New CR500, Need Some Advice, Starting, etc.


Jan 22, 2008
This past Friday might I bought what has to be the cleanest, lowest miles 1997 CR500 ever. This thing looks like it has never been dirty much less never been on it's side, it doesnt have any scrapes or scratches on it anywhere. My problem: I can't get it started. When I bought it, the owner fired it up one kick, and yes, it was previously cold. He was 6' 4" and about 250 lbs. , I an 5' 8"+ and maybe 185 lbs. It has gas, I smell it when priming and I checked the spark (good) and viability of the kill switch because I brought it home in a two hour rain storm. There has got to be a technique trick! It doesn't have a kick stand which limits my throw somewhat . . . I tried the kick it a few times with the choke on (up) and the kill switch in and the short stokes at the last 4 inches or travel thing. I haven't really commited to a full on stomp through the full stroke as I remember not walking for three months (seriously!) after my '74 Kawi Triple damn near kicked-back and through me off, Maybe it because my boots are in the shop and I am wearing only work boots? Would a kick stand give me the leverage/practice to get the drill down or??? My '70 Maico 504 had a compression release which I remember helped with the problem.

Also, what are the top 10 things I need to know about them? ie:
- Shift pattern?
- Oil changes/type?
- Synthetic Red Line pre-mix ratio?

Anyone got a line on a kick starter leg that attaches to the swing arm with three bolts?


Jan 9, 2005
Fresh gas mixed at 32:1 with a petroleum base oil or 40:1 with a synthetic will be fine. A fresh plug, I run a BP8ES on the 500 per Eric Gorr's recommendation.

If you have stock jetting they come a bit fat...

Consider dropping the pilot and the main one size and set the air screw out 1.5 turns. Those jets are a baseline recommendation for 1000 feet, yours may be different. Once all is set and your ready try this.

1. Gas on.
2. Choke on.
3. Two slooow kicks to get the suction started.
4. Kick it slow to find the hard spot, compression stroke.
5. Let up on the kick lever to get a full stroke.
6. Give it a good full kick, should light off. :laugh:

Mine starts in one or two kicks every time, been riding 500's since 1988...


Jan 22, 2008
Thanks Guys, I got the bike from a used car dealer who took it in on a trade . . . therefore, no documentation. I have so many different two-wheeled projects all with different shift patterns, I put 5U or 1D 4U, etc on a little label maker sticky on the clutch-side bar so I can remember which way is faster-slower. No sh*t. Any kick stands legs out there?


May 22, 2000
How about standing on a bike stand with your left leg and kicking with the right one? This would work in the garage atleast to let you know she will indeed fire. Oh and DEFINATELY wear your boots.


May 22, 2000
Just the stand that you put a bike on when its not being ridden. I've even seen people use 5 gallon buckets. The bike is rested on top of it by placing the stand underneath the engine craddle.

Here is an example.


  • BBR-03-minibikestand.jpg
    10.8 KB · Views: 430


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Don't even bother trying to start it. It's definitely broken beyond repair. I'll be nice and take it off your hands for a small fee :)


Jan 22, 2008
Ha Ha Papa, I think I'll try and drum up a kickstand first. I'll try fire her again Wednesday when I get my highpoints back from re-soling.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Okey dokey, but my offer stands if you get sick of kicking. Heck, y'know what? I'm feeling generous today. I'll even wave the removal fee. . . just for you ;).


Sep 13, 2006
OK here is the proper procedure for starting a cr500. This is a PROVEN method. I have owned a CR500 since 1989.
1. Lean the bike over until gas runs out the carb overflow.
2. Choke on
3. Put the bike in gear. 2nd works best. Rock the bike back and forth aggressively pushing the piston up and down.(Not over, just back and forth)
4. Bring the piston up to Top Dead Center.
5. Kick it like you mean it. Starts first kick everytime.

