Young Ted's Situation Thread (and ride report too)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
MAN, WHAT A LABOR DAY RIDE!! For those of you who have followed my writings, the beginning of this article may be a little redundant but, because you have been following my writings you know that redundancy is an integral part of being Woodsy – I write like I ride – back and forth, covering the same trail, making sure no one stays PERMANENTALY lost!
That being said, lets get started with this report….
Some of you will recall that last year, while riding with Randy, Larry and Young Ted, I “invited” another rider who I had met on the trail to continue our Monday ride with us as he was all alone (I am ALWAYS picking up stragglers). I had stopped on Kadie, introduced myself as Scott Barnhard from Ravenna and Dan introduced himself as Dan Smith from Chicago. After accepting my invitation to ride with us Dan and I rode and caught up with the others. Now, keep in mind that the others guys in my group had NO idea that I had stopped and talked to this new rider and at the first stop after he had ridden with us a ways I took FULL advantage to “pull the wool” over Teds eyes BIG TIME! I introduced Dan to him as “my good friend from Chicago”. Of course, Ted was TOTALLY confused – we left with 4, now have 5 and I am telling him that this new guy is a good friend from Chicago – I still laugh when thinking about the look on Ted’s face… Now to present day……
After that ride, Dan was SO impressed with most of us that he decided he would like to have us ALL get together at his summer cottage on Labor Day (yesterday) for a reunion ride. His wife, Sally, was going to cook breakfast for us and then, those that could were going to ride.
Being the honorable type that I am, I decided that I HAD to make this ride – besides, I LOVE food :moon:
Young Ted drove up from Chicago and met Larry, Randy and I at the Fremont exit off US-31. The 3 of them spent a few minutes making sure that I felt a warm “IWAACer” welcome and we proceeded to Dans cottage about 15 minutes north. We pulled in and another rider, who introduced himself to us as “Andy”, came out of Dans garage. Of course , Young Ted who happens to know EVERYONE said – “ANDY, what the heck are you doing here!!!”. Apparently Andy and Ted are fellow members of a group of riders out of Chicago – SMALL WORLD!!
We proceed down to the cottage where breakfast is already cooking (my internal compass may be broken but my sniffer works GREAT!!!). After intro’s we all sat down for a hearty breakfast.
While we were eating, Sally accidentally stumbled and fell. ALL of us jumped up to see if she was OK. She was unable to put pressure on her arms to roll over. After talking to her for a few minutes, we decided that it would be best to call the EMT’s in. The ambulance arrived shortly there after and we all SADLY watched as Sally was transported to Hackley Hospital in Muskegon :(
Of course, Dan went with her (even though she was INSISTANT that he stay and ride – WAY TO GO DAN!!). This left Larry, Randy, Andy and Ted as the days riders.
I agreed to haul a cooler of Gatorade up to Horseshoe for the riders. I stopped at Wesco in Fremont for some “trail food treats” for my buddies and continued over to the “Shoe”.
The new parking area at Horseshoe was empty when I pulled in. A few minutes later I heard Randy’s WR426 coming up the road, Andy came in behind followed by Ted and then Larry. The trails were pretty dusty but, by all the smiling faces I could tell that these guys didn’t care – they were having a RIOT! We sat in the parking lot, shared a few minutes of “trail tales”, drank Gatorade and ate the goodies.
