rock, and logs for obsticales.

:scream: I dunno man, I might have to throw 12/52 gearing on the KX and a giant flywheel weight and then go up to Idaho City and start practicing!


Jan 4, 2003
If you plan on having it in May you might want to avoid the weekend of the 17th and 18th I think. The Ogopogo cross country is going to be held that weekend.

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