Where is good trail riding in Southern California that doesn't require stickers


Sep 10, 2018
Hi everyone,

First and foremost, I know people are going to say you have to be stickered in California to ride and there is no place to ride without being stickered. But, with that being said, I know that is not true and have been riding all over Southern California for nearly six years without being stickered. I have been riding at Moreno Valley now for quite some time, and I am looking to expand on new technical trails and hill climbs. (Yes I am aware of getting caught and the risks involved with doing this). Regardless, I'm looking for new spots that I can ride on and where I don't have to pay or check in with rangers; somewhere similar to Moreno in the sense that I can park somewhere and ride on as many trails as I can find.

I read that Hungry Valley and California City are good options but were curious if anyone has any other recommendations!



Nov 6, 2018
Hi everyone,

First and foremost, I know people are going to say you have to be stickered in California to ride and there is no place to ride without being stickered. But, with that being said, I know that is not true and have been riding all over Southern California for nearly six years without being stickered. I have been riding at Moreno Valley now for quite some time, and I am looking to expand on new technical trails and hill climbs. (Yes I am aware of getting caught and the risks involved with doing this). Regardless, I'm looking for new spots that I can ride on and where I don't have to pay or check in with rangers; somewhere similar to Moreno in the sense that I can park somewhere and ride on as many trails as I can find.

I read that Hungry Valley and California City are good options but were curious if anyone has any other recommendations!

Hungry valley Without a sticker no way !!!!!
Cal city just pay the 15 bucks get your cal city sticker and your good to go for a year


Nov 10, 2018
was camping in Cal City a couple of weeks ago, this dude came into campsite in a police truck and demanded to inspect bikes for cal city permit stickers. one bike didn't have a sticker and he made follow him back to their office and buy a permit. nobody was even riding that bike. complained about him at the cal city police station and they said he is a community service officer not a cop!


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