Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
First off I nominate Young Ted for "Tough Man of the Year" Ted was the ONLY ONE that braved the trip all the way over to ride with me. He left his house at 4 AM! Thank you Ted, we had an excellent day all in all. I mean it was in the mid 20's and there was maybe 10 inches of snow so it was pretty much a perfect day. I headed out about 8 Am and stopped in West Branch for breakfast. I got through St Helen about 9:30 and soon happened upon Ted in his van at the entrance to the Geels South Loop. I went over to talk to him and he's all geared up already and ready to ride! After deciding the best placed to park so we don't end calling a tow truck we end up on the road next to the Geels Trailhead. We're unloading and along come a Sheriff. I am thinking to my self that some how we're not going to be able to park here or something. He turns around and pulls up along side us and rolls down his window. A friendly guy just wanting to know if this is where the MOTORCYCLE ONLY Trails are because some one asked him where they were yesterday and he didn't know. I showed him the CCC map and explained how to get maps on line. We chatted about the bikes for a minute-he never knew you can ride in the winter. I got the impression he rode bikes too, any way he was a nice guy and we made sure us motorcyclists were nice guys too. It's easy when you as nice and Ted and I!!! Ok so off we go on the south loop. I decide to ride that one because last I knew the north loops was messed up by loggers and the trail was hard to follow. At first the trail was well used by snowmobiles and the whoops were packed pretty good so you could hit them but Ted’s not really a "stand on the Pegs" kind of guy at the ripe age of 78 understandably so and they were a bit of a challenge for him but he made it not crashing. We went down a well traveled road for quite a while and came to an intersection where the trail makes a "balloon" type route. We went to the right and immediately the snowmobiles inflicted their grief upon us. I stopped and waited for Ted at the spot where I was getting excited because the snow mobiles pulled off. Ted had a small encounter with the white fluffy stuff but no damage done-he did have some snow in his helmet but Ted makes anything look good on him! :cool: Off we went stopping occasionally to take a rest and get back together. Most of the trail was unaffected by snowmobiles but when it was it was 20 times worse. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day to be outside so I really didn't care! I stopped at about the mid way point and Ted said "hey I should take a picture of you in the fresh snow" and me being game for a "photo op" I said I’ll go ahead and see if there's a spot. Once we got out the snowmobile ruts again I signaled for Ted to head down the trail while I waited. I shut off the bike and listened for Ted and after a while I saw him walking. So I kicked the bike over and spooled up through 4th gear and I saw Ted set up at the apex of a nice left hander so I kick it down the 3rd, put out the left leg grabbed a handful of juice and did my best Robbie Jenks impersonation. I’ve hit like 3 corners well in my life and this was one of them, the picture got me just before I had it sideways throwing some snow roost-but it felt good! I circled around back to Ted and checked the photo-it was a success. Ted took off and I cleaned the snow out form the rad fins and took off after him. We rode on and off taking a few breaks and chatting out on the trail from time to time and eventually made it back to the trail head after the 28 mile loop. Deep snow makes 28 miles seem much farther! Ron Sape was waiting for Ted back where we were parks so we loaded up, got dressed and chatted for a few minutes. I wanted to try to get back in time to see the Supercross on TV so I shook Ted’s hand and thanked him for being the only one that was not a sissy and came out to ride with me! Thank you Ted –you are “Tough Man of the Year” in my book! :yeehaw:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
There should be a plaque at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, with a picture of Ted, and the single word "Hardcore" underneath it.

Now lets see that Robbie Jenks action shot! :aj:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Holy Crap...I can not believe how hardcore some of you guys are! You won't catch me trail riding in the middle of winter..too dang cold for me. Although I have been snowboarding...
What kind of tires do you run? Do you put studs in them? Do you have to rejet your bike? Aren't the trails loaded w/snow??How do you keep it on two wheels? Sorry, a lot of questions...just curious though.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Outstanding ride Fred and Ted! I agree Ted deserves some sort of award! I was on the road by 5:30 AM heading toward where Ted came from (he likely drove a bit further than I did today - my day was 729 miles round trip) I am exhausted...and I didnt do any riding! So...Ted drove well over 700 miles, to ride his bike 28! Now that is HARD CORE! Where is the ballot box for the most dedicated rider votes?

Show us that fantastic pic Fred! It should go great with that wheelie shot from when you rode up here!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
KTM Mike said:
the most dedicated rider votes?