The 4 of them headed up to Bitely for lunch. After I left the gang I decided to stop back over at Dans and see if Sally’s sister had heard anything. Of course there was no one there because Sallys sister had probably gone to the hospital to be with her sister – dahhh. I left Randy’s cooler on the trailer and headed home for drugs and sleep.
I awoke about 4:30 and the first thought that came into my mind was “I wonder how Sally is..”. I got up and my wife asked where I was headed. I told her I was going to go up and check on Sally and asked if she wanted to come along. Cheryl was not feeling well so she decided to stay home but completely understood my concern….
I was back at Dans around 5ish and noticed that Dans car was back.. I also noticed right away that Randy’s rig was gone but Young Teds van and Larrys rig was still there – hmmmmm. I walked down to the house, knocked on the door and a ladies voice said come on in..
There was Sally sitting on the couch with what appeared to be a straight jacket affect on her arms. I asked how she came out and she said she had broken BOTH arms right below the shoulders!! OH MY GOSH!!! She said that she was going to have to stay in a 24 hour health care home for a while – UNBELIEVEABLE!!! We chatted for a few minutes before she asked me if I knew that Ted had FALLEN!! I said – WHAT, I knew nothing about that!! We chatted just briefly about it – she didn’t know a lot about what had happened but they had gotten a call from the guys and Dan had taken Randy’s rig up to get Inca and Ted…
About that time I heard a noise out front and saw Randy’s Jeep pulling in. I went out to find Larry unloading the bikes, asked how Ted was and Larry said he was beat up pretty bad. I walked around Teds van and with one look KNEW he needed medical attention. Of course, Young Ted, not wanting to be a bother, was trying to convince me that he could just drive home!!!! I BEGGED him to let me take him in, I talked FIRM (like us riding buddies that REALLY care for each other can do when we have to) to him about ALL the times he had been there for me and how he had preached to me about needing to stay healthy.. FINALLY he agreed to let me run him in to Hackley Hospital..
The examining Doctor immediately found a broken collar bone and at least one broken rib WITHOUT an x-ray! The x-rays agreed with her diagnosis. Of course, Timers first question to me was “how long do you think I will be down from this – I sure hope I don’t hafta miss the Rendevous”. :worship:
Now here is a guy that is 76 years young, been up since 4 am, riding all day, in the hospital with 2 confirmed broken bones and HE WANTS TO KNOW HOW LONG HE’LL BE DOWN!!!! If anyone EVER asks me again why Young Ted del Solar is my hero I am going to wheelie over them!!!!!
Ted received an arm sling from the hospital and we WALKED arm in arm out the door – great riding buddys do that ya know!! :yeehaw:
We stopped at Meijers for some pain meds and I had one of their employees snap the attached photo of “the injured IWAACer and the injured IWAACed” together!!
I guess Randy and Andy had a GREAT ride the remainder of the day. Andy was at Dans when Ted and I picked up my car around 10:30 pm and he was just BEAMING from the trail fun Randy had shown him!! I gotta say though, with Sally sitting there with her 2 broken arms, Young Ted standing there with a broken collar bone and broken rib and me standing there in my back brace it was kinda difficult to say I was looking forward to next years reunion ride :think:
I am SURE that Young Ted will REALLY appreciate some well wishing and that Sally really needs your prayers/concerns too!

