
Dec 1, 2006
Has anyone ridden at the Michiganmotomania in Harrison? I haven't taken a road trip in over a month and am thinking of going next week. Some of their tracks look appropiate for me. Looks very sandy. Thanks.


Feb 23, 2010
the whole place has quite a bit of elevation changes. quite a few rocks.
the trails are fun, all wide enough for a quad but somewhat technical and very fun

the moto tracks are a blast. safe jumps - i.e. tabletops. lots of sand with rocks and some hard clay spots mixed in. owner has been grooming the tracks and picking rocks a few days a week.

the two times i have been there i have managed to put in 30+ miles which is pretty cool for an off road park..

place has big potential, i know the owner is always working his a$$ off, and is looking for suggestions.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I have never heard of there a website?


Dec 1, 2006
WOW! This place was really fun! We had the whole park to ourselves, nobody to get in the way of. Stayed 5 hrs.until we couldn't move. All the tracks we rode were doable for us slow pokes, lots of elevation changes, like bk said, and challenges for every skill level rider. The perimeter track was gnarly, we loved it. Once we accidentally ended up on the "Big Course", screamed and turned around. It had the steepest down and uphill section I've ever seen. Definitely check this place out! And be sure to try the enduro cross section.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
medwaste said:
Hey Tracie, If you ever have a day off during the week, maybe we can share a ride. It's about 180 mi. from my house.

I'm usually off on sounds good. I have my sweet moto van now :) can hold at least three bike. This coming Wed we will be at Big Air, you should come out..last practice of the year. You still have my number right?


Dec 1, 2006
I see you're doing really well at Big Air. The track looks awesome but you know Little Air is more my speed. I'd love to watch you guys ride but I'm heading to Stanton on Wed. Isn't it great to have something to haul bikes in, is it really a van? Since I got a more reliable pick-up, my bike and I have had adventures all over Michigan.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Yeah we bough a 1 ton Ford cargo van. Got it cheap and it gets better mileage than the Explorer towing either of the two trailers. All the fast guys said vans are way to go...finally did it and it's awesome. Never have to worry about bikes sitting out, plus we have a bed to sleep on. No more blowing up an air mattress to sleep on. Also it's always loaded, so ready to go at anytime.

Come check out Big Air, it's fun..this is last practice of the year. I would like to check out Valley Motocross sometime.

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