Sep 1, 2003
How this is going to work out is of course unknown, but I’m giving it a try because I have to make the most of my time and the trip. If anyone cares to join, chase, intercept, harass, play cat & mouse or start trouble, feel free to do so. Here is what I’ll be up to.
Leave White Cloud staging 7 AM Saturday 6/30 heading to get lost on the way to Boon and being back in Hesperia at Daniels between 8-9 PM. Changes are of course possible due to whatever situation comes up as the day wears on or I wear out. The general route will be the east side of the Big “O” & Lincoln Bridge to Boon getting gas at either Baldwin, (Wesco of course), or Wolf Lake on the way up. The return route will be this way then that way with the sun on the right shoulder, as long as it is visible.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Wow, I wish I could get away Saturday and join you but I have commitments. We had a ball yesterday and I am sure you will too….especially if we get some rain.


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Dec 2, 2003
Inca you sure know how to push my buttons dont ya.....Ill see what I can work out but I doubt it seeing as Im gonna try and hit Red Bud Sunday for the Nats. if nothing else maybe Digger and I can join ya for a little but of the White Cloud trail.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Yooo,, Trouble Defined...
Here's a little thought for your Central Processing Unit - hope this doesnt overload the system..
Anyway, LT mentioned on out last ride that his new boss was backing off the "wanting everymoment of your time" routine.. I know
Randy is a little picky about what he rides but heyyyyyyyy, Maybe a day on Davies back would open his eyes to the fun you can have!


Sep 1, 2003
No changes on my part as posted. Don, if you and Digger have time to go only so far and return, that's fine by me. I am aware of commitments Tim, or I would have joined you last week. This ride has been in mind for a while and I'll do it.

Young Ted


May 29, 2006
Hey Ted, I'll be joining you saturday. Talked to Dan Smith an he might show up also.Is there some reason for going to Daniels afterward? I got all day,so whenever we get back is ok with me. See ya at 7am.If something makes me late I'll head up Croswell. :ride:


Sep 1, 2003
Bob - The reasons for Daniels are, it is a close by target and familiar. It is not a must situation at all. The rest sounds OK and I'll have an 18 in. tube, tools & pump with me. I'll be looking for you.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 3, 2004

I'll be "in the area" and hoping to cause trouble - my start time will be much later than yours (9:30 am); but I hope that our paths cross at some point during the day.



Sep 1, 2003
Trevor - As long as the crossing isn't at the same exact time. I just may take to "marking" spots here and there. Will be on the lookout for "trouble".

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 3, 2004
Found no trouble, did find what appeared to be 2 tracks laid down by suspected turkeys - Osborn Rd @ 9:15 am. I believe I missed the flock by mear minutes.

As for myself - parked @ 96th, rode MCCCT (west side of Big O) up to Pere Marquette River and back, then MCCCT south to White Cloud Loop and back. 110 miles of fairly easy dusty riding with fun sections. A great day with great weather ~ went looking for a good time, got lost - in thought, concentration, and the moment; found satisfaction, comradere, and piece of mind. Hope your day was at least as good if not better.



May 29, 2006
A good day we had indeed. We did ride part of the east side of the big "O" from 16 mile up. Left White Cloud at just past 7am an returned 6:45pm. Rode almost all trail to Lincoln Hills bridge then went east an south on two tracks an dirt roads back to parking lot. We were surprised at how few riders we saw. I don't think we met anybody on the trail,but did talk to a few riders in some of the parking area's we went thru. Ted set the pace, so we covered alot of ground. Great day all around. :ride:


Sep 1, 2003
First off, I'm admitting that I planned for more than I could handle. The dry, loose sand in many parts took a lot out of me, even though I went at my own pace on the single tracks. I don't recall what time it was when we went up Osborn, but we were in Baldwin around 10:30. Not much doubt those were our tracks. By the time we got to Lincoln Bridge, by way of the west side of Little Manistee, it was enough of single tracking for me. It must have been around 2 PM and to get lost going to Boon, didn't appeal at all. We then headed for Luther and got there the long way around. There was a festival going on with State Rd. blocked, so it was on to Carrieville and gas. This was now Bob's ride as he wanted to find a way south on the east side of M-37. We went here and there, looking for two tracks or any way to get south and west. One thing we found out was that the use of "seasonal road" signs don't really mean much. One was were the road went no further. By the time we got to M-37 my front tire was out of air and we were about 10 miles from the parking lot. We just took it easy on the snowmobile trail and what have you back to the vehicles.
This picture is at what I'm calling The Over 50 Rest Bench.

Young "Tired" Ted


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Dec 2, 2003
INCA said:
By the time we got to M-37 my front tire was out of air and we were about 10 miles from the parking lot.

Young "Tired" Ted

Sounds like you had a great ride. Good day for it.

The tire was only flat on the bottom though wasn't it???


Sep 1, 2003
YZMAN400 said:
The tire was only flat on the bottom though wasn't it???
No Don, it was out of air, still round and vertical, -or close to it.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
I once stared at tire that was flat for two hours to see if it was indeed only flat on its bottom edge.. I did this while traveling on my TTR225 (Blipy) at approximatly 45 MPH.. I discovered a new phenomemon while doing so,,, did you guys know that flat tires REALLY are only flat on the bottom? Annnnddddd, that as you roll down the road the flat spot stays on the bottom?? Isnt that wierd? Its like the tire anywhere else besides the bottom isnt flat but as soon as it gets to the bottom its flat, kinda like having a whole bunch of flat tires all at once... The tire is refilling itself as it leaves the flat spot and unfilling itself as it gets to the bottom.. Sort of like a breathing tire.. Sort of like tires are ALIVE!!
I also came upon some guys one time that had wire and rope and tape on one of their bikes front tires (ok, this was a couple a jokers up North so their mail boxes were probably left open to long but this really did happen..) to try and keep the flat spot off the bottom but it didnt work.. It looked to me like they had a fair amount of time tied up in this procedure too.. That was probably one of the only times I ever actually saw someone take a shot a chasing the flat spot.. Also pretty weird eay??
YT and Bob,, glad you two had a GREAT time up chonder!!!


Sep 1, 2003
"Also pretty weird eay??" Type for yourself Woodsy. I erred in not using the correct term of -- low on air pressure. The tube has been holding pressure for the last three days now. That could be called weird too.



Dec 2, 2003
Speaking of Flat tires. At Drummond this year. On the last days ride we were one small single track section from being back to camp. Bob (one of the guys riding with us) bailed on us at the last second and headed back to camp via 2-tracks. Turns out that just as we dove into the single track he looked down and noticed the flat front.

When we got to tearing it down back at camp we discovered that his tire and both sides of his tube were slashed right thru, probably from a sharp rock. The running joke is that he didn't want to ride with us anymore (ie bone tired) and slashed his own tire to get out of the last section of hell.


May 29, 2006
Thanks for the pic's an pin Ted. No mistake was made going on nine mile,we'll know this for future rides. We could have gone back thru the Tin Cup area if the festival in Luther didn't block the way around town. If tour tube in your front tire has a few years on it,might be a good time to replace. When my rear tire went flat, a small punture was the culprit. Not knowing if the tube was the original I bought a new one for peace of mind. Hope you have a good ride at the Jack Pine.

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