
Damn Yankees
Jul 11, 2004
My first ride of the season and 3 hours in my bike sticks in 3rd gear. Luckily i was not far from the truck. When I get back I find that the shifter feels weird but still springs up and down. Nothing happens when you roll the bike and work the shifter at the same time.
I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a teardown at least to the right-side engine cover to inspect the shifter mechanism.
Anybody have a problem like this?
Thanks, Russ

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
You are looking where I would look. The mechanism could be bad or the bolt may have come out. Its an easy fix if thats what it is.....Take a Hammer and Tap the Shift Lever lightly(towards the case) My 85'er did this to me & a couple of smacks freed her up.....


Damn Yankees
Jul 11, 2004
I took it apart last night and was kinda disappointed because nothing was really broke. All the parts intact, springs ok, but the 'claw' on the end of the shift shaft was missing the 'star' by just enough to not shift.
It's like the whole shaft got moved outboard. :bang:

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