Round 1, Saturday Nite Thunder, ASCOT MX


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Round 1 of Saturday Nite Thunder was a blast at Ascot MX in Dora, OK. The track was in great shape and redesigned since October. I met up with MX547 around 5:00 got signed in, unloaded and geared up for practice.
My first practice left me with real bad arm pump. So I comminced to drinking water by the gallon. This was shortly followed by many trips to the porta-can :uh: . My second practice was much better and I felt that I had a good feel for the track.
The race schedule was finally posted, Over 40 race 20! So we comminced the long wait for our start time. The first moto had 13 on the gate. I got fifth thru the first turn and lost three positions when I missed a shift at the first tabletop. :scream: . I held on to this position until the last lap, I picked a bad line and had to back off on a step up and got passed by a KTM520. I caught 'em at the finish line but come to find out he was in the Over 30 class and it didn't even matter. I finished fourth in the first moto and the arm pump was unreal. So I kept drinking water and going to the porta can. Our second moto started at 1:15 am! I got a bad start but gained back some positions by the second turn and didn't miss the shift at the first tabletop. :) I held my position the rest of the moto and picked and finished third for a third overall. I had great fun. MX547 got a second and a first for a first overall. This is a fun track. Even under the lights you will enjoy riding this track. :)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by BigLou
Woods guy my fat behind... :p
Seems I heard that comment last nite. LOL The next race in the series is June 8th.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by BSWIFT
I held my position the rest of the moto and picked and finished third for a third overall. I had great fun

you should have seen his face, he was genuinely thrilled. :cool:

i didn't get to see bswift ride since we were in the same moto but we rode together in practice and he looked pretty fast. he was doing most of the jumps on the first lap. i knew he would do allright if he didn't crash (note to brian, make a sight lap first).

the track was very much to my liking and i was confident yet i had a surprising race. in the first moto, my rival from last year got the holeshot and steadily pulled away. he even beat all the young (over 30) guys. i was amazed at how fast he was riding. we are usually right about the same speed so i was discouraged. i went over and congratulated him and admitted that i was now racing for second. i talked to a couple over 30 riders and tried to convince them to knock him down but they weren't going for it. :o in the second moto, i got a second place start. the guy in front (over 30 rider) went wide in the second turn and i got under him. i rode as fast as i could while i had the lead. i led for about a lap and a half before some of the over 30 guys went by. i glanced back to see where my rival was and we had one over 30 rider between us. the over 30 guy passed me just as we came up on the finish line for what should have been the white flag. luckily, i had paid off the flagman and he threw the checkered. one more lap and i would have had to go into block mode, he was catching me. i got the moto win and the overall. i'll take it, luck counts. :D

btw, i got home at 4:30 a.m., got in bed at 4:52. needless to say, i didn't do much today.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
You guys scare me. To think I was actually thinking of racing one of these. Brian would smoke me. He did great. It would just be riding sweep crew for me.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Justql, you would enjoy this track. Very friendly. Friendly enough for a woods guy like me :p .


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I watched a race there once. looked fun. That was years ago so I'm sure the track has changed.

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