Young Ted's Situation Thread (and ride report too)


Sep 1, 2003
First things first.

You do what you have to, if you want peace and quiet.

Young Ted
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Dec 2, 2003
Hey Ted.... My boy got a letter in the mail last weekend. Inside he found his letters "HOPPER" for his bike. Ya put a big ol smile on his face.

Now we just gotta wait till the Pro Prep that I just sprayed on his bike to wear off so I can get the letters to stick.

Digger (his new nickname) and I will definately have to plan a ride out with the "BIG BOYZ" this fall....... so my 8 yr old can put the spank down on ya's :rotfl:

Oh yea woodsy. My son is now a card carrying member of the I.W.A.A.C.ers now....Look out. :nener:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 19, 2003
woodsy said:
... If anyone EVER asks me again why Young Ted del Solar is my hero I am going to wheelie over them!!!!! ...


No wheelie necessary, Young Ted is my Hero too.

Ted, I hope you heal real fast so you can get back out on the trails.


Sep 1, 2003

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,

red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of

the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the

appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a

boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our


Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry,

fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure and wonder, the

unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center

of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of

beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you


When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and

the ice of pessimism’ then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are

up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

Samuel Ullman 1910

Don - That six letters and a note brings a smile to Digger, it is my pleasure and a treasure of life. You are both headed in the right direction by spending time together in whatever your endeavor might be.
It will be after the November hunting season when I return to riding in Michigan. That gives me ten weeks of healing. In the meantime I will be working on getting grip warmers set up.

Lets ride,
Young Ted
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Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hmmmm ... Ted

As Mr. Samuel Ullman so eloquently depicted ca. 1910 via his inference of a 'wireless station in the heart' ... we are both dealing with 'figures of speech' meant to be uplifting and pleasant ... seein's how "coot" broadly refers to a harmless simple person ... and 'tough old' implies 'steeped in wisdom' as it is only through maturity that wisdom can be reaped ... my connotation of you as a 'tough old coot' appears reasonable on first assessment ... perhaps a vote of the membership is needed for resolution? Oh man ... headed for another session in the Appeals Court ... Judge Mweissen, perhaps I can make a donation to your reelection campaign?

As an aside, funny how they were all abuzz in 1910 with the 'wireless' technology of Marchese Guglielmo Marconi ... here we are almost a century later, and we're all abuzz with the 'wireless' technology of [Verizon] ... some things just never seem to change ... "can you hear me now?" Will our spirit of heart be as connected today as in the past or will it be measured in minutes per plan? Hopefully our spirit will not suffer "roaming charges" due to an improved 'wireless' technology ... otherwise, we may all become old sooner than we expect ... or at least when we can no longer afford the service! In conclusion, this dissertation seems to indicate that logic has no bounds but wisdom does ... age is but a linear symbol of our passing and is not chronologically related to our mental or physical state except in an abstract fashion.

Say Ted ... got an envelope filled with sufficient letters to spell out the name of my 02 CRF-450 today ... Crash Gordon ... thanks a ton ... it's an honor ... despite my recently hatched plan to sell him and get a new 05 CRF-450X ... he will be adorned as soon as we finish replacing his heart [top end] and get him a couple of new valves. He has been a loyal partner over the past three seasons ... but his time in my stable is now waning ... anyone interested in a highly accessorized 02 CRF-450 with fresh tires, chain, sprockets, and top end can contact me at: 989-835-2266 ... KTM Mike [Mike Stephenson] and 2big4akdx [Neal O'Brien] have seen and ridden it recently.

terry nestrick :cool:


Dec 2, 2003
Terry if you get towards this side of the state yet this year (west side) we should try and hook up so you can ride my 250X. That little thumper may get ya to rethink your plans for the big bore 450x. I love that little X for trail riding. It is super easy to ride and dont tire me out. But still has enough power to get me outta amy situation I have ever been in.

Something to think about.


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hey Don

Thanks for the invite ... I surely will be over there sometime this fall ... I want to find Woodsy's place ... sort of sneak up on him and ... well, let's not give away the plot.

I would very much like to try your 250X ... I am sure that it would be more than enough engine for me under most circumstances excepting the most difficult of climbs or deep sand where your 'hard charging' riding style adds that extra bit of momentum to carry you over and through situations that my 'conservative' slower pace would wind up with me running out of grunt on the smaller motor ... but then again, maybe not ... ??? I have found one major advantage the 450 has for me is the extreme torque which can propel me up sand hills, through mud, and over obstacles without the need for extra momentum ... and when you're not so confident in your riding skills ... I have concluded that carrying the least momentum under difficult circumstances increases rider longevity!

When I get my motor back together I'll drop a note to you and maybe we can find a time that is compatible over on the sunset side ... I haven't any experience over there and it would be fun to check out a few of your favorite rides.

