Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
For 3 years now I've watched AX from the sidelines wondering what it would be like to be out there. This year I got to experience it 1st hand. I've been racing MX for little over a year and thought perhaps I would be able to do an adequate job on an indoor track. Here's my story.

I had pre-registered so I didn't have much to do Friday morning but marvel at the track. They actually used gates this year for the 1st time. It was a typical start, the length of the coliseum and then left turn across a whoop section. There were 4 whoops and then on to a 25' double where the face of the jump was at the end of the turn. From there was a jump that was real fun. It had a face that was about 4' high and a tabletop attached that was about 3' high and 35' long. Following that there was a double and a zig zag under the support columns to a tight 90 turn. Immediately out of the turn was a single and then on to a triple, probably about 65'. It looked hard because of the short run at it. After that was the big turn and on to the catapult jump and then start all over. On to the heats!

There were a bunch of 125 riders in my class so the heat races were to eliminate the masses down to 12. I had to place 6th or better to make the main. In my heat I got stuffed in the 1st turn, 2 riders crossed from each side of me and both clipped me. I didn't go down but I did stall. After I got it fired back up I started in dead last. I managed to make the 1st double from the inside which gave me an advantage over some of the other riders, most were having to rail the outside berm to make the double. I think we ran 9 laps. On about lap 7 I hit the triple, which I had been doubling, and over shot it. I planted my front wheel into the face of the 3rd jump, slammed my chest protector, chest enclosed, into the bars. I must have hit the kill switch because the motor died. It took a minute for me to get it restarted, had to juggle the switch a bit. After being passed by several riders I managed to make up some time on the remaining 2 laps and made the cut. I was on to the main.

I got spot 11 on an 11-gate start with 12 riders; it was the inside next to the board. There was not enough room. My bars were against the board and behind the handlebars of the guy next to me. I let him go and chased the pack. I managed to pass a few down the start but got behind some slower riders for the 1st 2 turns. I felt real good the remainder of my race but got behind a guy that spent a lot of time blocking me instead of going faster. After a little "love tap" under the support columns I made my pass and on to the finish where I got excited and over jumped. I flat landed the catapult on the balls of my feet and sprained both ankles. Needless to say I didn't get to race Sat night. The ankles are better now, I can walk without to aid of crutches.

I have no idea what place I finished. Even though the announcer called my name and number, commenting on my passes, I didn't show up on the score sheet. what's up with that??? They had to know I was out there! If I can get the rest of the sheets I can tell how I did, I remember the bike number of the last guy I passed resulting in 2 sprained ankles.

What I think I learned about AX.
It isn't all about speed as much as it's about finesse. I only got out of 2nd gear on the straight. These races are definitely won in the corners and not in the air, there are not enough straight runs to pass anyone. I didn't get tired at all from the races but the constant sit and stand definitely plays it toll on the thigh muscles in the following days. AX is dominantly a younger person's sport, the promoter told me I was the oldest person entered in the event and right now I'm feeling it. Wouldn't trade the feeling for the world.


Jan 5, 2002
Sounds awesome! What class did you run at the AX? You said you've been racing for a year, what class do you race at your hometown track? I've thought about doing an AX, but haven't raced in over a year. Not to mention no where around here to do one. But, in the near future I'll be off to another duty station and may be close enough to give it try! Sounds like you had a blast!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
So now it is Jeff "Airtime" Gilbert.  Can I have your autograph? LOL!  Great report Jeff.  Hope the ankles get better soon.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
cool report jeff. hope you're okay.

i don't recommend arenacrosses. this is why:

Here is the Guthrie Arenacross Injury list from Keith Shireman ATC/L of MX SPORTS MEDICINE:

Jack Brassfield - Left Ankle FX - Out 4-6 weeks; Evan Laughridge - Right Ankle Sprain; Charlie Bogard - Right Knee/Possible Lateral Meniscus Tear; Ryan St. Cyr - Right Collarbone FX - Out 6-8 weeks; Pedro Gonzalez - Left wrist dislocation/radial & ulnar bone fx, Right wrist ulnar fx w/some ligament damage as well - Out for the season; Chris Whitcraft - Right shoulder Deep Contusion/possible stress fx; Travis Banister - Chest/Pulmonary contusion; ;Chad Johnson - Left ankle sprain; Isaiah Johnson - Mild concussion/compression fractures to the thoracic/cervical spine - Out for the season; Jeff Willoh - Mild concussion/Left shoulder multiple abrasions - Out 1-2 weeks; Phil Lawrence - Left knee Possible MCL (medial collateral ligament) tear, PCL (posterior cruicate ligament) instabilities; Gavin Grayck - Right knee hyperextension/rotational injury; Brian Edwards - R chest/ Separated cartilage; Tom Kelly - Right wrist sprain/possible carpal bone fx; Brandon Bartz - Right foot/arch sprain, Low back strain.