Show us that fantastic pic Fred! It should go great with that wheelie shot from when you rode up here!

The picture is in Teds camera and he's probably still driving! He caught me entering the corner BEFORE the major snow roost. You'll have to get the play by play from Ted.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I think I'll stick to the indoor track! I'm much better (not by much) at track riding than trail. I can't seem to get those trees to stay out of my way...or those roots...

I give you guys TONS of credit!! :cool:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

Great ride report. It almost makes me want to ride in the snow. I bitch because it is in the low fortys. I am still barefoot and have been running around in shorts for most of the day though. ;)

Ted needs to come to DirtWeek, it isn't much farther than the round trip for y'all's ride. :yikes:

Ted gets my vote as well.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
KTM Mike said:
Outstanding ride Fred and Ted! I agree Ted deserves some sort of award! I was on the road by 5:30 AM heading toward where Ted came from (he likely drove a bit further than I did today - my day was 729 miles round trip) I am exhausted...and I didnt do any riding! So...Ted drove well over 700 miles, to ride his bike 28! Now that is HARD CORE! Where is the ballot box for the most dedicated rider votes?

Show us that fantastic pic Fred! It should go great with that wheelie shot from when you rode up here!

On his way home my hero/the "Hardcore Rider Of The Century" stopped at our church to try and catch my daughters piccolo solo - BEFORE HEADING HOME TO CHICAGO!!!!!!!! :yikes: :worship: I begged him to spend the night but he said he had to get home before his Bride headed out at 3 a.m. (edited per The Master Of The Trails approval)!!!!!!
He stayed quite a while afterwords and told me all about the fantastic ride you guys had Freddy!! Sounded like a RIOT!!!
Oh yea, EXCELLENT report Fred but can I make a suggestion?? I would suggest that you "edit" it to read " the young age of 76" instead of "the ripe age of 78". I only say that because the last time I got it wrong he nocked me out with a right hook and I didnt wake up for 20 minutes :eek: Hard to say what he would do to someone half his size :laugh: :moon:
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Jan 9, 2005
Oh man why did I go ice fishing :bang: I only caught two perch I could keep and a bigO mud puppy. Well next time the fishing reports bad I'm not gonna let anybody talk me outta riding . :ride: I am riding in two weeks no matter what.


Sep 1, 2003
A Ride With Fantastic Fred

I'll try to get things straight this time. On last weeks ride pictures, the date was off by a year. I didn't notice it until five days later. Most of today has been spent making some buttons that had to go out. Here's hoping I can still work this contraption and do things right.

To Napper - Thank you for the greetings. You are a sweetheart. There is no connection to blanket stealing.

To Mike - Had I picked up the bike for you, you would have missed two things. Breakfast with Woodsy and getting lost trying to get back on the interstate. I could be wrong on the second one. Maybe you simply outfoxed Woodsy with your disappearing move. On the miles, I've got you by 3.6.

To Woodsy - Renie has the pics. You should edit your post to 3 AM. and I wouldn't think of doing any harm to Fred.

Just like being a late starter to off road riding, I'm slow at getting used to the ride at hand. When the trail split, I saw Fred had gone left but his track disappeared. His track was there but I didn't see it. By the time I had checked the turn, he was back looking for me. After that, things settled down to normal. I have to add here that had it been another certain rider, the word would be abnormal. Fred would stop at turns and wait for me with a thumbs up, to which I would shake my head to a yes and off we go. At one point there were no makers and there was a little scouting involved. Trying to turn around I tipped over - not the first time of the day. Where the snowmobiles have been it is a battle to keep going on the trail. Several times I would get katty wampus to the trail, stop and regroup. Meeting up with Fred after such sections was a welcome breather. Fred, here's a question for you. Do you use a steering damper? At one time on a straight section I couldn't see your arms moving and I was going back and forth trying to stay straight. Somewhere along the way there was a new section of trail that was on the tight side. This was enough to slow Fred down enough that I could keep him in sight - until I made a boo boo - like tipping over on a turn. Still haven't learned that going slow and turning means having to pick up the bike afterwards. I did learn something earlier in the ride though. Trying to go faster in second produced tire spinning. A shift to third and the tire would hook up, allowing more throttle to move out. What could be the biggest help in snow riding is having faith in the screws. This was only my second snow trail ride and I feel comfortable with how I've managed. The section of whoops on the return was enough to throw me off completely into the snow and have Fred come back to check on me.
A quick background on Ron Sape that waiting for our return. When he was riding enduros, he was known as Old Ron and had that over the Penton on his tank. I bought that bike and the 'delivery boy' changed the Ron to Ted. That was very short lived and thus Young Ted was born. Ron is nine years behind me.
Your kind words are appreciated, for that is what keeps me going. As has been said before, it is fuel for the engine of life. To be a part of Fred's training is an honor for me and I'm thankful in being able to do so. We ride when we can, for one never knows what tomorrow will bring.
And now for the pictures. The first is Fred hauling the mail. He was moving and the engine was barking big time. The second is a couple non-chickens taken by Old Ron.


