
Jan 1, 2004
I recently traded a 96 kx125 for a 95 rm250. When I made the trade, I rode the rm and it absolutely ripped. The guy said it was difficult to start, but runs great. Well, he was right....I've not been able to get it started since. I have kicked the bike 'till i was blue in the face more than once. I've tried bump starting it, to no avail. I tore down the top end and everything looks great, fact it even has new rings. I checked the electrical system with an ohm meter and dont seem to have a short anywhere. The only thing I haven't been able to check is the magneto. I cleaned the carb and put on new vent hoses, and even a new petcock on the fuel tank. Am I missing something here? Are 90's rm's THAT difficult to start? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Check for a cracked or warped reed in the reed valve. I had a slightly warped reed on my bike and cold starting was a real PITA until I replaced it. BTW, it ran fine and no problems hot starting with the bad reed.


Jan 1, 2004
The timing is spot on, I have cleaned, checked, and recleaned the carb, jets, new hoses etc. ...and have also cleaned and re-oiled the air filter. I haven't gotten around to checking the reeds yet. Is there anyway I can check if the magneto is inoperable? the way, thanks for the input. I'm almost to wits end, and am thinking of taking it to a shop.....hate paying for someone to work on my bike though.

SK 250

Sep 19, 2003
Reeds can be a real bugger on a cold start, and being a 95 I bet the reeds have never been changed, and are more than likly warpped, and cracked.


Jun 5, 2001
Ditto, if it was the magneto, I doubt it would work better when it was hot, sounds like reeds. Also, when you start it, lean the bike over for a few seconds to let new gas into the bowl, makes it easier to start.


Jan 1, 2004
Ok, I did some hard starting problem solving. ...I checked the complete fuel system, everything seems to be in order. I pulled the plug, inserted it in the plug cap, grounded it on the pipe and kicked it over ......good, if not great spark. At the same time, I covered the plug hole w/ my thumb and had good compression. I dont have a compression gage, so the thumb trick will just have to work. So, from all this, I've deduced that you all must be right in thinking its the reeds. Since I'm going to be replacing the reeds (more than likely), what are some good & resonably priced reeds to go with? I would rather not have to mod the reed manifold. ...thanks again.


Dec 18, 2002
I had to replace the stator and get it rewound on my rm. It was so hard to start when cold and was great when hot. It cost about 120 to get it rewound and the bike would then start 1st go every go. And yes it had a great spark when you went to check it against the head.
I would replace the killswitch, plugcap,plug and reeds for the sake of $50 anyway!

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