here is another one I think is ridiculous


Nov 10, 2008
my daughter got in trouble in class the other day, nothing much, just a strongly worded correction.

here is the deal as I know it, the 3rd grade is studying planets and we all know of the one with the funny name with the star trek and toilet paper joke attached to it.

I was told when I was young to pronounce it, you-RAIN-us and that anybody that laughs,carries on or disrupts the class gets a detention.

My daughter was told to say it -YOUR-a-noose- and she called as I would call it, the class laughs and my daughter doesn't really get reprimanded bad with what was said, but gets reprimanded by a perturbed teacher who lost control of the class.

now is there multiple ways of saying the name of that planet,was I taught wrong,is the teacher now wrong?
I am thinking that the teacher should think about a different grade or career. If she is changing the name of something because she can't control the class if she says it the right way or even if she planned her curriculum around letting the kids have fun with the word and stopping it when it gets carried away.There by instilling either discipline or the thought that is ok to have fun but don't let it get carried away and that it shouldn't interfere with the work that needs to be done.

u-RAIN-us.......YOUR-a-noose either way you look at it,politicians,lenders,teachers seems to me that some butthead is strangling the crap out of common sense


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I think they should call it "Planet Awesome". Nobody would laugh at a planet named Planet Awesome.

Or maybe they should name it "Melvin". Planet Melvin sounds good.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
well i heard Obama say "you-ran-us" so it must be :think: , of course he also calls corpsmen "corpse-men" :| ........i believe this calls for more investigation


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
my brain hurts from this , i'm going with Melvin, as long as im allowed to pronounce it "Mel-vin" :whoa:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
ellandoh said:
. . . he also calls corpsmen "corpse-men" :|
dude, it's the new 1313th Zombie Brigade. Get a clue!


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Apr 27, 2001
The definition & pronunciation according to my 2006 edition of Merriam-Webster's dictionary& thesaurus states on page 1145, located between uranium & urban, proper oration of the name of the 7th planet from the sun, yur-e-nes. 3 vowels, u is the long, as in use, both e's are the short, as in nest. This teacher is in need of reprimand & correction. As far as controlling her class is concerned, let em laugh & break out the dictionary! Or dose she care to argue with an internationally trusted book that has been in use since 1831. It sounds like she's teaching ego instead of astronomy & proper use of english.I like "melvin planet, as in wedgie". How about 7th doughnut planet, or 7th eclair or 7th jelly filled planet.
Heck It's just a name of a planet, at the end of the semester is it really going to matter? Possibly the teacher has some issues out side the workplace/classroom?
a dictionary has no ego, no insecurity, no conscience, only authority & world wide acceptance. I resort to ours often with our boys,ages 9 & 6, we all learn. Good luck :think:
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Mar 19, 2010
_JOE_ said:
Man, I thought it was "-your-ANUS-".

Hahaha, I'm still laughing at this.. my roommates thought I was watching some sort of disgusting internet video or something.. Needless to say they were disappointed when they found out I wasn't..


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
My Dad always had to stand in the corner because he spoke German instead of English in class. More specifically, the teacher would ask him a question, and he'd always say "Huh?". According to him, "Huh?" was a German word and that's why he was punished.

True story ... :nod: ... :whoa:


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
You know I have been working on a personal theory that could get 1 more notch for proof. I have often wondered why certain parts of the country people have peculiar/distinct accents. Its a slower, almost drawl to the English language. And I have been noticing that human dwellings do not ALL have the p traps protected with proper venting. There are approved national code books and all, BUT! Every local municipality can basically do what ever they want, regardless. Areas with strict plumbing codes are not even safe, and at best inspected by people who acquired the job through patronage and not qualifications. There are over 200 different gases in the sewer/septic tank, only a few smell like poop, or at all. Long term health effects, bingo! Vintage Bob

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