  • Fantastic Fred.JPG
    Fantastic Fred.JPG
    19.6 KB · Views: 104
  • Good Time.JPG
    Good Time.JPG
    19.9 KB · Views: 101

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Thanks Ted, if at all possible can you e mail me the original size of that picture? I think a new screen saver is in order and the memory of that day will keep me smiling!

no steering dampner Ted, I found the trick to the snow mobile cursed sections was to be on the pegs to keep the front end light so it floated, if I sat down it was like a bull wrestling contest. In fact in most cases it was best to keep the weight back and the power on.
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Nov 6, 2002
Now I'm not one to discredit someones accomplishments, but I know from first hand experience that if your not in the lead in the snow, it's just plain tuff. Thus said, I think FredT was sandbagging himself. I think he was afraind to get lost. Ted should recieve the Iron man award. Wish I would have been there on the Hawk, but I went skiing instead. Oh, if you see a ski pole on Marquette Mountain, would you kindly return it to the mental shop. :nener:

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Fred T said:
Thank you Ted –you are “Tough Man of the Year” in my book! :yeehaw:

I believe I already covered that Walt. I did get lost at least once! Talk about sandbagging -you ride a snow hawk!

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
INCA said:
To Mike - Had I picked up the bike for you, you would have missed two things. Breakfast with Woodsy and getting lost trying to get back on the interstate. I could be wrong on the second one. Maybe you simply outfoxed Woodsy with your disappearing move. On the miles, I've got you by 3.6.


I did enjoy that breakfast! I discovered I had much more in common with Woodsy than I thought...oh oh :coocoo: Actually, I headed out the way I did on purpose! You know how Woodsy has that reputation for being directionally challenged? Well he would of had me heading north west to go south west! My handy dandy computer told me it was shorter to go back to GR than up to Muskegon then back south. Now, I might have went out the in door...but I dont worry about such little details..I do what works!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
KTM Mike said:
I did enjoy that breakfast! I discovered I had much more in common with Woodsy than I thought...oh oh :coocoo: Actually, I headed out the way I did on purpose! You know how Woodsy has that reputation for being directionally challenged? Well he would of had me heading north west to go south west! My handy dandy computer told me it was shorter to go back to GR than up to Muskegon then back south. Now, I might have went out the in door...but I dont worry about such little details..I do what works!

Whewwww Mike, I was hoping that I didnt mess up your trip big time but leaving so fast I didnt give you directions out of there ;)
SHEEESHHHHH, a guy makes a couple wrong turns leading a group of yahooooos on a trip to Boon and all of a sudden he becomes "directionally challenged".
Ok, so I also lost Timer once in Baldwin because he was waiting at the wrong gas station (Wesco) but it really wasnt my fault :pfft: well, maybe a little....
I love how you captured Super Rooster Freddy (thats what you meant by "non-chicken" isnt it?) doing what he does best!!
Edits done Ted!! :)
Ride on Brothers!!


Sep 1, 2003
I still managed to make mistakes on my report.

Woodsy - The 'pics' should have been 'picks', like in tooth. Your time was correct, I was wrong.

One advantage of riding in the snow is that you don't have to clean the bike, just let the snow melt off. Another one is your pants are still clean also, at least mine were. Fred's short legs may be a disadvantage in some cases, but not for riding. You have to look close to see if he is sitting or standing. Guess I need some practice in a treeless area. Wether you lead or follow is a trade off. If the trail isn't well defined under the snow, you have more to think about. All in all, when it's time to ride, I ride.


Sep 1, 2003
Walt - You are not illegal until the red light goes on. From my days as a steel hauler.

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