Dec 2, 2003
:yeehaw: Baaaahahahahhahhah :yeehaw:

Man do I love riffle season...When else do I get to have this much fun riding.

Tonight was out anuall Riffle season Night ride. We hit White cloud at 6:00pm tonight. Our group consisted of Woodsy, TY2, Chris Huber and me. Woodsy tried to get a few others but us 4 were all that showed up. The weather wasn't the nicest. It was drizling and cold, around 35-40deg I would say.

We dove into the trail. I took the lead followed by Huby, Ted and Woodsy. Chris was a little unprepared with a XR200 running candle power for a headlight. The running joke was that the color display on my digital camera was putting out more light than his headlight was. He was trying to stay on either my or Woodsy's tail and leach of out headlights so he could see.

Anyways that trail is slick out there. The leaves are on the ground and they are wet. Combine that with not so great visibality and it makes for an awsome ride. There were also lots of trees down on the trail that we had to venture off onto "Braided trail" to get around them (Like my new trail term there) :nener:


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Dec 2, 2003
This is the 1st time riding my Yz400 at night. Larry got to ride it last year while I rode Skippy. Thats the last time he will have that luxury. The headlight on that bike rocks. All I had to do out there it unplug the tailight so the headlight wouldn't dim every time I hit the rear brake/ brakelight.

We made it up to the little bridge, sat there for a bit under a shade tree and benchraced. I found that the color display on my digital camera gave off just enough light that we could see each other as we chatted. Otherwise we were pretty much blind out there.

Woodsy and I had a prety good battle thru the trail riding at a somewhat reckless pace considering all the downed trees in the area. Sure enough Woodsy came around a corner and smack into a small downed tree in the trail. He ran smack into it snaping it in two. I stoped alongside him laughing my butt off.... :laugh:


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Dec 2, 2003
On the way back I tried to hold back a little so Chris could stay on my back tire. But I could sence we were getting close to the staging area and I made a break for it leaving Chris in darkness. I was having a riot blazing thru the trees and woops in 3rd gear. Too much fun. I was soaked when I got back to the truck. I had enough time to sneak back into the trail and blind Chris with the camera as he came by. You sure get some strange pictures at night.

So for all of you that didn't make it you sure missed out. The weather was a little iffy but the riding was awsome. I havent had that much fun in a long time. :cool:


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Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Well ya did'er that time YZMAN! ya beat me to the punch - CONGRATS!! I only have a few things to add that you missed..

Look in the dictionary under "Did He Have??" and you will see: Question asked by innocent bystander after the rear door of Ted's Van is popped open and camera has flashed (see pic above).. "Did He Have" preceeds "his pants on yet" by innocent bystander who opened the door ;)

Look under FUN in the dictionary and it will say: Riding in the rain with three good friends, in the dark, on a SLIMY trail with PLENTY of mud holes and a surprise around every corner!!

Look under FUNNY and you will see: Passing Don's YZ400 on a TTR225 cause he is stuck on a downed tree and he hadn't learned the proper techique for braiding a trail yet! :rotfl:

Look under "NOT SO" and you will find: A mumbled voice under Woodsy's helmet when he hears YZMAN400 laughing at him after Woodsy crashed thru a downed branch across the trail.. "NOT SO" is normally followed by the term "FUNNY" when this happens: :think:

Look under WOAAAAA NELLY and you will find: Improper technique of trail braiding forcing the front end of your TTR into the crotch of a tree - rider thereof losing 10 minutes of ride time prying bike loose..

Look under "Why Did" and you will find: A question imposed on your's truely everytime he is behind "YT2" (Young Ted's Twin) and YT2 cruises thru a trail braid and leaves me miles behind because I am stuck on the log in the trail. He then comes back to get me and states - "Why Did" you do that.

Look under "Trail Fog" and you will see: Displacement of dense fog conditions found on single track directly after YZMAN's YZ400 and Huby's XR200 have blasted thru a 2 foot deep mud hole thereby causing a "trail fog" conditon from hot engines getting soaked and the resulting steam cutting visiblity to 0 INSTANTLY!!

Look under "JOKERS" and you will see: SEE PIC OF YZMAN AND HUBY above..

Look under "Suspicious Police Possibility" and you will see: Flashes in the woods very simular to a police squad car's flashing lights found just before entering the White Cloud Trail Head.. If this condition presents itself watch for a "JOKER" hiding behind a tree taking pictures in the dark!!

