Pain in the Hind Side Code Red Virus


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
I am so sick of this virus. Yeessh! Our servers have been up, down, up , down, up, down.... Update this, patch that, upgrade this...... Must have install Win2K Service Pack 2 at least 300 times and then the Code Red Patch.

Networks running so darn slow, I am going to request that they start handing out 56K Modems. (not that I have any say) This thing has brought T1's and T3's to barely a crawl. We have thousands of servers throught the world. This thing I think has practicly hit them all. Anyone running Win2K in a corporate environment probably knows what I am talikng about. Some worms hit a nerve, this thing I think has done more than that. It has actually affected employees ability to work. Paranoid guy in work is blaming the chinese government for trying to pay us back. I am not so sure about that, but man I would like to find out who did this so I could maybe dismember him below the waist. Anyone else feeling the frustration from this thing?

I had to come back and edit this post so you knew part of the reason I was flaming this here. Basicly, due to the pathetic speed that out internet connection has been running at, I have not been able to visit DRN very much at all this week. Usually I check it out all day long. But at this point, it takes up to 5 minutes to load a page here at DRN. No it is not your server Okie, your server flies. This crazy virus is partly keeping me from DRN all day long, because it takes so long to do everything I else I normally fly through. Ivan is probably familiar with this.
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Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
This looks like the beginings of a whole new service business....:(


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
I am so glad our server runs on Win 98.:) We did recently get hit with SIRCAM32, though, I hate all the manual reconfiguring you have to do after removing this virus. it's worse than NAVIDAD.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
It's just a LAN server for our small office, really just a hub. We only have 9 PC's connected to it, so we don't need anything fancy.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I haven't noticed any slow-down of the net at all.
I also don't open any e-mail attachments unless I know what they are ahead of time. That is the only way you will get a virus anywho.
I've heard that if one uses MS Word to open an attachment, even if it is infected, it won't effect your system unless you file the attachment on your HD.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by Jaybird
I've heard that if one uses MS Word to open an attachment, even if it is infected, it won't effect your system unless you file the attachment on your HD.
Don't believe it for a second. Regardless of what program you use to open an attachment, open is open. That's like saying if you strike a lighter over an open can of gasoline instead of a match, it won't ignite the gas. The best defense is to keep your virus definitions up-to-date. We have so many emails going back and forth to numerous corporate big-shots, a virus could easily get opened by mistake.
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I dunno, your reply from experience, or are you certain one can't open an attachment without catching the virus? :think hmmmm....

I can't confirm because I don't open strange attachments anyway, but I have it on athority that you can in fact open an attachment with a program such as word without it being posted to your HD. In effect, giving you a chance to inspect the content before filing. I'm no computer man, but your statement "open is open" sure drew some comments here. Apparently many feel that's not true. <shrug> I agree one should probably keep thier virus protection updated. But, what if the virus is a new one? If the procedure I have suggested works, wouldn't it be much better than any virus protection could give you? I've been told you can recognize any virus when you look at it. Most are EXE's. If I were a big-time e-mailer I believe I would look into the MS Word thing rather than just poo-pooing it. Just my 2 pfennigs.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
Info Regading Code Red

Here is a site that has loads of info about Code Red. Some may find it interesting and others may find it enlightening. I just find the whole gamut to be very frustrating. But here's some info on who, what, how, when , why.


Sep 15, 2000
Don't you just love service packs? Nothing better than trying to solve the 300 billion windows problem with a service pack. Jeez, Microsoft is just the smartest company out there.

Once simple thing, just deny port 80 traffic inbound, then your LAN will be working great. Unless you have onsite webservers, then you might be up that certain creek....... :)


May 4, 2001

LINUX -- Making lame hackers seem like they have some kind of ability!

If you really want to solve the virus problem, stick with Windows... There's more stuff available for it to fight viruses.

Whats even better, is that 99.999% of viruses can be deleted by hand, without the use of expensive programs. The programs are just for lazy people who dont know their way around windows...


May 4, 2001
In the long run...

In the long run, its better... I dont like Microsoft.

The more they sell, the more they look like a monopoly... So go and buy Windows if you want to see Microsoft meet its demise :p


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
I'll tell you like I was told by a MS programmer.

You don't like it you can

A - write something better
B - run something different
C - shut up

I won't get into a MS/Linux debate, I just thought you guys might want to consider this man's point of view. I did.

This code red sucks and it's screwing with my cable connection and I would like to catch the little jerk who wrote it....


Sep 15, 2000
The only reason why this virus is still running is IIS. So you want to blame someone? Blame Bill Gates and his company. You know whats funny? I've never had this prob with apache :)



Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
I think you Linux people definitely have something. I just installed Mandrake 8.0 for the first time a month ago. That was my first experience configuring Linux. Flawless, fast, and error free. Kind of like DRN. Gee, think there 's a correlation there? No Apache on this site site, right? :D Seriously, I'm kind of diggin' the little Penguin right about now. The more I use it, the more I grow accustomed to it. I think I am so far stuck into MS OS's because that is all I support right now. But coming soon, I will be supporting the little Penguin himself. I hope it comes real soon.

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