Why is it so easy for stupid people to drive?


Oct 3, 2001
As I walked to my up to my car tonight, I was surprized to find that someone had sideswiped it. :( My side mirror and mounting hardware was smashed and I now have a long streak of newly scraped and dented metal along the side of the car. How does a person hit a parked car? And this was only about three car lengths past a four-way-stop intersection.
This really struck a cord in me, because I've been thinking for a long time that it is way too easy for people to get drivers licenses in this country. Every time I drive down down the road, I see people doing stupid sh** in cars. Also, there are just too many cars on the roads, causing lots of problems (large pollution levels, traffic jams, road-rage, to name a few). There are just too many people that cannot handle the vehicles they are in control of, let alone the responsibilty of operating a vehicle. If you ask me, the standards for people to get, and keep, their drivers licenses should be MUCH higher than they are.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I guess it would help if everybody did their part and quit driving. Do you want to be the 1st?:p
Sorry to hear about your car. It doesn't really make me mad when someone hits my car by accident but what gets my goat is when they don't leave a note if you weren't around.


Oct 3, 2001
I guess it would help if everybody did their part and quit driving. Do you want to be the 1st?
Nope, I don't want to just quit driving. But I will be the first in line to take some driving tests that actually determine if a person actually deserves to have the privilage of driving. Still, there are a lot of people out there who get their licenses that really shouldn't have them. I am very afraid of them:p
I don't really expect anything will ever happen other than more incompetent people will get their licenses. I am just venting because I'm irked at how dumb people can be behind the wheel of an automobile.
Car A is parallel parked 10 yards past an intersection. Car B leaves the stop sign, crosses the intersection and proceeds to scrape against car A, for the length of the car, inflicting significant damage. Car B then flees the scene, without leaving any information. Does the driver of car B deserve to drive?


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
The ones that kill me are the Granolas in Volvo wagons who drive with their eyes riveted to the car in front of them while maintaining a death-grip on the steering wheel. :silly:

The SUV mommies also chap my ass. You know the ones - they really NEED a 10,000 pound truck to haul their 8 pound babies to the daycare. Jeez! SUVS - if these things get any bigger, they'll eclipse the sun. Soccer moms are equally bad. They trundle around at 10 MPH BELOW the posted limit, and STILL manage to swerve all over the road, cuz little Jimmy needs CONSTANT supervision. God forbid that Junior miss out on Mommy's ministrations, cuz he might be scarred for life if he she isn't in his face 24-7.

How about the 4-foot tall blue-hairs driving 30 year old Caddys at 40 MPH in the fast lane with the left turn signal on? You get stuck behind them for like, 50 miles, and when you finally manage to pass them, they look over and give you the finger - like YOU did something wrong!

What this country needs is 8-lane freeways and graduated driver's licensing. . .STAT!


Oct 3, 1999
The answer is simple.. Get a bigger rig than what the soccer moms can come up with. Bring them to mercy, and make them realize that their fate is in YOUR hands out there! I like the Peterbuilt Crusader All-Sport Denali Outback Eddie Bauer 5.9 Limited, myself..



Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Nice rig. I like this one too...


  • strech truck.jpg
    strech truck.jpg
    33.5 KB · Views: 457


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
I'm more concerned about how easy it is for stupid people to reproduce.:scream:


Dec 31, 2001
whamm!!! vic just hit the nail on the head!! and it seems like stupid people are the only ones that are reproducing. i used to live in an apartment that had on street parking. i cant tell you how many times people slammed into my stuff. they're everywhere you go.:silly:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
What about soccer DADS in monster rigs with 250# of armor on the front traveling a minimum of 10mph OVER the posted limit?

(that would be me :) )


Sep 22, 2000
Recent findings on traffic safety!

Over the last five years the N.T.S.B. has been
covertly funding a project with U.S. Auto makers
whereby the auto makers have been installing "black
boxes" in all four wheel drive pick up trucks they
have manufactured. This was to determine, in fatal
accidents, the circumstances in the last 15 seconds
before the crash.They were surprised in 42 of the 50
states the last words of the drivers in 61.2% of the
fatal crashes were, "OH SH*T!"

Only the states of Arkansas, West Virginia, Georgia,
Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee
were different, where over 89.3% of the final words
were, "Hold my beer and watch this."


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Wheeeew! Sure glad I don't drive a 4x otherwise I'd be needin to wear my foil cap in the truck too! :eek:


Jun 5, 2001
What's scarier is that there is no licensing for driving a boat or jet ski. Ever been to a lake, what a zoo!


Oct 30, 2001
Vic has it exactly right. What was that song lyric, I think it was by Bare Naked Ladies?

"Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.
They're cloning and feeding"

(No offense to all you parents out there, it's just an exaggeration.)

