How many gave up riding when they started a family?


Nov 26, 2000
I've been riding dirt bikes since I was a kid, and riding a road bike (albeit a 250) for the last 7 years. I've had a few close calls over my time on my road bike, but never had an accident. But on Monday I came closer than ever. I was on my way to work and had a car pull out of a side street attempting to cross about four lanes of traffic whilst I took off from a set of traffic lights. We were on a collision course and as I squeezed past, I looked down at the car. I swear the bumper bar was only two feet away from taking out my back wheel.

My wifes expecting to give birth to our first child in 2 weeks, and I found this close encounter playing on my mind. I probably would have kept riding, but when I told my wife about the it and then saw the tears well up in her eyes I decided to leave the road bike in the garage and start catching the train to work for a while.

I'm still going to ride my dirtbike, but I'll just play it safe for a while.

Anyone else make the decision to give up bikes when they started to have a family?


Feb 19, 2002
It wasn't a decision process, more of a lack of time for my activities versus family stuff. Golf was another one that went by the wayside. Our first child was born in 91, second in 97, got back on the dirtbike in 2002. Now I have more time for riding and basically decided golf could wait til later. You will have to set your own priorities once the big day arrives. I was glad to spend the time with my family. I dislocated my shoulder playing hockey when my daughter, our first child, was 1 month old. I wasn't able to hold or pick her up for a while. Hurt worse than the injury.
This year I rode the day before father's day and the first half of the day was all out speed, no concern for body. The second half I began to think about how bummed the kids would be if I was laid up for Father's day and slowed down quite a bit. Get ready for some changes but its all good. Fatherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me.


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
"You will have to set your own priorities once the big day arrives."

That says it all. I've got a 2 1/2 yr old and a 6 month old along with a great wife who would never suggest that I pear down my hobbies. That being said, you'll find the ways you want to spend your time changing once the kids arrive. I haven't been on a street bike in a few years and also gave up golf. Golf b/c I'll never devote the time it would take for me to be any better at it and the street bikes b/c of the risk/reward involved.

Still have dirtbikes and ride pretty much as often as I'd like. My wife says I'm a lot less likely to get runover by a truck on the track than on a streetbike so she doesn't mind. Maybe she hasn't seen me ride in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!! I find myself choosing to stay home with the family more than family obligations stop me from riding. Do Dirtweek every year, hang out with riding buddies when I can, spend time working in the garage, its a balance you'll have to find for youself.


Oct 3, 2002
Having kids sure has slowed my street riding down both in the literal and figurative ways. When the Third came along, I quit doing speed trials.

On the other hand... When I got my oldest a mini bike, he needed a riding partner so I got back into dirtbikes. :)

For every yin there is a yang.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Had pretty much the same thing happen to me about a month before our son was born. Went out for a Sunday morning ride and was almost hit on 3 yes THREE seperate occasions within 2.5 hours. I don't know if it was people with splley eyes from a hard Saturday night or folks rushing to church but I pretty much decided that was it for the street bike. I got in to little British sports cars which allowed me to still have some wind in the hair plus something to tinker with in the garage during nap time. I also slowed down in the dirt because it's more fun to be able to be a dad that is involved than a dad that burns his vacation time laid up. Heck we don't ride near as much as I'd like to but it's not all about what I want to do, I'm happy my son enjoys riding but he also like other things like soccer & golf so he plays golf with mom and soccer is his thing without us (except on the sidelines).

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
My riding time has been cut way down (at least 80% reduction) since we started having kids (daughter almost 3 years old and son is 15 months). With two little ones, I can totally understand why people give up riding when the kids are young. Your family is relying on you for everything, and there will always be more you can do for/with them.

Bottom line is daddy's hobbies are going to drop way down on the priority list. But its OK because being a good dad is one of the few things that is more satisfying than dirt biking!

Hang on to the bikes if you can - if you are like me it is in your blood, so it really is just about impossible to quit.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
I can understand being concerned with street bike riding, unless of course you have a hefty life insurance policy.
Now riding dirtbikes. Although I can't ride as much as I used to pre-baby(9mo old), I still "tell" my wife that if I don't go riding at least once a month, my stress level would begin to harm my mental health. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, & dirtbiking, and I find these hobbies essential for my peace of mind.

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
I gave up street biking for the reasons we all know a long time ago. My dirt bikes got lots of dust when the kids were small and then again when they were into all sorts of other sports and away at schools. Now my son rides street bikes, but my grandson is almost old enough for a dirt bike! I get in more riding time now with all the kids gone than any time since before I got married!! Ride on and never quit the dirt!


Mar 29, 2002
kelsorat said:
I still "tell" my wife that if I don't go riding at least once a month, my stress level would begin to harm my mental health.
Lol, I don't even need to "tell" my wife anything. She can always "see" it happening.


Apr 2, 2004
Most of my riding buddies who have gotten married w/ children still ride.... They just take it down several notches from how crazy single guys like myself ride....

- BA


Nov 26, 2000
I'm still riding, just not on the road. As a matter of fact I had a race meet on last Sunday and I raced as hard as I normally do (ie I race to win - not that I did :| ).

It was an awesome day, though a seal blew in one of my shocks after race number two. That hindered me a little in the following two races.

I'm confident of my ability on and off road. I'm just not as confident of the ability of others on the road.


Nov 5, 2001
oh crap, i shouldnt have read this....but, my wife and her family allways tell me that when she was born (we are talking days old here) they would go down to the beach with my father-in-law and watch him surfing, so i guess i will have to explain that if we have any kids then they are coming to the races!!!!!


Jan 5, 2002
My wife and I are adopting. I ride street and dirt, but am about to put my crotch rocket up for sale within the next couple of months. Like I tell her, I love motorcycles, but my heart is in the dirt. I'd give up my streetbike in a heartbeat to help the family....but she'll have to pry my CRF out of my cold dead hands! We can still afford it fortunately, so it shouldn't come to that! Besides, when we get our 10 year old we may have to add another dirtbike to the stable!

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