
Jul 21, 2009
I picked up a 1991 KX250 in pretty decent shape for $750 and plan to trail ride it. I have a couple questions that I could use some input on. Please help if you can. Thanks :)

1. Someone told me that you can download service manuals for these machines for around $10, but they didn't provide a link. Any chance someone knows where these are?

2. I need to rebuild the rear shock. How tough is this to do? There is no damping action at all right now (I assume no oil is left). The shock rod is wet with oil (bad seal).

Note: I have no money... so my only option is an at home rebuild. I have a friend who can charge it for me and know I would need new seals.

3. I was considering getting a flywheel weight to smooth out the power (lessen the hit) for woods riding (Yes... I ride slow). I was told about the Moose torque spacer and wondering if this would accomplish the same thing for less money? Or if the FWW is the way to go. Limited buget, but want to buy something that will work for sure.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Dec 9, 2007
You should be able to find a downloadable manual off the Kawasaki website. I bought a manual for my 06 YZ250 off ebay it came on a CD.

You should be able to rebuild the shock yourself if you have the right tools and patience. I would buy a Clymer manual for that bike before you start digging in that deep. They are around $30 and the best money you will ever spend on your bike.

As far as a flywheel weight, I dont know if they work or not Ive always been a fan of more power harder hitting so those have never crossed my mind. Ive read on multiple forums that they do work though and tone down the motor. I had a 93 KX250 with all the bolt on hop up nick nacks and it was real mellow. Try going up a tooth in the front sprocket.


Apr 1, 2006
I went from a 13T to a 14T on the front sprocket and it made my CR250 much more enjoyable and more rideable. That small change made all the difference I needed!

I'd start there with mellowing the "hit"


Jul 21, 2009
I already have a 14 tooth on the countershaft. Not sure what stock gearing is, but I wanted to drop a tooth to shorten up the gears some for woods riding. If I do that, I might need the FWW to slow things down. The hit really isn't too bad right now. It seems much more manageable than the 96 CR250 I had, but I would like to make it as much of a tractor as possible :)

I should be able to get it out a bit this weekend if it's not too cold and see how it behaves on the trails. It is amazing how much torque the 250s make, just turn the throttle and up she comes :) It is entertaining in sand in the open, but not always the best when navigating singletrack :)

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