and that's just the pro classes. :eek:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by jboomer
Sounds awesome! What class did you run at the AX? You said you've been racing for a year, what class do you race at your hometown track? I've thought about doing an AX, but haven't raced in over a year. Not to mention no where around here to do one. But, in the near future I'll be off to another duty station and may be close enough to give it try! Sounds like you had a blast!
I spent a year riding D class & over 40 locally before moving up to B class on my last race. I by-passed C completely for health reasons. ;) I checked with some other riders locally, to see which class I should enter. Me, having never done arenacross, was unanimously told to enter Beginner. I didn't think it would be on the up & up but did it anyway and I can tell you I was by no means a superior rider in that class. In fact, there was only one rider that I would have considered a true beginner and he was not safe to be around on the track. Most of the top C class and some of the more experienced B racers were entered in the 125-beginner class. The 250 beginner class was a different story.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Your a brave man Charlie Brown. Thats the first thing that comes to mind for an arenacross. Gladiator pit also comes to mind. IF your comftorble jumping, then maybe, just maybe, oh ya and your young with no mortgage, and you enjoy contact riding, then it might be for you. :scream:
But it is fun to watch.
congrats on coming home in 1 piece. kind of.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by WaltCMoto
you enjoy contact riding, then it might be for you. :scream:
That's what I'm talking about! BumperCross!!


Aug 25, 2000
Jeff - you can't hide em for ever - we know that someone took some pictures of your AX experience.

Let's see them! :aj:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I had someone that shot video of my entire race but I haven't got to see it yet. They did have a couple of GREAT BIG pictures of me on display at the photo booth set up from Friday night. Both were "air shots" but they were $20 each and I had no pockets. By the time I remembered Sat night I was already leaving and no way I was turning around to get them. I had been in the H.O.T. Coliseum parking lot since Thursday night and I was full of AX for the weekend. I'll see if I can post some pics in the next couple of days.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by mx547
cool report jeff. hope you're okay.
i don't recommend arenacrosses. this is why:

:ugg: I used to go see the Arenacross up at Guthrie every year. One year some buds and I went to see the amatuers.....Eek is right, last man standing gets the trophy. I couldn't believe all the injuries, they kept the ambulance busy all night.

Jeff, glad to hear you got out relatively healthy and had fun, I'll stick to my trees :)

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
nice work my friend. today,jeff,you are my hero. i think i'll still ride my seat, in the stands, this year.


Nov 14, 2000
Welcome to the infamous AX starts! If your not up front be ready for anything to happen instantly! :) You should find out if they run a local series they have a 12 round series here. In one of my last AX races I pretty much got the hole shot and some guy on a 250F pass me on my right which was the outside of this 90 degree turn with a nice berm. Anyways he gets by me real fast and decides to brake slide and hit rear tire went over the top of the berm so they are totally squared off in the corner and stalled it! I t-boned'em hard! happened so fast I didn't even have time to apply pressure on my levers took me out of that race.


Nov 18, 2001
Hey MXP.. I'm picking my bike up tonight.

03yz250F :yeehaw: and will be taking it to the arenax track next weekend
at 321 moto in Woodland.. I can't ride,but I might as well look good. :silly:

(with my plumbing Levi's with black glue all over it.) :confused:

Later man. :laugh:


Jan 17, 2001
Jeff, That catapult jump is usually a big double. First, was the angle of the jump that same angle the pros ride on, or did they lower it for the beginner class? Second, when you over shot the catapult did you land on the flat inbetween the double or did you overshoot the whole double?

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
It was the same angle as the pros do, not toned down at all. Yes it was a big double and I flat landed inbetween the two while on the balls of my feet. I still don't have any pics yet but I do have some video, don't know if I can upload it or not. I did find a pic of one of the girls in between the jump, she's on a 100. It's not a good pic but it will give you an idea how big it was.


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Jan 17, 2001
Ya, That is a BIG jump. Can you imagine trying it and coming up short??? :eek:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I got a pic Kelvin. It was during my heat race I think.


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Aug 25, 2000
Awsome pic Jeff!!! :cool:

Ya can't even see the cable that's attached to you helmet holding you up!!   ;)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by KelvinKDX
Awsome pic Jeff!!! :cool:

Ya can't even see the cable that's attached to you helmet holding you up!!   ;)
No, but if you look close you can tell my eyes are closed. And if you could only hear what I was thinking! :ugg:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Looking at the pic it does look like I'm just hanging there by a cable or something. I noticed you can't see my wheels turning, the photographer must have been using some fast film I guess.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I'm over the injury & over the illness, just need the weather to work with me now. Got some video snap-shots of how I ended up at my 1st AX. This guy in front of me spent the entire race blocking me instead of going faster. For 9 laps I followed this guy and even hit his back tire a couple of times and still he was all over the track but I was determined to safely get around him before I finished. Here is the last lap and my last opportunity to pass.
btw, I'm #31


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Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
On the gas


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