As far as jetting. Leave the stock jetting just where it is until you get some time on the motor and set your jetting by the plug color. I have found the the stock jetting is usually very close. I live in Michigan and we are at 800 or so feet above sea level.
Oil is a personal choice. I use Klotz R50 mixed with 1 gallon of race gas 4 gallons of Unleaded Premium. I have replaced 2 pistons this year because of ethanol laced in our gas here in Michigan. The race gas helps slow the burn down that the ethanol speeds up. (Otherwise known as detonation. Not enough to hear but enough that the top of the piston is smashed down on to the top ring.) I use 12.8 oz of oil to the gas mix.
This should make the motor very happy. I have and you should get about 4 years of tough riding per set of rings.

WELCOME to the BIG BOYS RIDING CLUB. Congratulations on making a fine purchase. You wouldn't be disappointed.


Jan 9, 2005
BRUNO670's opinions are fine and may be right for you depending on your weather conditions. You will find several opinions from several riders. Consider them all and do what works for you. His fuel oil ratio is 40:1 and that is what I use too. I ran Klotz R50 for several years, it's a good oil. Currently I use Amsoil Dominator in the same ratio. Yamalube-R 32:1 is a good choice if you cant find the others. Pick one and stick with it.

I ride in hot weather and the jetting is to rich for me. The only bike that I have ever owned that was spot on was a 2002 YZ250. All four of my CR500's have been to rich in my racing areas, Texas, Arizona, California. Generally bikes are jetted rich to preserve the motor from the factory unless your riding in a standard conditions, 29.92, 59F and sea level. If they set them up perfect for summer riding in Arizona everyone will be trashing their engines in Canada.

As far as the kick stand goes, PLEASE DON'T KILL YOUR SELF. I saw a guy crash on a enduro style of bike that he was racing on a MX track one day and the kick stand stuck in his hip. You will ride fast and you will crash so consider the stand.


Jan 22, 2008
Bruno: Thanks for your input, no disrespect intended, but don't you think the carb overflow thing speaks about a problem with your bike rather than an accepted procedure for all CR's?

The previous owner assured me that the CR never kicked back on him so when my boots come back Wed, I'll just man-up and stomp that thing HARD a couple of times.


Jan 9, 2005
There is actually a video on the Service Honda site about leaning over and dumping fuel. Personally I think it's dumb but if it works for some what the hell...


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I wish someone had a video of AJ's patented double kick, in one fell swoop. Truly amazing to behold. If your plug is wet and you are not turning the throttle, then bet the pilot is fat. 97, change the float valve and for the heck of it check the float height. After you run it, check the plug for temperature. I am of the opinion that laying the bike over is ridiculous, a pain in the back and I am pretty sure that I could fix that. Sad part is, I have started bikes like that myself, in the past. I hate fussy 500's! An overweight friend comes in handy, except for feeding them. I weigh 165 and have big issues trying to start ill running big bores. The kickstand is a terrible and likely to brake idea. Jetted properly and decent technique. Well, of curse the engine needs to be in order, and the reeds, air filter, timing and on and on.


Jan 22, 2008
Does anyone know if 1997 CR500's came with side stands? The micro fiches I have seen only show the trangle plugged into the center of the axle kind. Mine has a nice aluminum 3-bolt fitting . . . just no stand leg?


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
The only mounting holes that I can think of that would be on the swingarm would be for the chain slider. Of course someone could have made modifications to the swingarm.


Sep 13, 2006
35 Years I have spent as a Mechanic, 19 Years owning and RACING a CR500. If you don't believe me on how to start a CR500 go to "seeare500ridersdotcom and ask them. Or do you already know the answer to the question you ask. Or are you one of those people who come in to ask a legitimate question just to see what kind of stupid responses you can get. I came into this thread trying to help someone with a real problem, but I guess that you don't really have one. My wife does the same thing , ask a question not expecting a real answer just to have someone listen to her. Good luck with your bike and don't expect any solutions here.

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