
Dec 29, 2004
My 9 1/2 yr old is on a 1992 KX 60. He looks big on the bike (actually the bike looks short in wheelbase), but he is not ready for a 2-stroke 85. He is actually faster around the track on his '01 XR 70, but he beats the hell out of the suspension jumping. He is not using all of the power The KX has, and the hit is a little too much for him to stay on the pipe. I want to get him a newer bike. What are the improvements on the 2002-2004 KX's over the '92? What is the best way to improve the bottom end power, or take the "hit" down a little? How does the KTM SX 65 compare to the KX in power characteristics and maintenance requirements? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you


Aug 21, 2005
The KTM will be much more expensive (in initial cost and parts). It does have an inverted front fork and hydraulic clutch, but a simple shock linkage. I think that the Kawi has a stronger motor, and a better rear suspension, but it still has the conventional fork. My son has ridden a KTM 65 and says that the clutch pull is too hard. A good rider can compete on either one. I geared down the final drive on our 02 KX and it made a huge difference in acceleration. I also intend to do the same with the 06, but accidentally bought the wrong front gear. The hit will always be there on such a small smoker tuned for HP, he'll probably just have to work on slipping the clutch to control the power.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Wolf, is Hunter getting out of bikes now?


Jul 31, 2000
No,no, he's into it big time. He got to ride my neighbor's SX and is hooked. Plus, me being an Austrian and all....
Seriously, I just want to hook him up with orange, since I have the dealer hook up and all. Plus my mom and dad keep buying him orange gear.....
The KX is still awesome, it's a color thing.....


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
There is no way the KX works anywhere close to the SX. Especially in stock trim. The SX has WAY better, no wait WAY, WAY, BETTER suspension and a much more forgiving powerband. More bottom end. With the KX you can Get the pipe, reeds, porting and you still fall short compared to the bottom end power of the SX.

The 02 and newer kx had a taller suspension but motor is unchanged. The SX has much more bottom end power and smoother deliver. If you do some shopping and don't mind doing some Internet shopping you can get prices in line with what KAW should charge. It all depends on your dealer. I've had HUGE problems getting good rates on Kaw parts in my neighborhood but I can get much better prices on the other end of town. The local KTM guy always charges list. I can get below list from numerous places on the net. can't argue on the price though. the KTM price too high.
Its flat a better bike. Its why 30+ out of 42 riders at Loretta's were on the KTM.

I HATE KTM and everything they stand by with the marketing of the turd pile 50 and would have done anything to stay away from their bike in the 65 class. We bought the Kaw 65 and after hundreds in suspension, all the team green motor tricks it was almost as good as a stock KTM. We ended up racing the KTM 65 and it held up great, i'm relieved this year for the Polini 65 to be out which will add at least one other choice. It has better suspension than the KTM and comparable motor.

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