
Oct 27, 1999
Well for those of you that attented the Reno ride this year in February. On Saturday morning my father on his Yellow YZ250f and the of the intermdiates went for a ride. after we lost some people and got our group back together. My dad went through a G-out and hurt his back. After a while of him rolling around in pain we were able to get him back on his bike and was he able to ride back to the parking lot. he spent the rest of the day in the truck hoping it would stop hurting then the rest of the weekend saying it was just bruised and he thought it would be fine. after his 12 hour drive home pulling his camp trailer. he finally went to the doctor on monday becuase he tryed to take a crap and about died. so they did some x-rays and discovered that he had crushed a vertabrea and herniated a disc. they told him they he could wear a brace for 4 months and some rehab and the back would be fine.

leap to 4 months later the beginning of june they. he is still having a hard time getting around. It was decided to take and MRI of his back and see how things are healing. well after the got the results they said they didnt relize the amount of structural damage and surgery would have to be done.

June 25th- he has surgery to run a titaium rod through 5 vertabrea, clean up the bone fragments in his spine and remove the herniated disc.after after a week in the hospital they finally got his digest system kinda working and he was able to go home. he is now recovering pretty well. he is up and moving around slowly. getting better every day. Doctor tells him he is going to have to stop riding his dirt bike. the back will never be able to take another shot like that again.

Any how, just wanted to thank every one that helped him that day on the trail and let you know his condition. He has a street bike so he is going to focus his enjoyment to the street. as son as he can swing his leg over that thing.

thanks again,


Dec 31, 1969
Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
I suppose if Dirt is out of the question, the pavement will do :p


Jan 30, 2000
Sorry he had to go through all that grief. Doctor's seem to underestimate many injuries just because many dirtbikers are a bit tougher than the average people.

When I had a broken hip the doctor couldn't believe it was broken as I passed his "push and pull" test so easily.


Sep 9, 2000
He sure did look like he was in some pain when I saw him back at the truck. Hopefully he will be pain free soon, now that the Dr's found the problem. We wish him the best.


Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by Kiwi Bird
Sorry he had to go through all that grief. Doctor's seem to underestimate many injuries just because many dirtbikers are a bit tougher than the average people.

When I had a broken hip the doctor couldn't believe it was broken as I passed his "push and pull" test so easily.

Been there, done that. I agree: I've had doctors tell me the same thing, and it does seem like all the guys I know that ride have a much higher pain thresh-hold.

I too was told to quit riding a few years ago when I injured my back. If your dad gives it some time to heal and does well in re-hab-ing it there's always a possibility he'll be back on dirt one day.:thumb:


Dec 3, 2001
I was there and your dad is a pretty tough guy. I wold have crashed in that g-out if i hadn't rode the day before and knew it was there. Sorry to hear it was serious enough for an operation, hope he recovers fast and doesn't give up on riding.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Damn, not sure how I missed that. I was there and didn't even realize anyone was injured, at least not more than bumps and bruises. Tell your dad we are all pulling for him and send our best wishes. :(


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Were you on that ride, Eddie? I didn't think you were with that group--Kokanee and crew, gosh I can't remember who all else, and I were following Bobby. Aimee, Natalie, Gina, Noelle, and the rest of their group came up on us as we were waiting for him to rest and decide how he felt. I about did crash in that section. I didn't see him hit the ground but came up on it a little while later, held his bike and tried to be helpful.

He IS a tough guy if there was that much damage! There's no way I would have been as calm as he was. I would have curled up, gone fetal, and waited for the helicopter. Wishes for a speedy recovery, and hope he enjoys the street as a substitute for dirt. Keep us posted on how he is doing.

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