
Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I ran the +25c/d and the 250D again. They swapped the order so the +25c/d was my first race. In the heat I got my usual bad start but didn't get last place!! On the last lap the leader collided with someone else and went into a mud pit. I motored around and got 4th out of 6 (1 didn't run).

After the race he came over and was COVERED from head to toe and was wore out b/c he couldn't get it started. He asked me to start it and I got it kicked within 4 kicks. Funny thing is right before I tried I comicly said "I'm not sure I can start one of these weedeaters" <vbg>

On the start of the 250D heat I was on the farthest outside to the right. The gate dropped and the front wheel went very, very high. Oh well, I will ride the outside.

Yeah, right!!

Somehow someone got on my right side and another slammed into me on the left. The guy on the right fell pretty quickly but the guy on the left got his lever stuck in my kidney belt and kept banging me leg as he was losing control. I just kept going straight and tried not to fall. Finally he fell but as he broke free he pulled me hard to the left and I thought I was going down but I hit the berm just in time.

I was 3rd to last out of the start and about 4 bike lengths from the closest person. I ran hard to catch them but there was a pack of 4 in front and I couldn't find a line. Wrench was in the pack and did a good job holding us all off. Wrench got 9th and I got 12th.

In the +25c/d main I kept up with the leaders until the turn before the whoops. It is the longest I stayed with them. They walked away from me in the whoops even though I doubled all the way through. Only 4 of us started the race so I got my lapper award but this time it was one position higher <g>.

In the 250D I got a really bad start but better than in the heat race. I passed a couple of people and caught up with a pack of 4 others. The 5 of us battled for all the good lines... ok, so we battled for the lines we liked, whether they were actually good or not I don't know b/c we all seemed to be the same speed no matter what line we took.

Finally the one guy ahead of me started to tire out. I tried taking him on the inside but couldn't get enough momentum out of the turns. I battled with him for 2 laps and I had more speed but not enough to pass cleanly. The other 3 guys gapped us but not by much.

I ended up 9th out of 15. The bad thing is that the 4 others who finished ahead of me were no faster... but I was no faster than them either :( They trophied 8 positions.

We ended the night at Krystal's... as usual. We got to bed so we could get up and ride TNT the next day.

A few from DRN showed up to play at TNT... JamesP and LinusB... of course their names are James and Linus <g>

We hit the new intermediate track at TNT. It is small and has a lot of turns. It has a KILLER whoop section. Not killer in that it is tough but killer in that it is so much fun. You have to skim through them as best as possible and you really can't mess up enough to hurt yourself.

There wasn't a jump out there that I felt I could not do. They were pretty cool. It is a great track to practice for the JMX racing.

James let me ride his 2000 CR250 and I was jumping it pretty well but couldn't figure out how to stop the darn thing. I'm so used to engine braking that I about blew every corner. While riding the CR I got to watch Danny (Gomer's oldest) jump the step up which is about 25ft. He was doing one footers and landing a good 10 feet past the landing. It was awesome.

Of course, he wasn't jumping the double which was smaller but he was making the step up look easy!!

After that I got to take a spin on McMenagrath's CR450F. The bike was a lot of fun and I was pretty comfortable on it. The footpegs seemed a little too high but as long as I was standing I didn't notice it too much. I took it on the small track first and did every jump out there on the first lap. I was really comfortable on it jumping and turning.

I rode a KTM520 before and feel the power of the KTM is smoother but the 450 turns so much better it isn't even funny.

I then took the CR450 to the big track and there is a section of 3 jumps. One is a step up followed by a step down that jumps you out of a small gully over a table top. On the first lap I did it with no problem. I even went inside (which I never do on my YZ250F) and overjumped the stepup.

After a few more jumps I took it on the trails.

That is where I missed my bike. The CR450 had too much power for me on the trails and I really noticed the absence of a steering damper. The suspension was pretty good on the trails and really good on the track and I don't think the suspension was holding me back on the trails as much as my confidence was. The bike had plenty of power but I was tentative with it and couldn't get used to the controls.

It wasn't the weight either. The 450 is really light. I didn't notice the weight difference between it and the CR250 at all.

