Important, please read (Concerning the state of our forums)


Sep 23, 2002
I have always thought these forums here at Dirtrider have been very helpful. I have been subscribed to the forums for about 2 years, and i really believe that we need change. The answers i get are usually either attempting to be humerous or not helpful at all. Someone that truly helps on every post is Okiewan and High Lord Gomer. Many of the other posts are jokes and wasted messages. It really makes people angry when you want a helpful answer to a question. Just take into consideration when answering questions. I myself, have posted wiseass comments, but i have grown out of it. The DRN forums are a community my friends, and it may be online, but it needs to be taken seriously, this is a communication project. You may not see half of our members ever, or even any of them, but we need to respect and consider when we post. I may have made mistakes in the past, but I want change for everyone. Thank you for being a helpful family of members, I love this website and beleive it is great, but there needs to be change.


Dec 2, 2001
C'mon, can't we all just get along! A little humor never hurt anyone. Questions will be addressed with humor AND helpful responses. I realize that sometimes we become frustrated by problems that occur, but they are not life-threatening. Please stop and take a deep breath, the public was never in any danger. Jeez, I hope this helps.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
those of us who don't have the talent, ability or insight to help, make jokes.

...and we suck at that too. :nener:


May 4, 2004
I like the humor. It's why I keep coming back. :moon:


Jan 15, 2000
Yes, I agree -- too many wiseacres. I ride a Honda XR650L, so you KNOW I am serious right off the bat... :yikes: This is what happens every time I twist the throttle. Just a sample... Anyway, back to the matter at hand. If you ask me anything, I will always answer in a straightforward fashion. I depend on my internet brothers in every way. I can't even remember when I recieved or made a personal phone call -- it is all about the web now, baby. Lets get serious!

maxkiks77 said:
I have always thought these forums here at Dirtrider have been very helpful. I have been subscribed to the forums for about 2 years, and i really believe that we need change. The answers i get are usually either attempting to be humerous or not helpful at all. Someone that truly helps on every post is Okiewan and High Lord Gomer. Many of the other posts are jokes and wasted messages. It really makes people angry when you want a helpful answer to a question. Just take into consideration when answering questions. I myself, have posted wiseass comments, but i have grown out of it. The DRN forums are a community my friends, and it may be online, but it needs to be taken seriously, this is a communication project. You may not see half of our members ever, or even any of them, but we need to respect and consider when we post. I may have made mistakes in the past, but I want change for everyone. Thank you for being a helpful family of members, I love this website and beleive it is great, but there needs to be change.


Jan 15, 2000
But seriously folks...

I just wanted to let you all know that I posted a new profile picture. You can see my serious expression there. My XR650L picture shows the seriousness of the bike (garage photo area). The XR650L has serious power, and can do anything. If you think I am not serious, look at these pictures.

Yes, I am looking for any excuse to talk seriously about my new bike..... I am in love.


Nov 19, 2003
Personally, I think the polls and jokes are quite funny. I'm sure that most of us work stressful jobs in order to support this sport that we love so much. To be able to jump on this board in the middle of a stressful moment to get a laugh sure helps.

I think "balance" is a key word here. We do need to know when to be serious and when it is okay to cut it up. I personally have had situations when I came to this board out of pure desperation with a serious problem that needed a quick answer, and I still would have laughed at a joke, but helpful answers were definitely more appreciated at that time.


Feb 6, 2004
I appreciate your position Maxkiks but lets face it, most of us dont have the technical know how or ability to help with most problems; and we all want to be heard. Its the humour and wit that makes this site so funny and endowing. Its what draws people back here. If we only lamented about our suspension inadequacies or our tyre problems we would spend each day crying into our tool boxes instead of laughing at our computer screens. Dirt bikes are fun, this forum is about dirt bikes, therefore inherently fun. Lets keep it that way. After all, Oscar Wilde wrote: 'Seriousness is the last refuge of the shallow.' And no-one here is shallow....
But thats just my opinion, and what would i know?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
jmb86 said:
what would i know?

Certainly not what "endowing" means. :eek:




Nov 19, 2003
Don't worry, be happy!


  • dove-of-peace.gif
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Apr 1, 2001
I've visited other forums that try to be too serious, and it takes the fun out of it. Just like others before me have stated, it's all about balance--that's what makes this site great.


Aug 4, 2000
I see it like this; you are sitting around with a group of your friends and you ask how to make your bike faster. The first comment is to change the rider, the second is to use the throttle, etc. Eventually your buddies will get serious and tell you about jetting, gearing, pipes, porting, etc.

The same thing happens here. If someone teases you here, consider yourself in. The real idiots/trolls get deleted.


Feb 16, 2001
I can't imagine DRN posts with all dry answeres at all.I enjoy the humor.Remember the scene in "It's a wonderful life" when George Baily is talking to his gaurdian angel and the bartender overhears their conversation and says" we don't need you two pixxies giving this place"atmosphere" and then throws them out of the bar? I love the atmoshere" here :)


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
While I have seen some of the type of replies you talk about, I think that they are in the minority. I get very helpful input each and every time I ask for it, and even when I'm just lurking. Sure I've been the brunt of a few jokes overthe years and there are a couple of people here that bug the hell out of me, but I believe that the content in DRN is right on target.

