Need Jetting for 2003 450exc in Colorado


Aug 8, 1999
Drop your main 10-12% and you'll be fine. Might have to mess with the fuel screw a bit to effect off idle performance. Expect to turn your idle up when high and back down when at lower elevs.

For example, if your sea level main is a 170 then 10% is 17, therefore 170 - 17 = 153. Get a 150, 152, and 155 if you are anal about it, or just slap the 152 in there and go.



Mar 18, 2002
If you're going to be riding in the national forests, keep an eye out for, and respect the hunters. Some of them can be down right nasty. even though we all have the right to be there.


Dec 16, 2000
Originally posted by DurtJunkee
If you're going to be riding in the national forests, keep an eye out for, and respect the hunters. Some of them can be down right nasty. even though we all have the right to be there.

No kidding. Had a shotgun pointed at me and a group of riders a couple years ago. After lengthy discussions, they agreed we had a right to be there. Nothing like a 12guage pointed at your chest to get your adrenalin going :) They were just pissed we were scaring the wildlife. After our we told them where we were riding, they actually followed up hoping to catch some of the deer we were flusshing out. That didn't ecactly give me that warm and fuzzy feeling.


Feb 8, 2004
Bish said:
No kidding. Had a shotgun pointed at me and a group of riders a couple years ago. After lengthy discussions, they agreed we had a right to be there. Nothing like a 12guage pointed at your chest to get your adrenalin going :) They were just pissed we were scaring the wildlife. After our we told them where we were riding, they actually followed up hoping to catch some of the deer we were flusshing out. That didn't ecactly give me that warm and fuzzy feeling.

That is Felony Menacing. I would have been looking for the Sheriff after that to press criminal charges. Pointing a firearm at someone is no joke. :ugg:

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