Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Saturdays closed course enduro did not go well for me. I did well up to the first check and after the reset we went into the woods on time and soon came up on a muddy ditch crossing that looked harmless. I was 3rd in line and both the guys in front of me went across effortlessly and I followed their line. Before I could even realize what had happened I had endoed over the bars and got slammed to the left side and into the mud under my bike. I didn't know it but there was a board across the mud about 4-6 inches below the surface which I didn't see and perceived the bottom to be hard which was not the case. The mud was 18 inches deep and stopped my front tire immediately and my momentum carried me over the bars as the rear wheel shot straight into the air. I was completely covered in mud, my glasses clogged with mud and my gloves soaked in mud, everything was muddy. I got my bike up and situated and hit "the button" and it wouldn't fire, I repeated but nothing. I drug my bike so that I could stand up on the board and get some leverage and kicked the hell out of it and it wouldn't fire. I was in there for about 10 minutes, plugging the lines and all hell broke loose in that crossing as bikes piled up behind me trying to find a way across the ditch and many more were stuck for a long time. That ditch was deep and you couldn’t get through it. I was getting roosted like no other! Sean came along and him and Jerry Peckle's son helped me drag my bike back up the bank to dry ground, out of every ones way and I helped a few guys find lines through the mud thinking that my bike wouldn't run and I was not taking the spark plug out near all that mud flying around. Finally the chaos cleared out a bit and I pushed my bike backwards down the trail away for the flying mud to see if I could find a spot to give several good kicks and get it running. I looked down and saw that the gas was off. (Later I found out the Sean turned it off and didn’t tell me when it got knocked over by a rider trying to find a way through) I turned the gas on and kicked and it sounded like it may start so I kept at it and it finally fired up. I suspect that the kill switch got wet and muddy and shorted out and finally dried off enough to make spark. (I surmised this as a laid awake that night pizzed off about not finishing) At this point I was 22 minutes down, covered in mud, still facing having to go through that mud hole again to proceed so I just decided to pack it in and stay safe for Sundays ride. I rode cautiously back wards down the trail to the check point and asked for directions out but they didn't know where they were either so I started looking for a way out myself. I happened upon some HUGE nudies on a golf cart tooling around and asked for directions, then went until I got lost and asked for directions again from other nudies until I came out to their camp ground. There was a black lady in a golf cart, in the buff and very friendly and she gave me directions out from that point. Let me tell you, I have never seen anything like this camp ground! There were 40-50 camp trailers all set up just like any campground with nice gravel roads between them like any “normal”trailer park. I made my way out near the main area and there were at least 50-75 golf carts all lined up in a circle 2-3 deep around what looked like a pool area and there were 100-200 nudies all partying like it was 1999! They wear funny outfits that don’t really hide much but add a little color and flair to their sun tans. They all had liquor in the back of their golf carts and were drunk, naked and crazy, real crazy. One lady offered me a pull off her drink but I didn’t think it was a good idea, I wasn’t sure where her hand had just been sitting next to the guy with a big smile on his face. I didn't see any real hotties that I could tell either, just a lot of saggy boobies and I saw more nudies all at once that you can even imagine!! Hundreds! As I putted past them they all turned their attention from the pool and watched me and for a brief moment as I was the focus of their attention, but they all turned their attention back toward the pool and you can imagine what could be going on there. :p I finally found the front gate and left to find my RV.

So I must admit I have had very few DNF's in racing since 2003 - 4 total as a matter of a fact but this was by far the best one yet! That was an experience worth not finishing for. :nod:

Sunday went much better for me and I finished well. They were out there cheering me on, maybe they remembered me?
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Sep 1, 2003
I've seen him covered with mud Denny and he doesn't look like Fred at first.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001

Now help me understand. You were out of the race and had nothing to do for a few hours. You were hot, sweaty, and all covered in mud. You were riding past a swimming pool where a bunch of friendly folks with alcoholic beverages were inviting you to come and party with them.

Why didn’t you stop and go for a swim?


Jun 1, 2001
Fred - Good report...
Not ready to sign up for a full membership?
Like South Beach, most of the topless gals there should be wearing more...


Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
nickolino said:
:yikes: Holy smokes Factory Freddy fell in love with a Black woman. Or did she fall in love wiyh him since he's a little black himself

I think all the mud had her fooled and she thought I was a brotha. If I had got in the swimming pool she would have quickly realized I wasn't because of a couple of things not matching the DNA profile if ya know what I mean..... :(


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Fred T said:
I think all the mud had her fooled and she thought I was a brotha. If I had got in the swimming pool she would have quickly realized I wasn't because of a couple of things not matching the DNA profile if ya know what I mean..... :(

You just have to explain that whole shrinkage principle to her :nod:


Oct 2, 2005
Fred T said:
I think all the mud had her fooled and she thought I was a brotha. If I had got in the swimming pool she would have quickly realized I wasn't because of a couple of things not matching the DNA profile if ya know what I mean..... :(
Ya you have small feet.


Oct 10, 2002
Nice! The best Non-ride report i've ever read. I'm sure you would have fit right in at the pool.

I'm sure those "nice thoughts" from Saturday's. stroll through the camp helped you block out the pain enabling you to have an excellent finish on Sunday. All things work out for the best!

Great weekend for you! If you dont watch it you will be headed for Nickolino's class next year!

Just curious, I noticed that a spectator was "helping" one of the racers decide whether or not to gamble. It seemed he would let the racer know whether or not ther was a check nearby. The dad, I mean spectator, would scope the trail for a check and then pass the info on. This happened at most of the tricky possibles.

Is this kind of thing common?
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Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Only in Indiana.
I can only guess that the spectator was a large man........I think I DW & I saw him at previous races..............


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Ahh good ole Ponderosa Sun Club... nice report Fred. :ride:


Oct 2, 2005
PoeBrian said:
Just curious, I noticed that a spectator was "helping" one of the racers decide whether or not to gamble. It seemed he would let the racer know whether or not ther was a check nearby. The dad, I mean spectator, would scope the trail for a check and then pass the info on. This happened at most of the tricky possibles.

Is this kind of thing common?
If this is who I think it is {in which I’m certain it is} I would like to see that cheating jackazz and his riders get tossed out of every enduro they sign up at. Numerous people from different districts have caught them cheating including myself and nobody has done anything about it. Although in 2006 I did mow down one of his riders in a turn after I caught him cheating twice as he was on my minute. I just can’t figure out how that clan can show their faces with out shame & embarrassment……
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70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Must have been pretty tough to maintain concentration Sunday with all that stuff going through your head? Freddy you da man!


Sep 1, 2003
These "incidents" should be reported to the Enduro Chairman of whatever district they belong to. Riders in the same class should file protests at the event. With enough "data", the chairman can confront those involved and have them banned if they continue. The last couple years have been free of the well known course cutting clan. Isn't it said - those that ignore history will repeat it.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
If it the same family, they did get caught at Roselawn, but it was the GKTR event. I remember "big daddy" wanting to "take it outside". I know we have a couple of district chairman on MTR and they are aware of the situations.

Sounds like Nikki has been to Roselawn. This event was across the street from the Ponderosa Sun Club.


Aug 23, 2003
fatherandson said:
If it the same family, they did get caught at Roselawn, but it was the GKTR event. I remember "big daddy" wanting to "take it outside". I know we have a couple of district chairman on MTR and they are aware of the situations.

Sounds like Nikki has been to Roselawn. This event was across the street from the Ponderosa Sun Club.

Well aware!!!


Aug 23, 2003
fatherandson said:
TD - are you well aware of cheater family OR Nikki's visits to Roselawn??
Well Aware of the cheater family!
Do not know kids name but know to watch him the best i can!
All help from everyone would be appreciated.
With out proof I can take no action


Oct 2, 2005
They have never been to a Michigan enduro.

TD, There has been proof but nothing gets done about it. Last year at Roselawn 2 nudie camp I caught the fat rider {not the fat old man on the look out} ducking off course down a 2 track so I ask him about it at a check in and he said he did that cause he had a flat tire....I looked at his score card and said WOW your fast you beat Blair Bersano in that section with a flat rear tire! He was speachless.....


Oct 10, 2002
I do know the rider/spectator tandem that I saw getting a little extra advantage were NOT D-14 members.

I hope no one is being accused of cheating from my prev. comments that did not cheat!

This appeared to be a father and son combo. I did not see anyone else involved.


Aug 23, 2003
PoeBrian said:
I do know the rider/spectator tandem that I saw getting a little extra advantage were NOT D-14 members.

I hope no one is being accused of cheating from my prev. comments that did not cheat!

This appeared to be a father and son combo. I did not see anyone else involved.
Only Father Son team is of major concern at present.

problem is an official MUST catch them to be of merit.

This makes it much more difficult.

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