
Jul 20, 2001
I was reading last months issue of dirt rider and I found something very interesting, it was in the article about the designers of the sport (motorcross). One of the designers of the tech 8 said something about one of the top ten coolest things to come out of motorcross is/will be the tech 10s. I emailed alpinestars and (of course) they said they are having too much success to release a new line. I know they wouldn't say anything, but maybe one of you might know something about it? I just don't want to replace my boots (tech 8) with new ones and come January the 10s are out. Tell me what you think?:think


Jun 12, 2000
I visited Alpinestars US HQs in Torrance recently. I'm very impressed with this company and its staff. They replaced a pair of two week old boots (Vectors) with my choice of another product because I didn't like them.

Anyway, the word on Tech 10s is not a denial, but not a confirmation either. More of a "we're always working to improve things and in the next year or so, something new may be out".
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