Sep 1, 2003
This was another ride for the annals of history. After a look at the parking lot I decided it would be best to just stop on the side of the drive instead. Shawn arrives within minutes, makes a loop around the lot and is back by the road. When Joe gets there he simply stops on the shoulder. The sun is bright and it’s getting warmer by the minute. We are all set to go before 10 o’clock and as soon as Joe sets his GPS so he can find his truck again, we are off to the trail. There are about six inches of snow on the trail, with some spots more and others less. Joe leads and I bring up the rear as usual. After a while I move up to second and find out Shawn only catches me when I take a fall. No question that it is a little harder following tracks than making them. The other side is that finding the trail slows you down. In a new section that is marked with ribbons, I’m able to stay with Joe. As soon as it open up though, he’s out of sight immediately. About 40 minutes out, Joe stops at a two track, I’m there and no sight or sound of Shawn. When he does arrive in a few minutes, it’s change plug time, as the engine has been acting up on him. It took a little time but we made it and were once again on the trail. When Joe said he’d been leading enough, I took over so he and Shawn could play chasing each other. My head start would be eliminated when I had to stop and look for the trail. This arrangement was going well even though Shawn managed to break off his brake lever. He had put on new bars but no guards yet due to time restraints. Things were going fine until I came to a rather quick stop with a broken chain doubled up over the CS sprocket. The master link had broken. My only other chain problem was a master link coming apart 21 years ago. It took a little doing for the three of us to get the chain off and there is no question that the clutch cylinder guard worked. I did have a spare link with me so it was head for the lot. Joe said .6 miles by the GPS but my odo was more like one mile. We made it back with another adventure to talk about. The only reason Joe was safe from being kidded about a problem was that he started his bike in the trailer with the door closed and we didn’t know how long it took. Six kicks we were told. A round of thanks for another good day in life and we were on our separate ways


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Sep 1, 2003
It was still early in the day and I had a package to deliver not far away. Made a wrong turn, got lost and wound up at the Burnt Squirrel Emporium – Woodsy’s house. It didn’t take long and he says – want to go for a ride? And so it was that INCA got out of the van once more. Now the clutch wouldn’t fully release so we worked on that for a bit and then it was off to ?, following Blippy. We went through the woods, making our own trail, down two tracks, snowmobile trails around water holes and I don’t know where else. All I did is follow Blippy’s rear end until we got back to the house. Eventually I made it back home before the van changed into a pumpkin. It was another long day filled with contentment, regardless of the physical tiredness

Young Ted


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Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Glad you found a ride Ted, I was feeling bad that I wasn't able to ride with you since you made it a point to ride with me. I did get Napper all straightened out though.

PS: The "Team PTP" button is a classic. Makes me smile! Thanks, you are one of a kind....the good kind! :)

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Ted - you gotta stop making me feel so jealous like that! I sure wish i could of rode this weekend, but it just didnt work out.

Glad you had a nice ride in spite of your mechanical troubles. Hhmmmm... seems the last time I rode with you it was my turn! With any luck I will be riding this coming weekend. Also nice to know you were there to be (yet again?) a bad influence on ole Woodsy!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Great write-up Father Nelson!!! I KNOW you guys had a blast and, indeed, it was a BEAUTIFUL day to be out sucking in the Michigan Trail air with you... :aj:
Hey Mike, according to ole Woodsy's "better half", ole Woodsy dont need no help being mischievious... However, ole Woodsy certainly appreciates all the new tricks that Timer has be teaching him..... THe only problem is that its getting pretty cold living in this dog house out here (move over Ruff - its my turn to scratch) :rotfl:


Sep 1, 2003
For what it's worth. The master link breaking explanation I got from Sidewinder, is this. The steel becomes brittle after being crystallized from heat due to friction with the guide block. I would agree as the pin length was .025 inches, hold it Woodsy, shorter than a new link. The guide block was also narrower at the bottom and would not let the master link follow the rest of the chain. Corrections have been made and things will be watched closer from now on.

Young Ted


Dec 2, 2003
Now there is a prime example of a mind that just never stops churning :coocoo:

Any of the rest of us would of just plunked on a new master link and rode on. Noooo not our Young Ted. He got to the root of the problem and corrected it before it could happen again. :worship:

Way to go timer :cool:


Sep 1, 2003
Thank you Don.

Like the rest of the body and other things in life, it's better to keep them in use. Statues and buildings are OK to stay still, but bodies and bikes do best being on the move and in use.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 9, 2004
Like I said, trips like this you never forget. At least you were able to ride it out. It would have been a real treat tring to tow it out through the snow. I was told that KTM stands for Kant Trust the Mother$%#@. Maybe you need to put some duct tape on your mater link also. :laugh: Well it sounds like you got it ready for the next ride. At least you weren't riding the couch Saturday like somebody we know. Not to mention any names, but he does have a YZF400.


Dec 2, 2003
slow_joe said:
...........At least you weren't riding the couch Saturday like somebody we know. Not to mention any names, but he does have a YZF400.

Hey now.... I resemble that remark :fft:

And for your info I was not couch surfing. Not all day anyways. I was V-Day shopping in the morning, in a last ditch effort to keep my fat outta the fire so to speak :nener:

I didn't "ride the couch" till latter that afternoon :ride:
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Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
Now there is a prime example of a mind that just never stops churning :coocoo:

Any of the rest of us would of just plunked on a new master link and rode on. Noooo not our Young Ted. He got to the root of the problem and corrected it before it could happen again. :worship:

Way to go timer :cool:

I just love how these rascals stick together... Never occurred to anyone that maybe the link broke to pay someone back for all the nasty little tricks that that someone has played on another totally innocent fellow rider... Maybe its time some of you yahoos try being nice for a change :laugh:
On the other hand, maybe Vic Krause was right and it crystalized....
At any rate, fixing things right is definitly in Nelson's blood. Of course so is being a 1st rascallion and I reallly doubt that a broken master link will ever change that :nener:


Sep 1, 2003
Let us not forget that being nice to an "innocent fellow rider" is like putting someone on a pedastal. This makes it easier to get them down enough to apply the Father Nelson maneuver.

Is "riding the couch" the title of a new song?


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 22, 2005
I will watch for upcoming outings, hope all are invited. Very familiar with Newaygo, Muskegon, Oceana, amd Osceola counties. Can email through forum.


Dec 2, 2003
You are definately invited Big E. The more the merrier. I live just south of ya in Muskegon.

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