I'm really glad you formally offered your help to Woodsy ... anything you might be able to do in his behalf will surely improve his chances for successful recovery in minimum time ... something we would all like to see happen! I can certainly understand Woodsy's perspective on this whole episode ... he has always been the 'giver' of help in the past ... breaking this trend and becoming the 'receiver' of help is a very difficult hurdle to navigate ... that's where we as his friends can help him the most ... by making our presence felt!

Because of your close location to Woodsy's residence ... we appreciate your offer to help him in doing whatever is requested... and certainly I speak for all, we thank you very much!

terry nestrick :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Yes, THANKS DON!! I may need to take you up on the offer in the near future - however, I am STRIVING to lay low for a while!! :cool:
I gotta tell you guys something about Young Ted. The cards and responses to this site have meant the world to him! That gentleman couldnt even read the card that Terry sent him in its entirety to me on the phone - he had to have Connie finish it for him. Of course, after seeing it on his "page" here I can see why - BEAUTIFUL!!!
There is NOTHING like being being part of this family!!



Sep 1, 2003
Just An Update

Earlier I checked my strides – seconds and came up with 41 – 24, I tried to take longer strides and found out it resulted in a pain causing jar. The two steps at a time on the stairs stopped when the left thigh bruises complained. I’m staying away from the pain killer pills as much as possible; otherwise there will a tendency to overdo. The last two weeks have been a major adjustment for me, but I feel much has been accomplished.
Thirty-five years ago I got a third of the way through a book, put it back on the shelf, and just let it sit. I have now finished reading “The Pleasure Of His Company”. It is Paul Fay’s account of his association with President Kennedy. It has helped me to get through what I consider a difficult time. Thank you for ‘listening’.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hokey SMOKEY there Timer - YOUR FLYING!! That 24 seconds is going to be a tough one to hang with. I am having a hard time getting below 35...
Glad to hear that you are able to "maintain" with only a little touch of pain meds - can I ask how you are sleeping without them? A REALLY wise Doctor told me that "when pain causes insomnia it can be devastating", dont be afraid to use those prescribed meds Ted!!!

Dreamin your way! :ride:


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hey Ted

Good to hear from you ... your advice to Aaron on Woodsy's thread were music to my ears and are an 'art form' in themselves ... you have a knack for converting the complicated to the simplistic all the while maintaining a relationship with life that is worth emulating by all. Not just Aaron would do well to consider your words ...

Also, good to hear that your recovery is showing steady progress. Injuries such as those sustained by you are not to be underestimated ... broken bones take time to mend ... large musculature bruising is a signature for underlying damage to the tissues which also require time for reconstructive healing. Your dedication to daily physical activity is one of the keys to a successful and timely return to good health ... just continue to do it, but don't overdo it! Keeping the mind active is another key as well. Had to laugh, you're reading a book published in 1966 [had to look it up as I read it while in High School] by Paul Fay ... if you like his style, he has another one that is out of print but still available ... Battler with J. F. K. and Other Individuals of Note.

Regarding your meds ... I agree and amplify the advice of Woodsy. Pain killers are an important aspect of the treatment meant to enable the most rapid of recoveries. They reduce physical discomfort which if endured for the longer term, may actually retard the healing process via their ability to reduce the effectiveness of your sleep and sap your energy to areas other than those which produce healing. You may also have been prescribed some form of NSAD [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory] ... these are commonly referred to as 'pain killers' but in fact serve a much more useful purpose in the overall healing process. They reduce swelling in the tissues and retard 'fever' ... both of which are important aspects of enabling the healing process to achieve its maximum rate. Reduced swelling in the tissues promotes better circulation of the blood thereby allowing the agents for reconstruction better access to the injury site. While one the body's responses to injury is to increase its temperature as a means of reducing the chances for infection, if permitted to be sustained over extended periods when infection is not a serious possibility, then the body's energy is not being used efficiently. So, if you have been given any NSADs, be sure to take them as prescribed or advised by your Physician ... they are more than just pain killers!

Now that I am done pontificating ... let's get you healed as soon as humanly possible ... we miss hearing about all your 'trail' activities ...

Here's "back to riding SOON !!!"

terry nestrick :ride:

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Ted - boy I head out west for a couple of weeks vacation - and here you go and bust yourself up! I was really hoping you might manage to come up this way and ride...but I think that might be pushing your luck! Somehow, I gotta think you WILL manage the reunion ride at the end of the month though!

Heal quickly! Get back on that bike!