Dreamin and Steamin


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Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Young Ted,

I am sorry to hear about your broken bones. Speaking from experience, the collarbone should take 5-6 weeks to heal. I am very sorry to hear about your fall.
That is way too many broken bones in one weekend for the same group.



Dec 2, 2003
Man that sucks. But at least there were lots of people around to help out the wounded and get them fixed up propper. Sounds like you guys knew just what to do in a pinch.

I suspect that Ted aint done riding this year. I'd bet that we will hear another trail tain yet this year from the ol master.

Get well soon Ted.
And Sally you are our prayers as well.


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Ted, You are the man - ready to drive yourself home with busted collar bone and ribs. Way to go Woodsy for dragging stubborn Ted to the hospital. Heal up soon (both you and Sally). Drink your milk!


Sep 1, 2003
I've just finished getting caught up on reading all the posts and wiping the eyes. There is more to yesterdays events that I will get to later. Also have some pictures still in the camera, still in the van. The chickens have come home to roost and the juvenile has learned a lesson. My target ride will be the reunion ride on October 23-24.
For now I'll just say thanks to all. The emotions are to high to do a decent job here right now.
Young Ted


Sponsoring Member
Sep 24, 2000
Ted, I hope you recover soon in time for your reunion ride!

Sorry to hear about your fall, but glad to hear you're ready to get back on the saddle.

Take care of yourself.



May 4, 2004
Get well soon Ted and Sally.


Aug 12, 1999
Whew! Rough weekend!
Bones heal, but (speaking from experience) don't push it!
I wish a speedy recovery for both of you!


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Good Grief ...

Our group and its supporters seem to be droppin' like flies this year ... is it something in the water over on the west side of the state?

To Ted, and to Sally [with whom I have yet to become acquainted], my best wishes and a speedy recovery from what appears to be a contagious outbreak of 'splintered bone-itis' ... a rare but not too uncommon malady of those having more then several decades under the belt! While yesterday may seem to have taken its toll, tomorrow will bring better tidings ... and the near future will return us to our former, best selves ... all that provided we take the advice of Woodsy and emulate his methodical approach to rapid recovery ...
  • Don't give up!
  • Don't get in too big a hurry!
  • Do smile excessively ... it could have been much worse!
Gosh this news is bi-functional in response ... it brings me sorrow that Ted and Sally have both sustained injury ... but it brings me great happiness to know that there were many good folks around to help out immediately and to ensure that both Sally and Ted received the best of treatment and the advice and support of Woodsy ... well, maybe that last part is pushing it a bit ... but since Woodsy didn't actually have to provide any directions that were of significance to the outcome of events ... I guess it's fair to leave the statement as is for now.

Keep us in the loop on Ted and Sally's condition, my prayers are with them both!

terry nestrick :ugg:


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 27, 2001
You'll be healed up real soon.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
I spoke with Ted last night on the phone. He made it home safely and is laying low for some heal time. The injuries are painful (I could tell just by the way he spoke) but he is VERY optimistic about riding soon. I also spoke with Connie and she was extremely happy that Ted went to the hospital and that everyone was/has been so good to him (her words).
Ted also ask me to say thanks to everyone for their concern and said that "we have the greatest group of people earth". Without a doubt, he already misses everyone and is watching his clock until he can ride again!
I suspect that he will be doing a little more writing as soon as he feels a little better. Personally I miss his "IWAACing" - hurry up and get better buddy!!!
Dreamin and Steamin because of you! :ride:
By the way Ted, I spoke with Randy last night but have been unable to reach Larry. Randy said "tell him to heal soon so we can ride"..


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
Wow, what a day. I'm glad to hear that both Ted and Sally walked out of the hospital, even if it was with some "accessories." Like someone said earlier, "Drink your Milk!" and heal up soon. Take care...


Sep 1, 2003
A challenge to the world. Come up with a more caring, considerate and helpful group than the Michigan Trail Riders.
I checked on Sally and Dan last night. She is doing fine and in high spirits even though Dan has to do everything for her. She has started to work with her toes, but that will take time and they are getting set up for help. Dan is very positive about doing the event again, it will be done. I'll work on a way to see that they receive what is posted here.
A milk drinker has been my thing all my life. The comment that I've never been weaned, is not new. Coffee is on the list of never drank it. I'll try the next sentence to see if it shakes up 70 Marlin. After the scores were posted at the Pine Cone, the comment - tell Ted to grow up - was made.
Now it's time to shake Woodsy up. I took a walk down the driveway and recorded the following. Covered the 100 feet in 47 strides and 32 seconds. I have dropped from 39 - 22. So Woodsy, where are you now? Don't tell me, it's lost isn't it.
The meeting in the parking lot Monday morning with Randy, Larry, Woodsy and I was a reunion of sorts. After covering the usual topics, Randy came from his Jeep with a jacket and asked me to try it for size. The fit was fine and it was announced that I was an official member of the Monday Riders. The honor is above and beyond anything I know of.
Please excuse me, but I have to stop for now.
Young Ted


Apr 11, 2004
Ted get well soon! Collar bones are no fun. You are a motivator and a hero to all of us. I am glad all is as well as can be. You and Sally will be in my prayers. ----Mike :cool:

