Too much oil ? Inner fork chamber 2001 CR250


Sep 21, 2000
Quote from the very helpful Mx-tech site on the Showa fork:

"Recheck the oil level. Make sure it is above the shoulder slightly but do not overfill, as it will make the compression valve nearly impossible to install.
-Place the compression adjuster in the cylinder and compress it till you can thread it into the cylinder. Tighten down lightly.
-Compress the inner rod completely and drain the excess fluid out

If you read these instructions above (thanks to Mx-tech for this help by the way) The last comments there - “Tighten down lightly. Compress the inner rod completely and drain the excess fluid out.” I did not do. But I did follow all the others. I filled the chamber like he said to just past the shoulder , then stroked it to get rid of air and checked the level again and adjusted the oil to the shoulder with the rod fully extended once more but I then I immediatley put in the adjuster on all the way tight. I then stroked it again to make sure there was no air. It compressed and rebounded smoothly and had no air spots. It slows down a little when just reaching full extension but it does extend all the way smoothly.

Is it a problem not to have done that last step?

Where does the oil go if there is too much and you thread down the adjuster all the way?

It was smooth like I said when stroking the rod after it was all sealed up.

Can the inner chamber be over filled?

By the way the Showa twin chambers were much easier to do than the Kayaba’s on my old 99 YZ250 and both jobs were made possible with help from this site. Thanks


Feb 6, 2000
It sounds like you did a fine job, that little bit of oil that escaped the inner chamber after you purged it will end up in the outter chamber through the bleed holes. That will alter the amount you have in the outter, so if both sides were done the same you should be O.K. Your last question about aver filling the inner, like Jeremy said it will be almost impossible (very hard) to insert the comp. valve with too much oil.

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