Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Sandlapper Report

Don arrives at my house Thursday about 5 PM as I return his phone call I missed. “Don-where you at?” “I’m in your dive way” I look out my window and there he is! We load up and head off to pick up Mike south east of Lansing. (fatherandson) We drive to the pre determined park and ride about 7:00 PM and get Mike, his bike and his stuff and we are off to South Carolina. We made it to south of Cincy the first night and find a truck stop to sleep at. The first one we tried was jam packed so the second one was way better. We take a nap and some time during the night a semi parks next to us and leaves the motor on so our sleep was cut short. About 6 Am we awake and take off to a Mc D’s for Breakfast and off we go again. Somewhere during Friday we discover the comedy channel in the Sirius radio and laugh our a$$ off. We take turns driving and finally arrive at the Enduro location about 5 PM Friday. We get out side and it’s freaking beautiful so we put on our shorts. (Don wears silk panites) We set up camp, hang out, work on bikes a bit and grill out side until a bit after dark. Friday nights entertainment is “caddyshack” and after the move we pass out.

Saturday Morning arrives and it’s just a beautiful sunny day that eventually gets to about 69 degrees. We have some coffee and breakfast and about noon we put on our gear for a “dual sport” ride. Off we go and Mike knows his way around from last year when he rode around during the race and was a spectator. We are just having a blast messing around on dirt roads and put about 30 miles on and call it quits. After changing into SHORTS we go watch the kids race for a while. We went to buy t shirts and they let us go through sign up early so swaeeeet! We get our numbers and get all our pre race stuff done – numbers on the bikes, route sheets set up and computers programmed. We are ready to race!!! Next comes hanging around in the pits and talking to people for a while and enjoying the weather- did I mention it was beautiful? Then it rained…this is awesome because it was dusty….but it didn’t rain much more than a half hour and then it was nice AGAIN. Ore hanging out in the pits and it’s dinner time. Lasagna is the racers choice tonight. We try to get the SX on the Sat Radio system but no dice so more comedy it is. We pass out early Sat night. We awake about 6:30 Sunday morning and Mike gets key time and we are about to put it into my computer and he notices my gas cap is missing. I figure Leroy is messing with me but he didn’t-it was stolen. So I happen to have a spare one but no rubber gasket for it. Randy Mastin had a chunk of rubber so while I’m getting my gear on Don fabricates me a gasket and fixes my cap. I’m good to go! Then Don realizes his steering dampener was stolen!!! Crap. Come to find out down here in the south there are various races that get hit by vandals that steal stuff from bikes to sell probably on crap-bay. So Don files a police report because the police are there investigating all the stuff stolen anyway. We finally get a chance to settle down and line up for our row. We’re riding with local hot shoe Tommy Veator a “AA” rider and another guy from Nebraska in the 200 A class.

Off we go and ride the road for about 3 miles until it’s time to check in and race. Sweet trails await us and it really cool until my arms pump up and I ride the first 10 mile section in survival mode. Don and I are pretty much together that section and Mike had a good rice and beat us by a couple minutes. At the reset the Mastin tryck is at the side of the road so wee stop and hang out with them, Don scores a spart Steering dampner and I get a chance to get rid of the arm pump so I now just am battling the muscle spasms in my back that I have been fighting for the last 2 weeks. At least this section is better with no arm pump and Mike again cleans our clocks and I sneak ahead of Don by a minutes in that section. Another reset and off we go again –Mike again gets us by a couple minutes and I sneak another minute on Don. Then it’s the Gas break and I finally get some Alieve in my system and the back muscles tend to relax a bit so I can ride with out much pain. It seems like we waited an eternity to finally get checked into the last section of the day after gas which ended up being 20 miles and it was awesome. I’m riding much better now and feeling pretty good. This section has 2 checks in it to take max points so in the middle Mike gets me by two and I get one back by the finish as he finished a minute ahead of me. Don cruised a few minutes back and we all had a great day with no injuries. I was particularly please to know that my strategy of going for a trail ride and not really pushing hard paid off as I went the entire race and never fell down once. Mike dropped 56, I dropped 67 and Don dropped 75. The race was awesome and the trails were some of the finest you could ask for-very similar to Michigan stuff but it was surprising that there were hardly any logs. It was just nice tight sandy single track with hardly much in the whoop department. FUN STUFF! Congratulations to Mike for a very fine ride and thanks to Don for making the trip-I think he’ll want to go back again. Those boys down sough have been riding year round and it shows as no one won any hardware in their class but Mike got 6th in his class -4 srtoke B, I got 5th in Masters B and Don was riding on Nappers number so he was riding out of his class in Vet B but he got 9th. So we all did respectable anyway and had a great time and had a nice trail ride. :yeehaw:


