
Apr 22, 2003
Well, for those of you that were following my "Semi-Frustrated" thread I am happy to inform you that I am no longer frustrated because today was one of the best days of my life.

Thanks to High Lord Gomer I got to ride a dirtbike for the first time and the only problem I have is getting the silly grin off my face! IT WAS AWESOME!! :aj:

And yes I did embarass the heck out myself when I released the clutch, grabbed a handful of throttle (in a less-than-smooth fashion)and tried to pull a backflip from a standstill--beat that Pastrana! :( Good thing though because I was able to ride the rest of the time with no worries about folks watchin me--I did the worst thing right off the bat, I could only get better!

After the freestyle fiasco I got better with the clutch; threw in some throttle control and I was riding around an oval like a "pro"; first left turns then right. Once I hit the beginner track I never looked back. I managed to get it into 3rd (that YZ 250 can move) which is no big deal but boy am I happy. Although I came close to a mudbath a few times the only time I fell was during my FMX performance--guess I didn't ride hard enough huh?.

You all were right (Tony, Big Lou et al.), Gomer really is a stand-up guy and a great ambassador to the sport (his dad is cool too). He was patient with me and gave me all the seat time I could have wanted. He wouldn't even let me give him some $$ for fuel. Thanks again Gomer--I really appreciate it and I owe you man!!

I hope to get my bike in the next month or so depending on when snow is supposed to be here.

Hope to meet the rest of you at DW04! :)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Cool ride report, glad you had a good time!

pssst, Gomer, tell us how it really went. :p

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Splash, Whip, Swish, Got him ! .... hook, line and sinker :yeehaw:

Great to hear you had a good time!

Thank you Gomer for behaving!! :p


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by MadEarthWorm

tried to pull a backflip from a standstill--beat that Pastrana!

Better question is did Gomer beat it? Usually when someone comes close to crashing Gomer has to go out and show them how to really do it by taking a dirt nap himself :)

Glad you had fun. Gomer and family are the best.



Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by jboomer
And last but not least, like most newbs, while in the parking area, hold the lever on the left side with your hand, twist the grip on the right side as far as it goes, then release the lever held by the left hand (best way not to STALL the bike on your first attempt).

:laugh: - looks like you are a fast learner - glad you had fun, welcome to the club :thumb:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Wow!  I love all that enthusiasm!!  You're hooked now, don't try to fight it! ;) I am SO GLAD you had a great first experience!!  Keep us up to speed on your future rides.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Congrats MadEarthWor :thumb: So what kind of bike are you looking too get?? Have fun, and ride smart :)


Gomer has a dad? I thought he just escaped from the lab... :moon:

Yeah, you won't find a nicer family than Lori, Gomer and the gang. :thumb: Sounds like you had a blast! Just remember, it's all relative. I've only been riding for less than 4 years now, and nowadays when we look back and think about how (relatively) slow and pathetic we were back in 2000, we laugh! Hey, we're still slow and pathetic, but at least we're all about the same speed and we always have a great time together. Glad you had such a good time. I love this sport and the fine folks involved with it. Keep us updated on what bike you decide to go for. :thumb:


Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by rickyd
Congrats MadEarthWor :thumb: So what kind of bike are you looking too get?? Have fun, and ride smart :)

I've decided on the KX250F for my first ride. I talked it over with Gomer and he agreed it would be a good bike for me. I'm looking into trailers now (Big Tex etc.), but I don't know if I should buy the bike before the holiday season or after.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by MadEarthWorm

I've decided on the KX250F for my first ride. I talked it over with Gomer and he agreed it would be a good bike for me.

He only recommended that bike b/c he has ridden a YZ250F and has a friend locally who just got a CRF250 so he'll get a ride on that. The only other bike left to ride is the KX250F so if you get one he can bum a ride :)

Just kidding.

The 250F line of bikes is a great place to start. I really loved my YZ250F and have been thinking of going back to a 250F again.

Good luck and keep us up to date with your ride reports.



Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by MadEarthWorm

You all were right (Tony, Big Lou et al.), Gomer really is a stand-up guy and a great ambassador to the sport (his dad is cool too).

Johnathan. Gomer is one of the people that makes this place so special. Glad you had a good time. We knew you would. :thumb: :thumb:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Just got back from MD last night...

I almost peed my pants when, true to his name, the MadEarthWorm tried to find out what was *under* the topsoil in his first 5 feet of riding!  He said that someone had told him to pin it and dump the clutch so that's what he did!  the bike shot straight up but he managed to wrestle it back down to the ground on its side.  At this point he and the bike are on their sides and he still has the throttle pinned and they're both spinning around doing his version of moto-snow-angels!  While I'm laughing, I'm also trying to yell, "Let it go!!"  It reminded me of when my father (he used to teach flying) said that the best spin recovery device would be a big fist that would knock the pilot away from the controls.  After that, I told him that if things got bad, to get away from bike.

Once he had gotten his soil aeration exercise out of the way, he settled down to very controlled riding.  He obviously has good coordination and fine motor skills (I still just pin it and dump the clutch), so I think he's going to be doing well, soon.

It is so much fun to see someone else enjoy it so much.  Make sure you come down when the snow sets in up there.

Ivan...I stayed off the advanced track so I would be tempted to hurt myself.

Lou...actually, he's the guy who used to sweep the lab at night.  As you well know, gotta take what you can get!

BTW, MEW...I thought Anthony was your first name?!?


Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
Just got back from MD last night...

I almost peed my pants when, true to his name, the MadEarthWorm tried to find out what was *under* the topsoil in his first 5 feet of riding!

LOL!! :laugh: I had to make sure the dirt was "good".

Glad you made it back safely Gomer. I will load a couple pictures as soon as I get my photo program from my roomie.

I introduced myself by my middle name (Anthony) b/c during orientation at school I was told it's "easier to remember".


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Sounds like you had a great time! Glad to hear another victim, err... rider, has joined the family!



Apr 22, 2003
Here are a few pics from my first ride. As soon as I get better at riding I think I should also learn to take decent pics :laugh:

This is Gomer catchin some air. Sorry for the crummy angle.

Yes, that's me on the beginner track :aj: Hahahahaha

I met a few nice people that day. Gomer's dad is on the left, we talked about a lot of stuff during the day--he's a cool guy.

Boy, I still have that goofy grin on my face tonight.
Last edited:


Cool! :thumb: Nice boots, too! I can't remember which thread it was in (maybe this one) but I bet a 250F of whichever flavor you want would be a great choice for a first bike.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Great Pics, looks like you had fun and enjoyed yourself.. I agree w/BigLou, wouuld be hard too beat a 4stoke 250 :thumb:

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