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
INCA said:
A challenge to the world. Come up with a more caring, considerate and helpful group than the Michigan Trail Riders.
I checked on Sally and Dan last night. She is doing fine and in high spirits
A milk drinker has been my thing all my life. The comment that I've never been weaned, is not new.
Coffee is on the list of never drank it.
I'll try the next sentence to see if it shakes up 70 Marlin. After the scores were posted at the Pine Cone, the comment - tell Ted to grow up - was made.
The meeting in the parking lot Monday morning with Randy, Larry, Woodsy and I was a reunion of sorts. After covering the usual topics, Randy came from his Jeep with a jacket and asked me to try it for size. The fit was fine and it was announced that I was an official member of the Monday Riders. The honor is above and beyond anything I know of.
Please excuse me, but I have to stop for now.
Young Ted
To fined a better group of people? Not possible! I've been a bit quite lately. I have my own issues to deal with. Now that Ted has thrown the glove down. If I remember correctly the statement wasn't made to have "Ted" to grow up. It was that Ted has to race with every one else! But aside from that, I hope your recovery is quick and painless! That milk thing wouldn’t work for me, being lactate intolerant? The Monday ride club it's an honor. Hold that jacket in high esteem! I hope for one someday. But I will wait till Kadie can show me the way. I've never had the pleasure to meet Sally. I wish her the best, and a speedy painless recovery. Now for that Woodsy fellow. Did you forget my phone number? I need to get over your way sometime. Jr has a big box with your name on it?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
70 marlin said:
To fined a better group of people? Not possible! I've been a bit quite lately. I have my own issues to deal with. Now that Ted has thrown the glove down. If I remember correctly the statement wasn't made to have "Ted" to grow up. It was that Ted has to race with every one else! But aside from that, I hope your recovery is quick and painless! That milk thing wouldn’t work for me, being lactate intolerant? The Monday ride club it's an honor. Hold that jacket in high esteem! I hope for one someday. But I will wait till Kadie can show me the way. I've never had the pleasure to meet Sally. I wish her the best, and a speedy painless recovery. Now for that Woodsy fellow. Did you forget my phone number? I need to get over your way sometime. Jr has a big box with your name on it?

NOPE Marlin, I sure havent forgot!! I have just been REAL busy Dreamin and Steamin!! Tonight I gotta go for an MRI of the shoulder, I have been spending ALOT of time on my feet - hoping to accelerate the bone growth... Tell your son that since I was unable to make the Jackpine I have been repouring over the stock he loaned me and have them worn out (kidding) - you guys GOTTA get over for a ride soon (I miss you but so does Cedar) or I am going to just mail them back to you! Speaking of that, Pat, would you mind sending me your address? If ok, please email it to me - Scbarnhard(at)! Thanks buddy!!

Young Ted - thanks for the update on Sally! I never did get their phone number (the one that actually works) and am glad you made contact! Man was I RELIEVED when that Doctor released you into my "custody"! You scared me pretty good buddy!! :ugg: Gotta go "update" my situtation thread - I think, with those new stats you posted I can now beat you at something!! :aj:

Dreamin and Steamin


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 27, 2001
I know when I broke my ribs I could barely even move. I had to sleep sitting up with 7 pilows behind me, I could'nt cross my arms, and the doctor said they really dont do anything for them anymore.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001

Seems if you ride dirt bikes, you're either a member of the broken collarbone club, or will be one at some point. :|

Well Ted, at least you did it honorably. I know a guy, 6' 3", young, athletic... working at a kids camp, in the play "Sound of Music", wearing a dress (don't ask). Held up horizontal by a group of kids, who accidentally dropped him onto the stage. Broke his collarbone. In a musical. Wearing a dress.

