
Dec 18, 2006
Hello all I am from Port Lavaca TX, its a small town on the coast in the middle of Corpus Christi and Houston.

I have two boys one is 5 and the other 4. Ever since the 5 year old was 3 he has said he wants to race motorcycles when he gets older, I loved that. We fixed up an old JR50 (78-81 model) for him to ride. That boy got on it and just took off like he has been doing it for a couple years already. We let the 4 years old try and he is a little afraid of the bike and wiped out a couple times, we figure we will give him some more time of riding his bicycle before getting him back on it.

I also have an 86 Honda XL600r i ride around our 10 acres with the boys.

If there are any others down our way give a shout out.

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