I may be able to get used to a 450 in the woods but my YZF is so much more versatile that I'm now confused... again... as to whether I want a new bike next year. The first time out on my bike after I bought it I raced a HS and felt very comfortable on it.

My overall opinion of the 450 is that if I was racing only MX I'd buy it in a heartbeat. However, I'm going to hold out until I ride a few other bikes before upgrading since I want to ride some more HS and such.

After that we bs'd a little, I went home and mowed the lawn, did some weed eating and now I'm about to go to bed and hope that I enjoy racing next weekend as much as I enjoyed riding at TNT today :)



Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
sounds like a fun weekend. i noticed you mention the "main" at your mx races. do you not run the standard two moto format there?

didn't gomer ride?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by mx547
sounds like a fun weekend. i noticed you mention the "main" at your mx races. do you not run the standard two moto format there?

It is a non-ama series and they run it with a supercross format. 1 heat race to determine gate position and a main event to determine overall placing.

didn't gomer ride?QUOTE]

He rode a lot. He also ran a lot chasing his youngest around who was on an XR50 smiling bigger than the sun!!!

Gomer seemed to really enjoy the 450 a lot.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I'm not racing any this year...something about any other head trauma within a year multiplying the effects of the serious one I had 8 months ago.

I only got to ride a little Sunday. I worked on bikes all day Saturday and half the day Sunday in the close to 100 degree heat. By the time I actually got my riding clothes on Sunday (around 2:00) I was already beat. By the time I got home, every time I moved, some muscle locked up.

The good part was that Lori and Ricky got to ride for the first time in 2 months. It was also really cool to have so many people there to ride with...Ivan, Wrench, JamesP, Linus, McMenamin, Danny, Ricky, Lori, and Tommy!


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I am glad I came. Got a little bit of my motivation back and had a great time. Ivan is definitely quicker than last time we rode together and I think he would still have the advantage even if I wasn't stalling my bike in all of the curves. Hoping to settle this issue this coming weekend. Not messing with Wrench at this point...he seems too eager to take people out.

I might have to armwrestle Gomer for seat time on the YZ250f...I got comfortable on it real quick...wasn't going to give it back at first. Only problem is that I don't know if I can keep enough boots on hand to ride it too often.

Let me know when we are doing it again!


Apr 20, 2002
Once again, I had a great time!!! TNT rocks. :aj: Enjoyed getting to know you guys better. Wrench is a riot with his war stories of races/riding of the distant and not so distant past. I got to watch James attempt to start Ivan's 4 stroke. :) Made me feel better after I unsucessfully started Gomer's borrowed CRF450 the day before and didn't destroy my footwear either. :eek:

I really had a blast on the intermediate track and found it to be confidence inspiring. I also found myself clearing that step-up but didn't have the guts to do the biggest double on the track (which isn't very big). Maybe next time. Riding that track makes me see how weak I am with cornering. I'm looking forward to a time when I can give you other guys a run for your money...or at least keep up with you! ;)

I am really anxious for cooler weather...instead of riding 20 minutes and resting for 1 1/2 hours, I'd rather do the opposite.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by linusb
Riding that track makes me see how weak I am with cornering.

You and me both :(

I am really anxious for cooler weather...instead of riding 20 minutes and resting for 1 1/2 hours, I'd rather do the opposite.

I don't know... I really enjoiyed the bsing!!

It was great hanging and riding with you guys.

Next time we need to bring a valium for James though... he is too hyper and gets worked up too easily ;)



Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
Next time we need to bring a valium for James though... he is too hyper and gets worked up too easily ;)

Yeah...ya mean the part where I was sittin there and stuff..............??

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
You were able to sneak in 3 words while Ivan and Wrench were talking...that qualifies as hyper and worked up! :o

I know, I know! Ivan, he can't ride your 250F anymore...that's fitting punishment. (And no, it has nothing to do with you being hard to pass while on it!)


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I knew what you were saying Ivan...just messing back ;) I tend to create boredom amongst others.

If I am not being punished for this supposed speed you speak of....then why must I be punished. Is being "run through" with a stubborn kick starter not punishment enough??

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