Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Left Thursday night for SC. Snow for 600 miles all the way through west virginia. Never saw snow this far south. Started caughing and hacking as we left michigan. Made it to a wal mart 50 miles into WV and stopped for the night. Didn't have enough blankets on the bed and froze our azzes off all night. Woke up with one of the nastiest colds I have had in years, full treatment-aching muscles, coughing, stuffed up-a real beauty. We pressed on to Carolina Adventure world-greeted with decent weather and sunshine. I fell asleep at 6:30 PM, I was spent. Woke up Sat morning early and watched the sun rise and the temps climb slowly-when it hit 40 I unloaded the new 250 XC and decided to uncharacteristically do some MX laps as I expected the tails would be kwad tard heaven. (I saw a side by side with a cooler on the back and decided to stay away from those guys!) Busted out laps on he MX track which was freshly bladed and hard as asphalt. Hit a up hill step up, a small table top and a double and was getting too brave so I shut it down and went to the power wash. guy on a kwad rolls up and (I am not lying!) wanted to know if the mud bog was open, also complemented me on my fine motorcicle! I told him I know nothing about this place and thank you, I enjoy my new bike. :nod: Loaded up and left for the sandlapper. Got there as it was about 65 degrees and very sunny. Contacted Mapes and Buchers and and advised of my location. Got signed up-row 16, everything prepped. As they arrived I advised them that Atlana SX was airing in the RV that night. Had a packed house of friends watching the SX. Too bad 'poto packed it.

Sunday morning was greeted with sunshine and a chill in the air. I felt like crap as usual but decided that the race was split into 3 loops all back at the start and I'd ride each one until I just couldn't anymore. Well it stated off fun and I kept myself well hydrated with super racer hammer nutrition stuff all day and survived the entire run. It was a fantastic course, very fun and I just loved the new 250 XC, it is really sweet and it RIPS!! I wasn't able to do my best but still ended up 5th in my class. Paid to 4th so I split for FLA! Got into Fla about 10:0 PM set up and went to bed.

It's a beautiful Monday morning just south of Daytona Beach but the weather isn't expected to get very warm all week. Still have a cold but at least I can feel crappy in decent weather and enjoy the sights. To be continued....


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
As I was shoveling snow off of my roof yesterday afternoon I was wondering how it was going at the Sandlapper. 5th place is a good ride against the SETRA guys.
Maybe I will see you at the GNCC tomorrow afternoon.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Spring is in the air today!! - I can just feel it :cool:

Fred T.,

Thanks for update on your trip. I can just see you with your big rig all set up with your shinney new KTM and you drinking Hinekins in the Wall Mart parking lot :coocoo:

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I am sitting on the beach watching things go by. I am drinking vicks dayquill. no beers today. more updates later, cell phone posting sucks. oh it's 67 degrees.....brrrrrr!


Oct 8, 2009
Great job at the sandlapper!

You better start feeling better Fred, you have to be ready to watch your favorite racer at Daytona!!!

Word on the street is that Reed is going to race.... :nener:

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
called enterprise rent a car this morning to get picked up for the rental. He told me they would pick me up at 11 AM. So I made me some breakfast and ...knock...knock on the door at 10 AM as I was eating breakfast and it's enterprise. So ditched breakfast and got the car. Well at least hey were early! Packed up the car and headed for the each but first a stop at Walgreen for cold you can get killed there! OK, here's the scenario: we are in florida where old people come to stay and of course they require, um medication so of course Walgreen is packed full of them. Inside a lady in front of me in the cash out line forgot half the stuff in her basket to give to the cashier then when she did she left it on the counter and walked off so I had to chase her down and give it to she was going to DRIVE HOME! :yikes: In the parking lot they all act like they are the only ones there, doors open so people can't get into parking places, walking with out looking were they was a zoo! It was like watching a zombie movie or something. :coocoo:

Got lost going to the beach but saw some cool stuff and then fired up the GPS and found the beach. Decided to walk to the pier for lunch but when we got there the pier restaurant was closed so we ventured briefly on main st and found some lunch-fish tacos :cool: For the brief 5 minutes time I was on main street I did see a bar waitress hang her azz in front of a guy's face up close and personal for a photo op and get a nice is like that 24-7.! :nod: We will go back at another time to be further entertained.

walked back to the beach and just enjoyed sunshine and the sights than can only be DAYTONA!

Left the beach spot and drove several miles down the beach sight seeing and then went to our favorite restaurant- "Down the Hatch." Steamed oysters and broiled red snapper-life was good today. Back at the RV now, resting up and planning for a rain day tomorrow. Probably skip the GNCC.

Note to self, remember damn camera next time I leave for supplemental photos. :(
To be continued....

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
TCTrailrider said:
Sounds like a nice break from winter. I'll be down in 2 weeks, hope it warms up.

