pete fry

Mar 9, 2004
What should the squish clearence be for a 90 200 running pump fuel.I would have liked the RB mod but sending it over the pond will mean to much down time and hassle.My mate has a machine shop so he will take care of it,its just knowing how much to machine off.Ive found on searches 1mm is recomended but that is on yzs and rms.Also I read a 35 deg squish angle is good as it somehow keeps the heat away from the rings and the edge of the piston.Any thoughts?
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Oct 28, 2006
Call a Kawi dealer to find out what the stock clearance is. then machine it to that. get the macine set to manufacturers specs before doing any mods trust me, it works a hell of alot better


Jul 4, 2005
Ok Pete , this is what I have found, on my 2000 kdx 220,
Clearance minium .8 to 1mm. I cann't remember the squish angle , but 35 deg rings a bell. But just clean it up on the factory angle. I have and RB head and it is cleaned up on the factory angle , with a squish band 9mm wide, the head recess is .7mm, which gave me a 1.1mm clearance. I also have my own head that I have machined.This head was butched by someone who was supost to know what he was doing, I thought it would be easier and quicker to pay someone to do it right, only to pay out money and then have to do the job my self ot fix it , even after giving detailed instructions , This is what I ended Up with after a few experiments, and I how run all the time, heaps more bottom end, but you do have to machine a lot out. Squish is recessed .5 mm , squish band width is increased to 10mm and then the bowl area edges are squared up to 75 deg. If you need cc's I will have to pull it off to measure. hope this helps, good luck


Oct 21, 2002
Brett im interested in your head mods, how much better was your 220' after doing your own head work? and how did that compare to the RB modded head?
im wanting to get the head on my 220 modified like you suggest, if i was to take it to an engine machining shop to do the work could i just give them the specs you mention in your post or are there more details they need?
thanks mate.


Aug 26, 2005
Hi Brett, thats interesting... You have the 2nd 220 I have even heard of in Oz. Where/how did u find that ?? You really should have got an RB modded Airstriker when u got the head done, it makes a huge difference....

BTW where in Sydney are you, I'm near Parra.

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