
May 8, 2002

Hi Guys,
I need help. I ride a 98 WR400 and have problems with the FCR carb slide. It cracks and breaks. The above links shows 3 slides, starting from right 1) broken slide, little piece jamed in intake valve. 2) 3 rides old, stress lines and micro cracks appearing 3) home-made CNC alu slide after 1 year, 2 bikes(one WR timing, 1 YZ timing - 2 riders) and some races. The home-made one dones't have the 2 half moon depression as we suspect it weakens the material. It still wears around the 2 bigger corner tabs and its thinning down on that edge, just slower. Slight problem is that its harder and it also wears the carb's groove too- very slowly.

Questions: What causes this? I don't think I'm alone. There are a few cases already, and lots of theory on why it happens. My bike is perfectly jetted for the mods I have and the area I ride. I don't think its the jetting since a buddy of mine rode his WR400 bone stock including jetting and the slide broke off and utterly blew his engine.
How do we solve this?
Any other guys have the same problem? I ride in the far east of the world.

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