... Not that I'd put it past you to wear a dress and sing the "Sound of Music", but at least you were dirt bikin'. :aj:

As far as healing, my ortho told me the body will focus it's energy and direct nutrients to the injured area, at the expense of other areas of the body if necessary. If you already have a healthy, balanced diet, that's all you really need to do. A pregnant women's body will direct nutrients away from itself to the fetus as a first priority. The woman may end up with a deficiency, but the baby won't necessarily.

I had a bone growth stimulator ($4,500!) for my break, but it was broken in three pieces, with the center floating piece a calcified knot from a break 22 years ago (yup, dirt bikin'). The device emits a low-level electrical impulse which stimulates and increases blood flow around the break. It takes blood to help form the bone glue, which eventually thickens up to stabilize the bones, and eventually calcifies completely.

The stupid thing about the bone growth stimulator, other than the fact that it probably has less technology than your typical $99 cell phone, is that it is set up to automatically stop working after 200 days. So what could be a reusable device, isn't.

FWIW, I wore mine 23 x 7 for about 3 months, and it really helped jump start bone growth.

Here's the device I have:

Let me know if you'd like to use it; probably has a good 100 days left on it. Not that I'd ever have a need to use it again... :think:

Best of luck in your recovery, and keep stirring up the dust - once it settles, Woodsy seems to find his way back here.


Sep 1, 2003
After Sally was taken care of by the medical people and Dan was of to the hospital, Woodsy called a planned riders meeting. His topic belonged on his situation thread, so he has now woven the threads together. I suspect he wants to make a rope so someone can be hung. I for one, am jumping off the platform and will not be standing under an overhanging branch.
We fired up and were off to the trails with Lt. Randy in the lead, followed by Andy, Larry and myself. There was some dust, but spreading out a little took care of it ok. Where we actually go I'm not sure, but there are times when we double back and go in another direction. It makes for a very interesting ride. At one point we were on a section of new trail that had the sod peeled over to the side with some kind of equipment. Woodsy and I talked about this later and are at a loss as to why this would be done. If there is an answer, inform us.

The Penton Owners Group has a thread on their site covering my situation. I went to Amherst, Ohio yesterday for the monthly meeting and it was a riot of sorts. A good time with another group of fine people. What follows was posted on that site earlier.

Me and my new Penton with the magic button,
Were on a wide gravel road just a cuttin.
At forty to forty five,
There was an abrupt reverse jibe.

A partially buried log I did not see.
So rather sudden it was wheeeeeee.
Thirty feet later Inca lay running,
At another ten feet I tried recovering.

We were 40 miles from the starting point,
But only 11 from the gas station joint.
So the decision was easy to make,
To head for out intended noon break.

By this time,
What to do next was not mine.
My companions and freinds saved the day,
For me to do much it was - no way.

Woodsy - Your 32 - 36 means you have long legs but are a slow poke. This afternoon I made it in 45 - 28. Remember that the goal is to walk hand in hand, not beat.

I'll work on the pictures tonight and get them up tomorrow.
Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
Here are three pictures taken by Randy.


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Sep 1, 2003
When we arrived at Bikely, the mist was starting to come down and while waiting for Dan to come up with Randy's Jeep and trailer, there was a good shower. While Inca and Larry's bike were being loaded, I settled down in the Jeep. Andy then came up and told me I was not going home that night. The angels had made a decision. Randy and Andy would return by the trails and they had a ball. Back at the cottage Larry and Woodsy took care of the bikes while I answered questions on what to do. Then Woodsy started talking to me about going to the hospital, which he knew I was set against. After telling me the things I have been telling him the last few months, there was no way I could look him in the eye and say I will not go to the hospital. So it was Hackley, here we come. I still had one condition, but that was easily settled. Bikes were not to be mentioned in any way. The story would be I fell down a bank hunting mushrooms.
This hospital experience was almost a total opposite of 5 years ago at Cadillac with a broken rib. Woodsy having been a recent resident soon saw someone that remembered him. How can you meet Woodsy and forget him? Things progressed smooth and quick and our thumbs went up at every good word from the doctor. More than once though I heard this question - are you his son? Don't I wish it, for the next time he got lost there would be that whaling trip to the woodshed.
After such an experience I can't help but believe there must have been a reason why I pulled off the trail on August 29,2003, to let an oncoming rider pass. And the same applies as to why that rider choose to stop and show courtesy of the trail to tell me there were three more coming. It is said fate acts in strange ways. How true that has become.