Sep 1, 2003
Woodsy – I know you are a long time subscriber to Yahoo Common Sense. A recent issue had an article on sleeping. Basically it said that with a clear conscience and your mind at ease, peaceful sleep would come rather easy. Physical pain is another trail, but mind over matter can take care of some of it. I started with 2 pain suppresser pills a day, then skipped one day to find out if they were actually working and for how long. A switch to one before calling it quits for the day is where I’m at now. At the wear off point I get up and do something for a while. After that it’s prop up on the couch to rest and have no trouble getting another hour or two of sleep. This is repeated throughout the day so I end up with an easy 10 hours sleep per 24. I plan to be 75% pain free by Monday, as Tuesday is the start of the fall Rendezvous with a lot of fun and laughs but no riding for me.

KTMMike - The Reunion Ride is the first target and I will make it, with Davie as my partner. In November it's back to Michigan.

Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
Dipsy doodle,
I’m off my noodle.
The sling is put away,
And my own therapy is into play.

The pills are gone too,
I’ll soon be like an old shoe.
The numbers are 39 and 22,
So now it’s up to you know who.

The stairs go two at a time,
And the legs start to shine.
Although the rib still hurts some,
Pains are on the way to none.

Hop Sings Rendezvous starts today,
Six of us head north for laughs and play.
The rest will ride,
While I participate only on the side.

The UP will know we were there,
For we aren’t just bumps on a chair.
The locals may want to hide,
As when Ted says we ride, we ride.

Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
A UP Visit

YZMAN400 – The mail was waiting for me when I arrived home and after a little help from the granddaughter, I was able to enjoy the film and the words. Thank you for thinking of me and passing on some enlightening information. If I heard right, one your p’s, took one. At any rate, another set will be in the mail shortly.

Mweissen – Your heal fast encouragement is working fine. I’m close to doing all the abnormal things, all be it at a little less than 100%. It has been five days of R & R actually. Those five days at home would have found me in a different type of work that would have not helped the healing. The fun and laughs are good for the soul and the body.

Woodsy – Last spring you mentioned Father Nelson poking your back with a stick. Would those marks be a result of that poking? And that you can now ride again? Check your mail from this area also.

Hop Sings Rendezvous – Fall 2004 Edition
There were six of us for this trip to the Newberry area. Craig, Bob, Mike C., Ted, Jim and Mike M. See picture. For three days we had warm temperatures but dusty conditions on the trails. The wind was stronger on Friday, so the van and I both got a good dusting too.
Wednesday 9/29
The five riders left from our base of operations directly to the Silver Creek Loop, while I would meet them at various crossings. At the first one, some peeled off extra clothing and Craig had no lining on his rear brakes. Since I wasn’t riding, the only box I took was the one with the lug wrench for the trailer. A spare set of pads was in that box and Craig’s ride was saved. Spirits were high and they were enjoying the trail. Before the next crossing at CR407, I had time to go into town and pick up a few things that had been forgotten. When they arrived, Jim’s CS sprocket was close to a circle. He had another one at our base and by taking it easy with the 450, we figured he’d be OK. While Hop Sign started lunch, we went to work on the sprocket and a new chain. Anyone have a chain breaker? My lonely box to the rescue once more, as the breaker was in there too. After lunch Craig decided to skip the reverse ride on the same loop, as he hadn’t been riding much and wanted to save himself. Just as we were ready to head for a road crossing, Mike M. pulls in and says he’s had enough for one day. He didn’t feel comfortable and safe, later adding it was one of his best decisions ever. The days riding finished out with no problems, just dusty everything, but happy.
Thursday 9/30
We trailered north to spend the day getting in as much riding as possible. Now there were three of them set up with helmet radios and it seemed to help in warning those behind of potential bad spots. They headed east on Two Heart, while I again would meet them at different crossings. One of the goals for the trip was to see Lake Superior, and they did so near the mouth of the Two Heart River. On the way back it was lunchtime, which we had on the side of the road. It was bikes parked on the right of way with brats and sausage on the grill and the trailer fenders for table space. Casual – absolutely. After lunch it was back west to the CR407 crossing and decision time. All five wanted to go back to the parking lot and then if anyone wanted to ride some more, they could go west on Pine Ridge for a while and return or I would meet them and haul the bikes back. When they didn’t pull in shortly behind me, I knew they were going west on Pine Ridge somewhere. No concern on my part as they had been given Emergency Kits before leaving the first day. In due time they returned with the story of what happened. Bob leads most of the time and got lost on missing a turn. More laughs of course.
Friday 10/1
Headed out to ride the Sandtown Loop. After servicing air filters it was off CW. At the first scheduled crossing, they were happy as clams, averaging about 10MPH and really liking the trail. The next stop for me was to be their lunch break. I lost time going through a logging area and getting hung up in some loose sand at a corner. After checking the time, and looking for tracks I decided I was now the chaser. At the next crossing there were definite marks in the roadway, like a 360 spin. It was the same for the next three crossings. Nothing left to do now but try to beat them back to the lot. This I did manage because they found McAlpine Pond and took a nice break. It was a late lunch but no one was mad or upset with me. They were pleased with the ride and said this was the best trail of all. All kinds of variety, turns and uphills, challenging and technical. A keeper for sure.