Looks like the better weather is coming just as we leave, maybe you will have better luck.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
It rained hard this morning but it stopped now so we will try to do something today, don't know what but it is 69 degrees at 10 AM! :nod:
well holy humbling experience! I looked up the scores for the sandlapper and I really got smoked-9th!! OUCH! When I left I was in 5th and I thought they were almost done. Sandbaggin' SOB'S. Ck out the scores:

look under 2010 sandlapper scores

These guys need to meet Nick Zambon for one of his famous sandbagger talks.... :nod: :yikes:

Dang!! Joe Mapes (no slouch by any means a D14 AA rider) would have been 4th in my class!! (50+B)I guess I could have entered the correct class they have a 55+B class. I scored well enough for 4th in that class, I think it's new. Don't matter I had a blast on a new bike, super fun trail and sunny weather-cold and all! :nod:

Well it's getting just too nice out to sit inside so time for a shower and adventure, I am starting to feel a little better now too. :cool:
To be continued.........


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
PoeBrian said:
Really enjoy your reports!

Keep'em comin"!

Yeah come on Freddy let's see some pics! - Hot biker chick stuff please :cool:

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
The plan for Hot Biker Chick stuff is Saturday Morning. today the weather started off not too hot, in the low 50's and finally reached 60 this afternoon. Today we drove south along the A1A coastal freeway. It really was not nice enough to do uch out side anyway so we decided to take in the sights. Let me back track a little though.

Yesterday we just went into Daytona Beach and did a little shopping. Not much to report about the day other than we did go to Dixie crossroads for dinner in Titusville and I had the ginormous shrimp sampler meal with 4 different kinds of shrimp. Well that turned out to be the best shrimp I may have ever had. :cool:

Now today we found a little pub in Cocoa Beach called the "Pigs and Whistles Pub" which is a British place but had a fine broiled cajun fish sandwich and home made potato chips. Drove further along the coastal way to a beach park and took the dog for a walk along the beach, Although it was very cool the wind was blocked so it as nice down there anyway. Did some exploring and took a bunch of pictures which I will post shortly. Tomorrow I am off to spectate the Alligator enduro and do some pit crewing for Mapes. Then it's off for a fine dinner somewhere and AMA Pro Flat Track racing that evening. :cool:

To be continued....


Nov 23, 2008
09oneL said:
Yeah come on Freddy let's see some pics! - Hot biker chick stuff please :cool:

I haven't seen nothing special yet.... It's too cold for hot biker chick stuff. I'll keep my eyes open and camera ready :)

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
having trouble finding a way to resize my photos.....


Oct 2, 2005
nickolino said:
:laugh: Sure is fun listening to the sandbagger whining about other sandbaggers. LOL
:rotfl: ChaChaChing :cool:

You are a funny azzhole aren't you....

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
final installment...

I gave up on posting pictures between this internet connection and the pic re sizer it was hopeless.

Thursday I got up early and went to the Alligator Enduro and ran gas with Joe Mapes for Jordan, Paul North, Mar Smith, Mark Heim and a couple other guys. It was chilly that morning. We parked next to a some guys from Sweden and they were working with a Highland bike test rider. All the boys riding told me how much this race sucked, no flow, lots of mud and water holes seat deep and if you made it through you were lucky. I think it could really screw up a nice bike if you sucked any water into it. Glad I skipped it. Talked with Bo Bobbit at the finish before final scores were posted and Mike had Russ by 1 second going into last section so I asked him how that went and he told me Mike got Russ by a few more seconds in that section so I knew who won and left to meet my wife back at camp for dinner and Flat track. Had a quick dinner and went to the flat tract at the new venue. The racing we great and it was colder than hell there. The sound of the road racers practicing in turn 2 at 180 MPH + in the back ground was a really cool sound behind us.

Friday we got up kinda early and headed to Lakeland Fla for a Detroit Tigers Spring Training Game vs Houston Astros That was a very fun day, I am a huge fan and watch every game I can on tv in the summer. The more intimate confines of the stadium is so fan friendly-I got a bunch of great pictures including a couple of old timers AL Kaline and Tom Brookens. :cool: The game was a long one and I got to see all the starters except Branden Inge, even Johnny Damon played. Zoom Zoom pitched a couple innings too.

Last day here, leaving early Sunday morning for the last leg of the Journey home. Today we plan to go the Daytona Beach for some sun, take a walk up main street to see the chaos and then have a great meal at Down the Hatch before taking our seats at the Daytona Supercross so it should be a fine last day.

See ya all back in Michigan.


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Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Fred T.,


Sounds like a great trip.

I'll bet the Flat Track was really fun to watch. I used to go to allot of them with my father when I was a kid. I was actually going to race Flat Track but, when my dad 1st looked into hopping up my 74 XR75 he ended up meeting some local MX folks and I ended up riding MX instead (I'm sure I would have gone pro at flat track - LOL).

Thanks for your post Freddy and have a safe trip home. :cool:

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