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Jeez! lighten up! The humor is better than half the reason I look at any forum. Especially here, let's face it these are only dirt bikes and I doubt there are many professional racers on this forum. Come to think of it, the professional racers I've come to know have the best sense of humor. It does irk me when someone posts a question or problem, the jokes get started, things get off topic and no one ever does help out the original poster.I don't see it often, but when that happens the moderator should pull things back on topic. At another (work related) forum I visit, we have joke-only threads that are probably the longest, most viewed threads on the site. If ya ain't havin' fun, yer doin' somethin' wrong! :nener:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
MX-727 said:
I see it like this; you are sitting around with a group of your friends and you ask how to make your bike faster. The first comment is to change the rider, the second is to use the throttle, etc. Eventually your buddies will get serious and tell you about jetting, gearing, pipes, porting, etc.

The same thing happens here. If someone teases you here, consider yourself in.


Everyone tells me if my bike isn't fast enough it is likely because I don't ride it enough. They tell Stan it is the loose nut on his seat that is causing his problems. Humor is all part of our bedside manner. It gets even worse when we have met folks and they are more than a screen name.

If people write a short concise business-like question, they often get a short business-like humoruos response. Better than a terse response.

MX-727 said:
The real idiots/trolls get deleted.

We crush them like a slow moving bug! :debil:


Sep 23, 2002
Sweet tooth

"It does irk me when someone posts a question or problem, the jokes get started, things get off topic and no one ever does help out the original poster.I don't see it often, but when that happens the moderator should pull things back on topic."

True comment. I do not mind joking at all, in fact, I am very humoerous, "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the dirtbike!" Okay, that sucked, but i do like joking around, and i just wanted to inform the forums of the minority. I do truly like this site, it has alot of helpful information, by far the best forum i have visited out of the hundreds i have seen. It is because this forum is one of the original started by a good group of friends (at least that's how it appears). I would say has the best answers on jumping. It is funny to see newbies come to the forum and ask questions about jumping because almost every question has been posted before, and that is why this site is so great, it is like a library. Go for all the joking its cool, but sometimes that minorty if dumasses sets me off.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
TwistNShout said:
I think "balance" is a key word here.
And since I have been accused of being very UNbalanced it seems that everything is once again right in the world. Sort of like that equal and opposite reaction stuff :clue:

There are plenty of other forums to check out when you think things are getting a little to silly here that will make you come screaming back. And the most ironic part of this thread is that Rich wansn't mentioned as being "helpful" :think: I always knew he was just blowing smoke :laugh:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I think you'll find that a large portion of threads that don't get much in the way of help are either poorly worded/explained so most aren't sure what issue they are addressing.


Dec 31, 1969
Wow, thanks for mentioning me as one of the two helpful people, lol... can you point me to the threads that lead you to think that way :think: ,,, I am certainly no expert (there are many that will attest to that) on any subject relating to the sport and frankly don't have answers to most questions, at least not that I am confident enough to reply with.

The Joking; I can see your point, depending on my mind set on any given day, I sometimes just roll my eyes at some of the one-word silly replies when I know the poster is asking a serious question. Hopefully they stay around long enough for a serious reply to be posted, because they usually are.

That being said; we are talking about dirtbikes here so it should be light hearted. It seems there is a good balance most of the time. As far as the teasing that goes on (a recent thread comes to mind where I blew it), friends tease friends IMHO. People need to take it that way or at least initially give the "teaser" the benefit of the doubt.

Flat-out arguments will also happen here, just as they do in real-life. That doesn't mean anything more than we don't agree. As long as folks leave the personal insults out of it (don't fall to that level) it's all good. We can still hook-up and ride together, rather or not we have different ideas about various subjects. I've been involved in some knock-down discussions on the forum only to end-up riding/hanging-out with the same person at DirtWeek and having a great time, for example. I'll typically not "say" something to someone on here that I wouldn't say to them if we were sitting around the campfire. There will always be those that are "hiding behind a monitor", but I believe most DRN'ers aren't that way.

I occasionaly visit other forums and can say I'm really proud of our members. I've recently said (again) that it's the members that make DRN and that's true, but credit also has to go to the moderators (referred to as DRN Nazis on some other boards, lol) for keeping the place inline for the folks that are here. It's a lot more work than most folks realize. Take a look at the bottom of the main forums page, where it shows total registrations and active members... the difference there is largly in part to work of the mods :p It's amazing how many dillweeds there are with internet access these days.


Jan 27, 2000
Patman said:
. And the most ironic part of this thread is that Rich wansn't mentioned as being "helpful" :think: I always knew he was just blowing smoke :laugh:


That's cause Rich isn't even a real person. ;) R.I.C.H., is really a puter program that Okie uses. It stands for Removing Internet Crapola and Hackers. When someone posts something like, "How fast is the top speed of my Skuzumi 50?" The program picks that up and goes into that persons puter and literally rips the internal guts out of the hard drive.. :yikes: Really, I've seen it happen. :ohmy: That person is never seen or heard from again.

That's what is so great about the internet. We can hide behind our puter screens and be something we're not.

I'm really a 14 year old girl living in Zambia. Some day I hope to actually own a motorcycle and move to Southern California where all the action is. My friend and classmate, Carlotta is on here too. She is the one that pretends to be the Highway Patrol officer.

Welcome to DRN

No trolls, no cliques, no spam & newb friendly. Do it.

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