So long and thanks for all your help


Jun 10, 2009
Hi all just a short not to say that I have left the fold of KDX owners.After a year of ownership I have changed my bike for a WR426 .At the moment there are 1 or 2 things that I have noticed ,the first thing is the WR426 kills your leg when you try to start it. Second thing is that it's heavy to push it the damn thing ( it ran out of petrol ). Power wise this bike feels VERY fast I can't wait to get off road. The last owner had the bike lowered so it feels on a par with the KDX220.
The strangest thing is that I owned the KDX for a year I rode it around town and off road a lot and in that time the only thing that any one said to me was " is that a 125 or 175 " all the other off road bikes that I have owned have draw other bikers in to chat about the bike but not with the KDX in the UK no one notices it. I had only owned the WR for a few moment before a few biker came over to chat about it .
I will miss all the help that you have all given me over the last year and would like to thank you all for your words of wisdom .
I wish you all a long, safe and happy ride.
Thanks Jono


Oct 27, 2008
thats funny everytime I go out it seems I run into a fellow kdx owner and have a chat, but thats not why I have my bike.

If the wr426 gets you more attention and thats what your out there for, good for you.

good luck with the new bike.


Apr 10, 2010
It seems that most people don't regard the KDX very highly. There are way more exciting bikes out there that dazzle the majority of riders. The things that make the KDX such a good friend of it's rider, such as a comfortable saddle, great reliability, good trail manners and power for any terrain get overlooked for snazzy bells and whistles, cutting edge suspension and big horsepower of other models. But at the end of the day, if you have to spend all day on it, the KDX will have carried you through hill and dale with nary a whimper and not much drama.

That being said, enjoy the new ride.


Apr 3, 2009
The feedback I get consistently from people really experienced with bikes, is things like "those things are great in the woods" and "those bikes run forever"...

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