I talked with Dan last night and gave him the information on how to get here and read about Sally. I thought he might also sign up and post. He hasn't, so here is the latest on Sally. They found a cracked rib also and the bumps and bruises are now prevalent. I would say she is doing well as I could hear her laughing in the background. She is also getting some movement in the arms, which is good. Not to move them would 'freeze' the shoulder, much worse.

Time to get a drink and go rattle another cage,
Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hey Ted

After reading the stories ... seeing the pictures ... and hearing your last recount of events ... hitting that log at an acute angle at elevated speed with muddy conditions having produced only a couple of broken ribs and a broken collar bone has to be listed as a miracle !!! I am so glad you choose to listen to Woodsy and the others concerning your seeking medical attention ... in the long run, this will certainly pan out to be the best plan. You are such a tough old coot that this incident won't even produce any scars and you'll be riding again very soon!

Perhaps modifying your statement: Ride to Ride Again

To: Heal to Heal Again

is the best advice I can offer? Take care of yourself.

terry nestrick ;)


Sep 1, 2003
Yesterday was a good way to start the week off. I first went with Connie to the cemetery to take care of the graves – not to stay. Spent the rest of the morning doing deskwork like cutting out letters, figuring gas mileage on the van and cooking the bribe books. Then it was lunch and a two-hour nap, as I only sleep about two hours at a time during the night. Finished out the day cutting the front yard, picking berries and working on the Smoked Fish Award for the fall edition of Hop Sings Rendezvous, which I will attend but not ride. The left arm now has enough painless movement to shave, brush teeth and wash. I’m back to taking the stairs two steps at a time as I have been doing for many years. Slow and careful, but I’m doing it just the same. For today I have until 7 PM to get into mischief on my own, as Connie has gone to Wisconsin for her usual day of helping son Bruce with cleaning air filters. Take advantage? Why would I do that?

My strides – second’s numbers were at 43 – 27 yesterday.
Just plain scheming for me,
Young Ted
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Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
INCA said:
Now if Judge Terry would please step into the ring and join me, I would like to have Appeals Judge Mweissen ring the bell, for round one has just begun. If the acute angle mentioned is a series of typos, my error and I’m out of the ring. I don’t believe that is the case though. The front tire hit the apex of an obtuse angle and slid along one leg. The acute angle was at the other end of the log, and had I hit that apex the results would probably have been less severe. Either way, I’m not looking at it as a cute angle. No typo here.

Just a darn minute here ... time out in Yahoo General Court ...

Ted ... to begin, that fall may have rattled your cage and cracked a few bones ... but it sure didn't stir the 'bats in the belfry’ … your superior analytic functions remain as intact as ever!

PLEADING: It is potentially my mistake regarding the ‘acute’ angle description … indeed one’s geometric centrus must conform to the motion of opposing forces in situations of interceding momenta … as such, the angle to which I inferred was that formed by INCA’s front wheel in opposition with that of the partially buried log … considering said angle from the perspective of the rider [Young Ted … albeit prior to his unexpected dismount], this angle is definitely “acute” … with the residual being an “obtuse” … however, considering that my description was derived from heresay evidence presented electronically in the form of “digitally altered photos” supplied by the defendant’s cohorts, such an error of perceptual angularity might be construed as biased. Pehaps the defendant has proclaimed this angle to be obtuse because of his perspective following the intersection of an irresistible force meeting an unmovable object? Without further data, this party pleads nolo contendere to the defendant’s description of events in lieu of the broken bone score being 3 to 0 in his favor!

Judge Nestrick,
IWAAC’er Court of Acute Appeals

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