
Apr 4, 2005
Hey guys how's it going?

My name is Henry, I'm just a hair under 19 years old.

First off, I would like to say this is by far one of the best dirt forums I have found. I've be apart of the forum world for many years now, and have seen my share of crappy ones.

I was a student over at the University of Arkansas before my back went out pretty bad and I had to take this semester off. Will be attending Oklahoma State Univ. in the fall. Can't wait to get over there. I'm majoring in horticulture with a focus in turf management. I keep pretty busy working on golf courses.

I'm pretty new to the motorcycle world. Ever since a young age I always had to get all the magazines and would drool over the bikes for days on end. Of course, I have an over-protective mother who would never let me ride motorcycles. :bang:

A good chunk of my childhood was spent racing BMX, and that was about as exciting as my mom would let me be. I grew older, got a lot bigger, and my BMX days kinda faded away.

So here I am, an adult now, and I'm ready to get me a bike. My back has healed nicely and I can't wait to get a bike and get to riding. I'm starting to put some money aside and going to look for a 250 to learn to ride on. Once I'm comfortable with my skill, I plan on hitting the MX tracks. I can't wait.

I've been doing a lot of reading here and will try to keep the questions that I know have been answered 10,000 times to a minimum.

In return, if you ever have any questions about how to keep your lawn nice, you know who to look for. :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

You are near the geographical center of the Heartland Spodes and will soon be even nearer. Check out the folks in the Heartland Spodes forum. They might be good leads for bikes.

OSU means Stillwater so you have NO CHOICE about attending DirtWeek! DirtWeek is coming to Cooperland Raceway this fall. Builidng on 5 years (or is it 6) of racing and riding, DirtWeek has become the must do event for many if the dirtbike community. Last year we had Kenny Bartram, Guy Cooper, Malcolm Smith and Larry Rosslier stop by for riding and bench racing. Check out the site at Additionally all the forums relating to past DirtWeeks can be found near the bottom of the main forum page.

As far as selecting a bike, check out the What Bike Do I Get... ? forum for tons of great info on bikes. Use search and you will get lost in there for days. :)

Again welcome to the site!


Apr 28, 2005
Yea!!!!....another Oklahoman!!!!

Hi all..Im 30 years old and just started riding again after not for the past 12 years!!! Glad to get back in the action. Look forward to reading the posts! :)


Apr 4, 2005
Awesome! I had read stuff about dirt week but I didn't know it was in good ol Oklahoma!

I've been keeping pretty busy in the Bike forums. I'm heading over to Tulsa today and hopefully going to drool over some bikes.

I appreciate the welcome.


Dec 31, 1969
The site is owned by a displaced okie afterall... :p


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
Hey man. I'm not new to DRN so welcome, but I am new to OK, just up the road from you in Broken Arrow. Just moved here from TX a little over 3 weeks ago. One of the things that helped make the decision to move was all of the great folks I met from OK through this site and the few trips I've taken to Dirtweek that familiarized me with the area.

You will be at Dirtweek. Its a given. Hook up and make a ride with some of the folks around here. I'm sure you'll find everyone very friendly.


Apr 28, 2005
Thanks for the welcome as well. Im new to DRN and so far I really enjoy it. There seems to be a wealth of information to catch up on and plenty of new people to meet! I usually ride with another friend (he rides a CR250) and we are always looking for a fun group to go hang with. Better run for now...catch you all later!


Apr 14, 2002
Henry, if you want to ride Stillwater is a good place to be. I'm the Assistant Superintendent at Stillwater Country Club and have been riding for 8 years now. The 500 is a great place to learn. I enjoy playing tour guide. (Its easy to get lost out there on 20+ miles of trails) Keep in touch.


Apr 4, 2005
lol.....I will definately have to look you up bud.

If you ever need a part-time worker, I've got plenty of golf course experience. And I could always use the money.


Apr 28, 2005
My buddy and I are wanting to goto Stillwater and ride those trails! We have only ridden at the MX track near I-35 when we had our quads. Now that we have dirtbikes...sounds like a blast!! Maybe we'll join up for the 500! :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Just southwest of Stillwater, OK, the 500 is a great place to ride. Dues are very affordable. Check out the Heartland Spodes forum for opportunities to hook up with some great folks. There is usually a bunch heading to the 500 every week or so.


Apr 24, 2004
Kansas OK here, in tulsa everyday. My friends and I usually ride over at white rock over in AR, however the 500 at stillwater sounds like a lot of fun. Welcome to OK. Let me know what you find out about stillwater.

Welcome to DRN

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