
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
I've put together an online ORV Trail Guide for Michigan. It covers all of the trail system (3K miles), has maps, descriptions, stats (length, etc.) - even photos & video of the trails.

(Trail Guide is all free stuff, no ads etc.)

There's plenty of trails that don't have photos/video yet, but I'll add to them as I get the time & re-ride them. All of the descriptions and data are my personal view. Since I've not ridden some of the trails in a few years, my recollection may not be as sharp as one ridden last month. For example, I rode White Cloud last month which I've not been on in 7 or 8 years. It was tighter than I remembered, so the trail description has been updated with the fresh memory of it.

The maps are low resolution version of my map book product, the trail guide is straight from the same thing. Photos are mostly mine (a few with permission from other folks who donated some). Video is from the new camera so only stuff from this year.

I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve & make it more useful. The hope is to provide a bit more depth on the trails so folks can "see" or "experience" the trail before actually riding it. Hopefully keeping them legal, safe and having fun.


Apr 25, 2004
Jeramey: thanks for the link

very nice web site by the way - easy to navigate

question for you: Maps for sale, Michigan plus the trail system - are they more accurate/detailed than those offered by CCC overlaid onto Garmin base maps (topo and/or street)?

I find that many, many of the smaller roads and almost all the two tracks are nowhere to be found on Garmin based stuff as we dual sport at/near trail systems.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
The VVMapping maps are _much_ more detailed than the maps I made for the CCC several years ago (and updated quite a bit more too). I made this stuff originally for my own (Dual Sport) use with criteria being:
As much detail as possible
Certified county roads
Detailed public land ownership

I can glance at the GPS and be 99% certain if a road is open/legal/private.

Here's detailed samples (snowmobile centric, but data is the same):

If there's an area you want to see the map sample for, just holler.
Probably best if you contact me off this thread, I don't want to sound like a sales pitch. PM or email jvalley@mac.com


Jun 20, 2006
I have Jeramey's GPS maps and they are great. Well worth the money. I was saving my own tracks and making more by digitizing the DNR maps. That was pretty much a wate of effort. Not only are the trails more accurate on Jeramey's GPS data than the DNR maps, but there is a lot more data.

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