Look under "CAN"T FIND" and you will see: The picture that Don took of the little bridge that we rode to was about 40 feet away from us and, ummmmmmmm, Woodsy (me) "can't find" it.. Funny how the camera could so easily....

Look under "Excellent Warranty" and you will see: Warranty coverage of GLS System sold by INCA Inc. out of Illinois.. I have heard these things are warrantied for life and I now believe it!!!!

Look under "Heaven Forbid" and you will find: A non favorable condition that you will find your self facing if you ever ride with Huby and he has eaten something called "Philbin Spicy Chicken Something".

Look under "Down Wind" and you will find: A gagging YZMAN after a "Heaven Forbid"!!

Look under "Yahoos" and you will see: Those willing to ride in the rain, after dark, in the cold, with possible people with loaded guns in the woods, thru the slime, over the whoops, across the wet logs when they could be home in a nice warm dry house......

Look under "Steamed Windows" and you will find: A VERY noticeable conditon of saturated air found inside of any vehicle that is packed with SOAKED riding gear that is properly warmed thoroughly from the heater of the car resulting in "Steamed Windows".. Normally the outside air must be below 15 degrees for this condition to be unovercomable by the auto's defrost system..
HOWEVER!!! HISTARICAL LAUGHING will also cause this same phenomonom if done within the confines of said vehicle after following "YAHOOS" on trail for 2 hours..

Look under "Nice Folks" and you will find: Employees at the Taco Bell in Fremont who allowed 2 "yahoos" to remain inside the resturant for almost 2 HOURS after they had closed!!!!

Look under "Stubborn Rascallion" and you will find: A certain individual who refuses to stay over night at Woodsy's house instead of driving home to Chicago after leaving the "Nice Folks" behind!!

Look under "Shoulda" and you will find: ANYONE that coulda been there for that ride tonight SHOULDA!!!!!

RIde on brotha's!
Woodsy :ride:
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May 4, 2004
You guys have some serious issues you need to work out with yourselves.........But untill you do, Ride On! :aj:


Dec 2, 2003
I am still smilin from ear to ear today. I didn't sleep for nothing last night. I was so wound up and "geeked" from that ride, I was in and out of bed all night last night. That ride was just too much fun. I dont know why we dont do that more often. It seems like we only do that night riding once a year. Not nearly enough for as much fun as it is.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
I am still smilin from ear to ear today. I didn't sleep for nothing last night. I was so wound up and "geeked" from that ride, I was in and out of bed all night last night. That ride was just too much fun. I dont know why we dont do that more often. It seems like we only do that night riding once a year. Not nearly enough for as much fun as it is.

Look under "Hardcore" and you will find the above quote - which by the way I happen to agree with :ride:


Sep 1, 2003
What follows was done before finding or reading what two youhoos may or may not have posted on this thread.

Here you go.
I backed up to the garage at 5:18 AM, Tuesday November 22, 2005, and am starting this at 5:27 AM per the numbers in the lower right hand corner.

It would be White Cloud at six,
If it rained, it would be nix.
But north we go,
Free of snow.

Don, Chris and me,
In the rear is Woodsy.
The leaves are wet,
The low spots dry? Nyet.

I start off slow,
As you well know.
Soon I catch up,
Downed trees – yup.

Don and Chris spin the ground,
I’d rather go around.
Because to Woodsy it is there,
He ends up going nowhere.

Then again Don breaks a dead one,
Chris makes sure it’s done.
I shove one piece aside,
Dear Woodsy gets a clean ride.

Although it tried to rain,
It didn’t deter our train.
Soon we saw some stars,
This night ride would be ours.

Since some work for a living,
The others would be forgiving.
So like it or not,
Time to return to the lot.

Cold water on a hot pipe makes steam,
No big deal it would seem.
A heavy fog down low,
Makes you go rather slow.

Although we’re going the other way,
The downed trees still say nay.
To slow on a tight turn,
I end up on the berm.

Soon we are back to staging,
While the sky is enraging.
The stars are out bright,
Near the end of a very nice night.

As we each go our way,
There are the memories of the day.
For to live life is a gift,
Much better than a ‘sit on the couch stiff’.

It is now time to get some rest,
After riding with some of the best.
You may look near and far,
There is no beating MTR.