Dec 2, 2003
Dude that sucks that you got robbed. That is always in the back of my mind when camping and stuff.

Sounds like you made the best of it and had a great ride though.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Fred - sounds like you guys had a great time! Arm pump sucks dont it?! It gets me almost everytime i ride anymore. (slow old fart mode "on")

I sure am glad we dont have the rip offs issue at our events in MI. Let's hope that doesnt start up here! that really sucks. Lesson is...dont leave your bike out at night I guess.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Fred, Mike and Don: WAY COOLLLLLLL that you guys didnt let a some rotten-lousy-stinkin-lowlife ruin your fun!! It sounds like you guys siezed the day properly and were rewarded with some great times together!! :yeehaw:
Thanks for the neat report Fred!! I could just sense the thrill in your writing!!
Welcome home team!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Fred, thanks for a great report on your ride. It's currently in the 20's outside after a great weekend of near 50, but I feel like it's almost 70 degrees out after reading your post.

Don, if you need a Scotts damper I have one on the shelf. I don't need it on my current bike, and would like to keep it, but you're welcome to it for now. PM me if interested.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Man I cant believe someone would rip you off like that :pissed: I'm glad you guys had a great trip in spite of the southern hospitality. Thanks for the write up its fun to read your reports :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Thanks for the trip report Fred... sounds like a fun ride down there. You made great time in that RV too... we drive down to Myrtle Beach, and it's a good 15 hour trip for us.

So your parts were stolen, in the middle of the pit area, in the middle of the night, with you guys sleeping right there? Man, those guys were pretty brazen. I would have liked to see F&S step out of the RV and give them a Michigan Mafia welcome.... or Don in his silky briefs would have scared them off !

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
It was a great time with great company.
The weather was great, I need to clarify the silk panties were actually gym shorts!
The southern hospitlity sucked! The "brick" doesn't steer very well with out the stabilizer, the front is to heavy, the first section kicked my but and then after Mastins let me use one I did better but my shoulders were still really sore by then. It was a well run enduro I am really glad Fred took 5 minites of his time to TALK ME INTO IT. A great place to get ready for Georgia.
Thanks again Fred & Mike, now to get caught up at work.


Apr 19, 2003
Oh did you say it was nice? It really hurts because right now its lake effect time 4-6 inches todays high 10 lows to 5below zero. Any how Iam so happy to here you guys had fun. And mike really needs to be in the A class


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Except for the stolen parts, it was a great weekend. Honestly, the southern hospitality (other than the felons) was excellent. The trails were on private property only and the land owners stood by the trail to wave and take pictures. I was sure to give them a PTP scream to show them that we were having a good time! The ladies at sign up were very friendly - especially the T shirt saleswoman. The local authorities (sheriff) were helpful in the crime investigation and actually waved me through two road crossings. I stopped the first time and he asked me WHY...I did not stop at the second crossing.
The trails were like the Michigan event trails (not ORV trail = limited whoops).
I had a great time and it was worth the 1800 mile round trip. We made the entire trip in 20 hours which includes 6 hours of sleep and a stop for breakfast. Freddy's RV with the V10 just motors.
<Raw Dawg voice on> "Git er dunn" <Raw Dawg voice off>

Satellite radio is the only way to travel. Looking forward to the next PTP road trip!!

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Congratulation on the fine job racing fellows! Sucks that the south had to show there true colors. Looks like storing the bikes locked in the trailer overnight will be the norm for team PTP. I hope you had comp on your bike Don?

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