"Helping Tristan Up" - RiderDown Foundation - We need your help!


Jan 9, 2004
_________"Helping Tristan Up"__________


On October 7, 2006, 8-year old Tristan Van Wieringen was practicing at Baja MX in Michigan. When he arrived at the start area for practice, the field had already left. He completed one lap and was clear of traffic when he approached the area where the 50’s track and the regular track converge. With the fresh tracks going both ways, he made a tragic decision and went the wrong way. A short distance from the convergence was a walkway which crossed the 50 track for spectators to access the infield. Tristan rode into the roped off pathway at a very high rate of speed, resulting in him being pulled off of his bike by his neck.

Tristan received multiple injuries to his jaw, his trachea, and he also had a collapsed lung. He has multiple fractures on both sides near his ears that are non-displaced. The other fracture is just below his incisor tooth and is slightly displaced. These conclusions were made by the surgeon, using the x-rays from when Tristan first arrived in the ER. The surgeon is concerned that since that time the two lines going through his mouth have displaced the fractures even more. Depending on the level of displacement he will either have a soft diet, or his jaw will be wired shut.
The doctors are keeping Tristan very heavily sedated. With all of his injuries it is imperative that he keep perfectly still. This is not an easy thing for an active eight year old. Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am on Wednesday, October 11.

The Van Wieringen family is very active in the sport of Motocross. Murray, Tristan's Dad, is a former road racer who passed on his love of motorcycles to his children. Janine, Tristan's Mom, has been known to load up the motorhome and take all three kids racing or to practice by herself.

Tristan and his family are from Canada. They are looking at a one month stay at the Hurley Medical center in Flint, MI if all goes well. It goes without saying that this will not only be emotionally draining experience, but financially draining as well. There is a young child and family in need of your immediate assistance. RiderDown is asking for your donations to help this family in their time of need.

Tristan’s sister had to return home to attend school. The separation of the family is going to be extremely hard on all of them. In light of all of this, we also ask that you keep your positive thoughts and prayers coming.

Donations can be made in any of the following 3 ways:

1. By mailing a check, made payable to the RiderDown Foundation to:

RiderDown Foundation
Helping Tristan Up Fund
30296 Buffalo Park Road
Evergreen, CO 80439

2. Online contributions and best wishes to the family can be made at; www.riderdown.org. Go to the Make a Donation tab and include the name Tristan in the message box.

3. Or, below you will find a direct PayPal link for your convenience.


On behalf of the Van Wieringen’s and the entire RiderDown Family, a sincere thank you goes out to all who help in any way. Without people like you, we would not be able to help those injured in this sport that we have all come to know and love.

The RiderDown Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping responsible off road motorcyclists who have been injured while riding. Proceeds are used to provide assistance to the riders and their families when faced with medical expenses and related issues.



Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002

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