Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Hi Ladies!  Sorry I haven't been posting too much over the winter.  Hope you haven't felt abandoned, but I did check in and make sure things were running smoothly.  It's been great seeing all the new members come on board,  and all the new bikes.  :)

As for me, in between getting laid off from my job, having hernia surgery (emergency), and dealing with nearly 6 months of snow and cold (but that made for lots of skiing this year :yeehaw: )  I haven't had a lot of motivation to post about dirt bikes!  I'm glad to say that I'm again gainfully employed, and things seem to be getting back to normal.  (And the snow is finally melting!)

A couple weeks ago, we sold my old KDX200 to a guy that my husband works with.  His son has been racing harescrambles locally, and dad wanted something a little better than the RT180 he was using to follow the kid around on!  That left a bare spot in our garage, but we knew what we wanted to fill it with.

Trials bike!  So, it's out with the old KDX, and in with the new (to us) Beta Rev3.  I posted pictures in the trials forum-- check it out. 

And now it's time to ride again!  :cool:


Jan 17, 2001
I thought you fell of the face of the earth, Lori!! Glad you are back and all is well! Looks like Dave got his wish for the Trials bike---I remember him riding a around the Dirtweek at Casey that year quite a bit and really liking it!! Good for you guys! Hope to hear more from you soon!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Lori, you've been missed, but spotted occasionally.
Sorry to hear about the job, surgery and cold. Glad it all went well & you're okay now (I'm presuming).
Congrats on the new bike - so you're who Patman was trying to get to post about the new bike ;)


"Am I lost again?"
Apr 28, 2002
New Trials bike kicks butt! I'd love to get one to goof off on! Good to see you back, with life in order and the snow finally melting. I'll be seeing you shortly at some Enduros, I hope!

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