Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
After a few months of For Sale threads on various dirtbike forums, including my favorite KTM250rfs has sold today. A deposit was made to keep the bike until it can be picked up and paid in full next week. As I sit and gaze at my lovely, faithful steed, a flood of fond memories prevail:

The first time I laid eyes on you, it was in a picture that Motohead00 had posted. I didn't even know Motohead00 (Now "Moteaux"), but I knew when I met him at Dirtweek '02, I was gonna talk him into letting me take you for a spin. Sure enough, I raced you in the Poker Run and fell in love from that moment on. It was only a matter of time before Moteaux caved in and sold you to me. It was all I could do to keep FC22 and GoSpeedRacer off of you! :pissed:

SFO and FePrincess hauled you back to California where you were later decorated with a Green Sticker and made yourself at home in the woods and trails of District 36. There was another bike in the garage (A red one, with NO magic button! :| ) that would soon depart....there was only room for one bike anyway. I remember smiling everytime I walked past you in the garage...the fresh aroma of Simple Green wafting in the air around you, fresh from your power washing.

I wanted to spoil you with new goodies on a regular basis! Stainless Steel oil filters! New radiator guards! Ascerbis bark busters! M12's! New plastic! New graphics! Dang, you looked so GOOD!

And then there were those long road trips where we bonded even more so...Oregon, Oklahoma, were with me all the way! Okay, well, Farmer John took care of you on the trip to Oklahoma, and Velosapiens took care of you on the trip to Washington. Sometimes, Mama's gotta fly, okay? Those were the good times. We met so many people on those road trips and always had fun. I was always proud of your performances.

We pulled our first 24 hour race together....we did our first Night Ride together, we rode in snow together for the first time...TOGETHER! And you never let me down....okay, well there were a few times you weren't feeling your best....valves too tight....jetting all wrong. Wasn't your fault! Got that fixed, and all was right again!

We celebrated with a new Moto Jack Rack in 2003. And we took a few offroad classes together and did some amazing things; Dave Wood led us down Trail 6 at Forresthill - we don't need to go THERE again, but it was fun all the same. We took a motocross class with Debbie Mathews and we did our first jump together, okay it was small and lame, but its still the futhest jump I've done to date and I will never forget you for that! When Quick Mick rode you, you could do amazing things, like wheelies, stoppies, and brake slides, so I always knew you had it in you!

And of course there were the first big crashes; we stacked it up during the Wild Piglet Enduro and I couldn't ride you for a while because of the torn rotator. And then there was the broken humerus in Reno...again, no riding for a while...and all those permanent hematomas on my shins from the foot pegs...okay, well we don't have to talk about all that. Afterall, you sustained your fair share of rocks, casings, broken levers, seat tears, and scrapes. Whew!

I guess it was around the time of healing up from the broken arm that I somehow stumbled on the 400. You see, it wasn't YOU, I just needed.....more. When I brought the 400 home and there you were, parked in the garage, I felt so....guilty. I still loved you, but I found it hard not to fawn all over the new baby. Pretty soon, you were coughing up spare parts for the 400, just like a dutiful sibling would. Afterall, you had the same size frame and interchangable parts.... :debil:

When it came time for the Kennedy Meadows ride over 4th of July in 2004, I was so happy to be bringing you along! Speedy was in need of a loaner bike....and you came through!!! We were all a big happy family, driving with Farmer John to Kennedy Meadows!! You, me and the 400. Ahhh, familial bliss. You had a little jetting trouble on that trip...and Speedy dissed you for Kiwi's GasGas, but Mr. Luckey took you for a spin nonetheless!

By August, you took your place in storage in the back of the garaged Silverado. Bratt's YZ250F, your partner in quiet solitude while she was away in Australia. You looked like school chums in your orange and blue attire. Opposing teams on the field, but friends on the bench as you sat out the races over the next few months.

By the time the 24 Hour race up in Washington came around, I knew I was going to take the 400. A few people who remembered you from last year asked for you and I sheepishly admited that I had put you up for adoption.

And now, we arrive at today. A nice guy from Placerville called about you and emailed for pictures of you. I sent him the one of you and I after our first race together. Me with the big smile and you with the minute number. "60C". Its still my favorite picture of you!

I knew it was time to pull you off your dusty perch from the back of the Silverado and place you in your righful place on the bike stand, front and center. You would at least spend your last weeks at home tall and proud. I packed your suitcase with things you would need; Your spare sprocket and triple clamps. Your owners manual and new graphics. Your new shrouds and new clutch lever to replace the ones that were scuffed or broken. :(

Well good friend, we will be parting ways soon. I hope your new owner takes good care of you. You've been a great bike, and you'll always have a place in my heart. :worship:

Love, Me.


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May 23, 2004
:( sad but happy story. Memories are priceless. Good luck parting w/ your bike. I hope the new owner has just as many good times w/ the bike as you did.

p.s. did you ever name that bike or is that just something silly that I do? :)


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
Wow. I feel the same way about my katoom. It is sad to see them go...


Sep 20, 2000
Wow you didn't feel the same about the XR, just because of no E-button. :( So the XR had a habit of not starting once returned to the upright position. Yes it was tempermental in the morning, or after sitting for more than 5 minutes, it was a great bike. To dis it because it was missing a button. :|

You are going to love starting the Montesa while standing in the middle of a creek. :)


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Jonala said:
Wow you didn't feel the same about the XR, just because of no E-button. :( So the XR had a habit of not starting once returned to the upright position. Yes it was tempermental in the morning, or after sitting for more than 5 minutes, it was a great bike. To dis it because it was missing a button. :|

Well, I really LOVED the XR when you were riding sweep, John. I knew you'd eventually get it started ;)


Mar 18, 2002
nicely written nat. i remember when i sold my klr650 (after i got my 300exc). after 25,000 miles, including trips to lapaz and moab, i had really grown to love that bike. i met the guy at the market a mile from home took the cash and walked home. i cried the whole way. what a sissy, huh? thank goodness my garage is bigger now.



Sep 11, 2004
Wow, that was a good read. :( I hope your new ride treats you just as well. :cool:


"Am I lost again?"
Apr 28, 2002
Ah...Memories... I so know that feeling of guilt when the 'new' bike arrives and is parked next to it's sibling. Then to see the bike riding away in the back of someone elses truck to never be seen again kinda gets me all choked up. Boy, I am such a dirtbike dork! :ride: My current KX will have a similair fate at the end of 2005, except he'll be retired to the back of the garage permantly. I have become so attached to my lil'green one through all of the adventures and traveling that there is just too much sentimental value to sell. I've thought about it but then I realize how upset (kick'in my own rear) I'd be after the fact. He'll be retired with dignity wearing the same graphics and gear that he arrived with in brazil (his shining moment, not mine).

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000

I have never felt any of these feelings for my old bikes.
Sometimes quite the oposite.
When I brought the CR home the Cannodale was not only removed frome my favorite stand, it was parked outside. No blanky. No stand. just leaned against the grape arbor & left to rest for a week or two.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
velosapiens said:
thank goodness my garage is bigger now.

This is the answer!

Nice read Natty :cool: I remember when she (all bikes are she) was the love of your life. Those of us at DW '02 watched the love bloom between the two of you. We watched you beg Moteaux, we watched him cave ... I have photos ... :rotfl:

I still own all the bikes I have ever purchased. I have only been with five so far (wow, I can still count them on one hand :ohmy: ) ...

The DRN Dream Shop gets started this spring to allow me space for restoring the oldest two.

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