
Mar 22, 2003
Anyone had one of these? I went down on a not-so-friendly large piece of flat rock at a good bit of speed last Thursday (8 days ago). Knee/shin guard had a nice gouge in it and absorbed most of the impact. My poor knee cap took the rest, and has been extremely painful for the last week. However, there was minimal swelling and bruising, and sharp pain when extending my leg (as when standing on the pegs or getting up to walk) in one particular spot on the inner portion of the knee cap. Also still pretty painful to the touch. Is it possible that I cracked or chipped the bone? Do I need to have an x-ray done? Shouldn't it be better by now? Thanks for the input (with good news hopefully)!


Nov 4, 2000
Agree with the other posts.
You might have bruised the knee cap, or fractured it? You never know. I broke mine once, but it was quite a bit more obvious than than the description of your injury. ( mine was in 3 separate pieces) Good luck.

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