
Apr 11, 2001
Sorry for the late report, but it was one fine ride.

My wife decided to come along, so we got a hotel room in Ridgecrest. After a brief nap, we decided to pass on the Trona Pinnacles (saw them last year – quite a site) and drove to the charcoal kilns near Death Valley - an hour to get there but worth the visit. 150 years ago or so these huge domes were built to turn the local scrub pines into charcoal for the processing of borax down in the valley below.

Early next morning Jr & I left for the mountains. We arrived ~7:30am. It was on the cool side. After getting ready I cruised thru Fish Creek Camp & the overflow for signs of any DRNers - not today. The campsites were all taken, yet some space was available in the overflow.

We started on Jackass trail as it heads to the north. The soil was dry on the surface but damp 1-2” down, meaning good traction! Jackass was quite different from what I remember 2 decades ago (we’ve been on most of the others the last two summers, but put off this one until now). They remade the trail higher on the slopes to get it away from the creek (enviro thing). It was as rocky in spots as Beach Ridge, but new & somewhat different. Same green vegetation. And there were plenty of snowdrifts left from the last storm – foot pegs & case savers would rub when passing thru.

Jackass branches off at Albanita (my favorite), so we hung a left & got to pass by some marvelous meadows. If one were to continue to the right, Jackass would eventually lead to Monache Meadow, but we’ll save that for July. The soil change on Albanita was just right: tacky…love going thru the aspens there. Be-U-T-ful. Fewer rocks, too, and more water crossings. After a going down a rocky switchback, Abanita comes to an end at a creek crossing where Beach Trail begins (my 2nd favorite). Still remnants of snow remain.

Before heading back on Little Horse Trail, we passed thru Osa Meadows Campsite, where the DRN crew staged last year. There was nothing I recognized there but this 6’+ fellow with a cup of coffee. Approaching, I decided to strike up conversation “Vixen?” “Yes” “Eric DeCook, friend of Brett?” “Yes.” So here was Mr. & Mrs. Vixen, & friends, enjoying the early morning mountain weather. He said it snowed Thursday night, but the white stuff did not stay thru the day Friday. After some more conversation, we said farewells & headed back.

Jr had some problems on Little Horse; got stuck on one of the snow piles, so I showed him how to dislodge when axle deep. Then later, when we passed thru a creek, he rode a bit too aggressively on the following rock climb – wet tires do demand judicious throttle application on granite! Another dent in the pipe later, & we’re on to Albanita again.

We came across another group, resting up. They said yesterday the water at Rattlesnake Creek was quite high, but despite that were able to bring back to camp some trout. And the West side trails were closed due to some necessary tree clearings, not yet completed by the forest service; therefore we scratched our afternoon loop.

The rest of the way back on Albanita was just as fun; I asked Jr to take the lead. He’s really coming of age & getting some speed too; I’m having to work more than ever to keep up, & he’s doing the brakeslide/clutch thing, something I’ve never mastered. Funny: I roll thru corners, doing arcs thru the corners (a la europeans & Aussies, tho much slower), & he pivots like Randy Hawkins/Steve Hatch.

We finally run across more riders on the way back down Jackass, and Jr’s making more dust for dad to eat, tho he did overshoot one turn, allowing me to catch up & pass. I had my share of mistakes, barely missing an opportunity to center punch a rock, & as a consequence doing a lean-over into the mountainside.

It was 12-noon back to the pickup, and after some chow, called it a day since the westward trails were yet to open. 40 miles of fine, tacky single track was enough for this aging body.

My wife was surprised as we were when pulling into the hotel. Deciding to head back home to beat Monday's traffic, we pretty much had an easy drive to Orange County.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Sounds like another Idyllic ride Placelast. I hope to go up there sometime soon to check out more of the area (I had my 10 year old along last time, so my range was limited).

If I go back, I think I'll spend three days ~. Are there any cabins for rent up there?


Apr 11, 2001
Yes, there are rooms or cabins - inquire within the general store. I do not know the rates, yet plenty of advanced notice would be advisable.

I prefer to camp, being on the cheap side, but the benefits of a campfire are overwhelming. Staying (& eating) in Ridgecrest isn't a bad option either, being an hour or so away.

HS: pls PM or e-mail me an address to send an "Enduroitis" article I copied for you...


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
* sniff, sniff :whiner: I could just picture all those trails in my head as I read. I love Jackass and Albanita. Man I miss that place. I had the most fun there on a ride lead by you Memorial weekend 2 years ago, even though I was on my RM there and struggled more than I ever did when I was there with my KTM. HUGE difference. My KTM loves Kennedy Meadows. :)

Good to hear you got to meet up with Mrs. Vixen and Eric again. They are really cool. Was brettr there as well?


Apr 11, 2001
No, Brett wasn't present; in another post said he was setting aside his helmet for the summer. :silly:

2 years ago? It was only one, my dear roostmaker. :D


Jan 30, 2000
Sounds like you guys had fun Placelast - nice report, thanks.

I'm going up there this weekend and also next if anyone wants to join me.

brett r

Nov 6, 2000
I had to work, first year I couldnt make it in some time. Sounds like everyone had fun, I may be at the TWMC race this month and will definetly make Checkpoints in Sept. I will watch the board for rides and try to make one this summer, maybe the waves will be bad and I will get some riding in.

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