
A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Hey All,

Turkey Bay was dry and dusty this weekend and there was alot of traffic on the major trails due to 4 wheelers and rail buggies. Not to mention the Grand Cheroke's(sp) and other SUV's inching along at 5mph on a nice flat trail(thougt: I don't want to cake it in too much dust). Sat. was fun,(Aside from the 5 mile run that morning) Moose95(Matt) and I took a few turns down the main trails and then hit the "good stuff" :cool: (The trails that the wannabe's are afraid of )and had a blast! Trying to do the same thing a KDX200 is designed to do on a YZ 125 is interesting. I had to adjust my clutch due to all the shifting. At any rate, riding in the 95 degree heat and 100% humidity was taking it's toll so we decided to haul it in after about 3 hours and almost 40 miles of trails. We hit the main loop(a 7 1/2 mile trail that loops Turkey Bay) and take off(Me in the lead for ounce ) We are coming off the highest point, a hill top we call "Samari" because it was one of those little suv's that hauled people out of the mud all day long. Anywho, we headed down the back side still on the main loop into what I call the "Rock Garden" due to the fact that this slope only has two step up's but the entire slope is nothing but rocks and hard pack and at the top is a series of whoops and straight's all full of rock. Well while in the lead and like a horse headed to the barn I was going for broke. I am coming up on the last whoop before the downhill slope, (3rd gear and about 3/4 throttle) I hit the whoop no prob. I then see the problem in mid-air, nothing but softball size rocks in the line that I am on ! The first thing that I thought of was "Oh Shibit this is going to be interesting", untill I saw the tree that was on a traffic style island in the middle of the trail, then it was,"Holy SHIBIT! This is going to HURT!" I trew the bike at just the right time to leave it leaning nicely aganst the "island" about 20 feet past the tree at the cost of a fender shoud. I wasn't so lucky.....When I dismounted I was heading right for the tree and doing my best impression of 'Superman'. I rolled to the left just in time to miss either breaking my neck or collor bone. I lost a bit of flesh and have a few conversational peices for the next few weeks but ALL IST GUT! as the Germans say. I got up, cursed the 4 wheelers and Rail Buggies that thow all this crap up into the "High Lines" that bikes usually take and kicked the Zinger over after 2 kicks. Matt and I finished out the ride without further mishap. Sunday was another story........


After many medicinal pain killers the night before I was grogy(Thanks alot Fosters Brewing Co.) but, Cracker Barrel brought me out of it and Matt and I loaded the bikes up for another go. We got out to LBL at about noon time. I filled the bladder of the BAK and we where off! (I have pics and will post them soon) We wen't for about 20 miles and decided to take a break and shoot some pixels. Along comes this guy riding a KTM250 and stops. We shoot the bull about bikes and the such, pretty soon (Matt and I are still smoked from the previous days festivities) we decide it's time to head in after 25 miles. On the way in, Rod(The KTM rider) is pinned out in 5th gear on the main trail, crashes with a 4 wheeler in the middle of the trail. The stupid SOB(4Wheeler driver) was parked in the middle of the trail talking to his buddy! Rod saw it just in time to start grabbing brakes and clutch before he layed the KaToom over and land on his back for a nice rug burn. His ride suffered a perferated(sp) pipe(Punched it in all the way to the frame). The wheeler was worse off with a bent front rim that pinched the rotor! I don't even want to think about the collision speed :ugg: . Rod made out with a bit 'o trail rash(thank God he was wearing gear!) and the stupid Wheeler rider was out a rim. At any rate I ran back to get the Ranger's while Matt evaluated Rod out. Rod turned out to be a little shocky but other than a cut on his chin and the gravel rash o-k. Matt and I rode back to the truck and then proceeded to head back out for the machines. WOW! A Warrior with a locked hub weights(sp) a ton when you are trying to hussle it into the bed of a truck up a ramp :eek: . The KaToom loaded alot easier considering the bed was that of a T100 :)

As of now I am still awaiting injury reports from Rod, God willing he is in good shape!

Happy Trails!



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by IrishEKU
On the way in, Rod(The KTM rider) is pinned out in 5th gear on the main trail, crashes with a 4 wheeler in the middle of the trail. The stupid SOB(4Wheeler driver) was parked in the middle of the trail talking to his buddy! Rod saw it just in time to start grabbing brakes and clutch before he layed the KaToom over and land on his back for a nice rug burn. His ride suffered a perferated(sp) pipe(Punched it in all the way to the frame). The wheeler was worse off with a bent front rim that pinched the rotor! I don't even want to think about the collision speed :ugg:

That is Exactly why we stay off the main loop as much as possible, and when we do ride it we cruise at an easy 3rd gear pace.

Glad you guys had fun. Get those pictures posted!


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Hey CAL! I'm with you on the big trail thoughts, too much traffic :| I finally managed to drag Irish off from the big loop and show him how much fun dodging trees while climbing nearly vertical hills pinned out in third gear can be (thanks for showing me ;) ) That wreck was a bad one, but could have been worse. The trails were the dustiest I've seen them in quite some time, also there was a noticable absence of two wheeled vehicles out there. I think that I only counted perhaps ten or so bikes to the mass of quads and buggys, really strange. It was like stepping into an X-Files episode, all we lacked was a dude with a bad haircut (other than us military folks) stepping out from behind a tree muttering about alien abductions focusing on dirt riders :scream: . All in all a great weekend on some pretty dry cross country trails. I guess this weekend me and YZ400guy are going to pack up the scooters and head up to Irish's neck of the woods. Next weekend I hope to hit LBL, it'll be my last ride there for some time since I'm being reassigned to Virginia the following week. Hope we can link up next weekend, if not be safe and enjoy! :)


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Hey All,
Here is a little air. The day before was when I had my get off so I was still a little wary. This was a steep climb with about 5 step ups untill the top. I think this is #3. A short 30 feet is the next. :aj:


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