By the way, same thing happened to me this weekend at Blockbuster. Some ditzy teenage blond girl scraped her Jeep wrangler across the back bumper of my friends new Saturn. That's about the smallest suv on the road, I hope nobody lets her loose in anything bigger.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Yup, Vic hit it on the head. At least we require people to take a test to get a driver's license. Any bozo (and bozette) can go out and have kids. :think


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Hmmm, the thought of the little old man that just drove his car into the side of the Carl's Juinior this weekend came to mind as I was reading this thread. :scream:

Don't forget about people who are yammerin' away on their cell phones while they're trying to drive. They're not paying attention to what they're doing at all. I irritates the crap out of me.

I used to think making it harder to get a license would help but now I don't think a tougher test is going to do anything. People are going drive like morons regardless. :mad:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Try living in Seattle--when it snows! It's worse than California when it rains! They close down the schools for 1/2 an inch of slop or slushy snow. Bumper to bumper traffic, and of course they're riding my rear end (last thing to do in ice or snow!) and all over the place in the ditches.

I drove over the pass this weekend. Chains required for 2" of snow. I had my Toyota in 4-Hi and doin' 40 mph, not a problem. I don't know how many lifted fullsize rigs I saw going 10 mpg on the side of the road. I mean, you don't need to drive too fast, but as long as you don't act like an idiot, snow isn't the end of the world. The worst part was all the Audi and VW drivers (they think they're immortal, apparently) when I got near the ski hill riding my tail but too chicken to pass. Either get around, or get back, buddy!

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Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by firecracker22
all the Audi and VW drivers (they think they're immortal, apparently)
Arrrggg! That reminds me of how much I HATE anyone who drives a Mercedes around here!!! Especially in Montecito where all the disgustingly rich live. There are more 4-way stops than you can shake a stick at in Montecito and who do you think never has to wait their turn?!!

I almost miss the days when I drove my beater Datsun 200sx. Everytime a stupid stuck up Mercedes driver tried to just tap their brakes and go regardless of who was waiting there first I would just jut out and nearly hit them. "Go ahead! Make my day! Who do you thinks going to be cryin' harder when their car gets crunched?!!" :debil:

Road Rage - it's a way of life. :confused:


Jul 12, 2000
I get really tired of all of the pavement pounding pickups we have around here anymore. Some guy in a suit and tie needs to drive a full size pickup around to meetings? Huh? That poor pickup needs to be put out of its misery, it will never get to experience mud in its life. Its all a matter of keeping up with the joneses. Pickups and SUV's are the hip, cool status symbol at the moment so by golly every little yuppy is gonna get one to impress the neighbors. Or how about the mom driving the Ford Excursion to just haul her self around to the mall or to the salon. By what stretch of the imagination does she need 4wd or a motor that makes over 4hp? She might be better served by a briggs powered go-cart, except she'll need somewhere to stash her donuts and a cup holder for her double grande sugar free hazlenut latte, no foam, thank you very much. Not to offend any of the ladies out there, I personally think its very cool of females to drive a truck, like if they actually have a use for it and there are probably 2x's the men out there driving pickups that have no use for one.

Oh and milquetoast the song was by Harvey Danger and was called Flagpole Sitta, but you're forgiven for not knowing, he was pretty much a one hit wonder at best. More of a trivia answer now.:uh:


Sep 3, 2001
I don't think driving while talking on a cell phone is necessarilly a bad thing, and I admit that I do it. IT's the people that are borderline on the skills already, then they think they can also talk on the phone...puts them over the edge, and the brain just shuts down. Bad news for teens just learning to drive as well.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Well, I'm one of those guys who drives a pickup to work every day, whether I'm hauling something or not. (I also usually have a rifle in the gunrack ;)) It does haul my lard ass to the woods and the track as well, so I guess it's not a full on "pavement pounder" (LOL IDkTm--that sure is a Lewiston thing!) I will not, repeat, NOT drive a car. It's just not me. I'd have to start drinkin' latte's and wearin' lipstick!

As for my Buttercup, I'm gonna put her in the biggest, baddest SUV I can afford! Right now it's a Tahoe, but a 'Burban is probably in the future. I figger if she's in any sort of accident, she's gonna survive it. I'll never own another car. They are useless to me this time of year.


Oct 14, 2001
this guy in my friend's neighborhood ran over one of our small bmx ramps we had set on the curb on the left side of the road. a sheriff lives right there and doesn't care about it. anyways, this guy in his wife's minivan was coming home drunk (i guess) and swerved over and ran the left side of the van over the ramp. it nearly flipped his car over but did blow out both tires, knocked off the hubcaps, demolished his mirror, scratched and dented the entire left side. the next day he talked to my friends little brother about trying to sue us! i know in this country that is entirely possible, but nothing came of it (guess he was too scared to tell his wife what really happend)


Sep 15, 2000
Originally posted by Milquetoast
Vic has it exactly right. What was that song lyric, I think it was by Bare Naked Ladies?

"Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.
They're cloning and feeding"

"been around the world and found
that only stupid people are breeding
the cretins cloning and feeding
and i don't even own a tv"

Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger :)

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