Young Ted (The original, you night owl of a hoot)


Sep 1, 2003
The light streaks are as follows. The yellowish one at the bottom is Chris, above that is mine and the disjointed irregular one far left has to be Woodsy.

Leave it to Woodsy for combining the odor of Philbin Spicy Chicken Something with Taco Bell humor and coming up with an interesting ride report. It however begs the question if anyone knows the difference between humor and odor?

Don - I know of no reason why there can't be another night ride. Pick the date, time and place. Throw it out and lets go. All I have to do is unplug the stop light and load the van.

Young Ted


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Souds like fun..don't think I could do it. I hit trees in daylight...I can only imagine what would happen with just a headlight and a dark sky...
Okay who is who in the pics?


Dec 2, 2003
MXGirl230 said:
Souds like fun..don't think I could do it. I hit trees in daylight...I can only imagine what would happen with just a headlight and a dark sky...
Okay who is who in the pics?

Just wait till we start doing that in the snow :yikes:

1st photo is Young Ted aka Inca

2nd photo is Me (blue gear) and Hubby in the carhartds (he is a non DRN member...He is slightly computer illeterate)

And the one with the head sock laughing his ass off is the one and only Woodsy.

My wife is hanging over my shoulder complaining of my spelling...I told her "We are dirtbikers for peets sake not english majors....Its a wonder we can use computers at all"
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Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I thought that was you, I remember seeing you at Big Air now...just didn't know who you were. Now I can put names with faces! Snow riding...hmmm think I'll stick to snowboarding in the winter.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Don - good thing your wife was there to catch that one - other wise one of your buddys may have caught that "huby" = 'HUBBY" mistake and ran with it :nener: :nod: :blah:
That YT2 is an AWESOME poem writer - VERY DEEP, you had to have been there to get some of his twisted mind jokes!!
I just came in from blowing away a BUNCH of snow with the blower.. Isnt it amazing how much this Michigan weather can change from one day to the next?? That last ride just goes to show us - BETTER ride when ya got a chance, tommorrow may be to late, well, for riding without screws anyway (now Ted will come on and say - we only ride with loose screws when we ride with Woodsy, and I will reply - my screws may be loose but at least I have a few :laugh: )..
Hey Don - that pic of the lights came out really great!! I will NEVER forget seeing you hiding behind that tree in the dark taking pics!!!
That was a GREAT ride :aj:


Dec 2, 2003
woodsy said:
I just came in from blowing away a BUNCH of snow with the blower.. Isnt it amazing how much this Michigan weather can change from one day to the next??


You've got more ambition than I do. I have made a pact this year. I aint gonna shovel / snow blow out my driveway this year unless its absolutely neccessary. The heck with it. The wife and I both have 4x4's so what is the point. If she thinks the snow is too deep out there she can fire up the blower :boss:

Besides I have a kid that is more than capable or slingin snow. Time to get my money's worth outta him :yikes:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
You've got more ambition than I do. I have made a pact this year. I aint gonna shovel / snow blow out my driveway this year unless its absolutely neccessary. The heck with it. The wife and I both have 4x4's so what is the point. If she thinks the snow is too deep out there she can fire up the blower :boss:

My daughter laughed when I read this part to her and the wife..

YZMAN400 said:
Besides I have a kid that is more than capable or slingin snow. Time to get my money's worth outta him :yikes:

and the wife laughed when I read that part to them.. Of course both of them will be laughing next time it snows as they stare out of the kitchen window while I go by with the blower.... So much for being :boss:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
woodsy said:
Hey Don - good thing your wife was there to catch that one - other wise one of your buddys may have caught that "huby" = 'HUBBY" mistake and ran with it

Your wife didn't catch your typo! :nener: :)

I was wondering about the "hubby" thing...I was confused on that one, but decided not to say anything!

I really hope we get a chance to ride with you guys in the spring. I'm pretty sure we won't be riding in the snow. Although, I did just find out we might be able to borrow a couple of sleds :) Haven't ridden those before..should be fun. Just gotta watch out for those Michigan jumping trees on a borrowed machine...


Sep 1, 2003
"now Ted will come on and say - we only ride with loose screws when we ride with Woodsy, and I will reply - my screws may be loose but at least I have a few."

Woodsy - I never discuss personal matters.

Young Ted

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