
Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
It appears the road access dispute between the farmer and the BLM has reared up again and the gate has been closed. :(

I was thinking of heading down on Sunday, but just got this update.

As a land owner I feel for the Farmer, but wonder why the county can't get a road into the area. At least the BLM could offer to fence the road so people would stay of private property!


Aug 13, 1999
I received this email from a fellow PANTRA member:

From: "Conner, Douglas A"
Date: 2004/12/02 Thu PM 06:47:08 GMT
Subject: Juniper

The road into Juniper has been closed by one of the land owners. I have been in contact with the BLM and they are working on a temporary solution until Peterson Road can be make a county road. Didn't want anyone driving down and finding the road closed.


I just talked to the BLM and they said that a new landowner/leasee has taken over the old Carr Property that the Petersen Road runs through. They have blocked the road supposedly due to liability issues.

The BLM is currently working to meet with the county and other parties to work out a solution. Their prefered solution is for the county to take over Petersen Road as a primitive road.

For now the road is CLOSED to access. I asked Kevin Devitt of the BLM to let me know who we need to put pressure on to resolve this after they meet with the county.

We will need to get some letters over there both to the BLM and the county to help resolve it. I asked Kevin to let me know whe we need to apply pressure to and he said he'd let me know once they meet with the County.

Kevin also mentioned that Doug Conner is involved in working things out so if anyone knows Doug, maybe he can tell us who we should direct our letters, emails & phone calls (Kevin knows we want the road opened so we don't need to hassle him at this point).

If we can't find someone for a contact, I guess we can start bombarding the County Commissioners & BLM with letters but for now, I'd like to find out who would be the best to contact.


You are right bsmith, I can understand the landowners point but the County and the BLM need to step up and provide a PERMANENT solution!


Sponsoring Member
Jul 15, 2000
How far away from the Tri-Cities are you guys? I live here in Pasco.
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Sponsoring Member
Jul 15, 2000
The "wilderness" is a small fenced area in the middle of the huge Juniper Forest area. There is a large section specifically designated for OHV use.

OK, this is what I have gathered so far: The farmer that closed the private access road had some very costly vandalism done to his dairy (dont know who), and has closed that access road to prevent further problems. I have been told the rest of the Juniper forest area is landlocked by private land and access roads have locked gates that have been there for several years.

The good news is that the farmer and his children ride bikes, they just have no tolerance for idiots that spoil it for everyone. Since I will be at his place often over the next month or so, maybe I can talk to him and see if there is a solution to be made.
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Aug 13, 1999
Excellent WWR!!!

Tell him that there are RESPONSIBLE people from all over the NW that love to ride Juniper in the winter season.

We are willing to pound on the BLM, County, whoever needs it with letters, emails, phone calls etc. to make them resolve the issue.

There are grants available in Washington State for the acquisition of properties, land swaps, easements, etc. for access to recreational areas. There are grants available in Washington for Education and Enforcement Officers to patrol the recreation areas.

There has to be a solution BUT first, we need to know what the real story is. Maybe he can tell you what he wants and who is holding the thing up.


Aug 13, 1999
Just received a letter from the BLM - they are proposing a meeting with the County Commisioners to discuss the possibility of the County taking over the road as a Primitive County Road.

BLM is proposing pursuing NOVA grants (glad I put THAT bug in Kevin's ear) to cover some of the expense. BLM is also proposing that they will take on maintenance of the road, in it's primitive state. They also brought up the economic benefit to Franklin County for the $$$$ spent by recreationists that visit the area.

The BLM feels that the only solution is to make it a county road. Sounds like they are on the right track. If anyone wants a copy of the letter, pm me your address & I will mail it out or try to get it scanned.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
It's the only way in if you don't want to tresspass.

I doubt it's even ORV'ers that did the vandalism. You can see signs of bonfires and parties. Some locals have told me about all the kids that would go out there and Party.

Once again, the few ruin it for the many! :think:


Jan 13, 2005
Thanks for the information on this, I've spoken with a few other riders about the closure.

Any updates from BLM or the County on when/if it may reopen?



when will it open

bsmith said:
It appears the road access dispute between the farmer and the BLM has reared up again and the gate has been closed. :(

I was thinking of heading down on Sunday, but just got this update.

As a land owner I feel for the Farmer, but wonder why the county can't get a road into the area. At least the BLM could offer to fence the road so people would stay of private property!


Sponsoring Member
Jul 15, 2000
The correct solution would be through the BLM, but it looks like they are attempting to put the burden of proposed road maintenance on the County. In other words, they talk like they would like a solution but are unwilling to pay a dime to get there.

There is a long history of people vandalizing farmland here, which has caused the issues between the farmers and riders. We need a solution to this, and a solution to the road issue. Many of the surrounding landowners ride and have no problems with people riding out there, but the vandalism and liability issues are too great. The dairy runs alot of truck traffic, and it wouldnt take much for an idiot to get hit by a truck on the private road and file a lawsuit.

I understand the BLM is the holdup on the solution.
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Aug 13, 1999
Last I read, in Washington State, if you allow the public to recreate on your land, without charging a fee, you do not have a liability problem.

If you charge a fee you can be held liable. Will the law prevent a lawsuit, hell no! There are far too many sue happy idiots in the world and there are many many other angles they can work besides getting around the recreation clauses.

The BLM is the place we need to start. I would like to invite all interested parties to the next Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Committee Meeting in Spokane at the BLM office 1103 N. Fancher Road, Spokane, Washington around the middle of April (I have not received the actual date yet but will post it when I get it).

The meeting starts at 9 am and is open to everyone. We usually take public comments about 11 am.

I will see if we can get the Juniper Dunes on the agenda for a more formal discussion.

The Eastern Washington Dirt Riders are working on the situation as best they can. One solution is a possible lawsuit brought on by whom, I don't know, against whom, I don't know but perscriptive easement or other ideas are being tossed around. Maybe we need to get the NMA and other interested groups to raise some $$$ and sue the BLM for misuse of funds by buying a property with no legal access to it.

I know I wouldn't buy a piece of land without a way to get into it. How stupid could it be?

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