For my part, I enjoyed being on the other side and the challenge of finding ‘roads’ and being a helper. During my waiting time I did some writing and resting. At one place on a hill in the sun, I was so relaxed a crow was circling overhead checking out his next meal.

As for what took place after the riding for the day was done, the rib got a work out with the almost constant laughs. All I’m saying is Red’z Wolf Inn, bear hunters, ketchup, ice cream, Jack Daniels and Coke.

Looking ahead for the Spring 2005 Edition.

Young Ted


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Dec 2, 2003
Sounds like you had a blast Ted.

I am glad you got that video and were able to watch it.

I actually still have the letters you made. I used them as a template to make letters outta a fake sticky sheet of carbon fiber. They look trick. I just gotta retrace out a "P" and all is good.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
WOW Ted - looks like you and "the boys" had a RIOT up there!! It is also VERY apparent that you dont need a bike under you to maintain a GREAT spirit of adventure!! It is obvious from looking at the pic that chasing those Rendevous Rascals around totally agreed with your physical conditioning!!
Hey guys get this one, I wandered out to the mailbox yesterday and was surprised with the lettering for my "new" bike BLIPY (Blue LIttle PiggY). It is certain now that Ted's head was protected fully by his open face hat during his recent fall and that all the grey matter is still functioning properly - he is himself and still completely capable of "not missing any Rascallion tricks". A REALLY good sign that things are getting back to full abnormality :laugh:
We miss you Timer!!


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Sep 1, 2003
Tuesday, the 12th, was a 'take care of out of town things' day. One of the things loaded in the van was a pointed shovel, as I intended to pay a visit to the Bone Breaker log. After arriving at the area where I thought it should be, it wasn't the right place. While looking at the map, a pickup stops and I hear one of Woodsy's favorite words - lost? The driver wasn't much help and I had to give up on any further looking due to lack of time. Guess I'll have to find out from Lt. Randy where we were. As an enduro rider, I don't give up easily, and that log has a place reserved for it.

Woodsy - Yes, the noggin is doing fine and far from suffering. Best you also keep yours in top form. Enough said for now.

Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
The latest on the bone breaking log is that it was a root instead. I was support crew for the Monday Riders, last Monday of course, and made it to the approximate location of my fall. It was dark and the area has seen logging equipment recently, so we weren't able to actually find the root. I'll have to take pictures with me next time and try to match up background trees.
My healing is in fine shape as I'm back to all regular activities but still at only 90 to 95 % speed. Actual event riding starts Saturday in Oklahoma at the Reunion Ride. It will be on the conservative side, for a while anyway.
Woodsy will probably report on the rest of Mondays activities on his situation thread.

Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
ISDT Reunion Ride

We returned from Tulsa last night and here is a short report of the event. The location was the 30,000 plus acre Zink Ranch north of Tulsa where the '94 ISDE was held. The trails used were not the tougher ones used in '94, but the grass track for the motocross was. Had I known the trails would be that easy, the knobbies would have been put on the van. I used 4th and 5th so much, I was stopping at the neutral between 2nd and 3rd. This created a stall at the start of two special tests and extra points lost. No big deal as I was feeling comfortable with no indication of broken bone problems. We covered about 47 miles on Saturday and 33 on Sunday, the same ones again. I was in a class with nine others, got a bronze medal and was not the last one either. The Senior Enduro Team from Germany presented me with a t-shirt for being the oldest competitor.
The banquet on Saturday night is considered the highlight of the event and it is a riot of sorts. Besides special awards there are stories and what have you that keep things lively and far from boring. It is simply a fine weekend among old friends and bikes. Next years Reunion Ride will be in north central Arkansas and I'll start plugging the '06 ride now. I have been working to have it in Michigan as it will be the 50th anniversary of Leroy Winters winning the Jack Pine. As of now only six day vets can ride modern bikes and the rest have to be '84 or latter I believe. So if you have an old bike sitting around, get it ready and "Lets Ride".

Young Ted


Sep 1, 2003
I set out with picture, shovel and saw,
To give the bone breaker shock and awe.
The picture confirmed the place,
Where the culprit hid its face.

I tried the best I could,
To find that piece of wood.
It was nowhere to be seen,
Even though the eyes were keen.

It wasn’t where it should have been,
This was one I didn’t win.
There are no more questions to fend,
So this saga is at the end.

My thanks to all,
Young Ted

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